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Showing 181-210 of 997
Journal Article
Barragán V, Luis.
¿Cuánto es el premio al salario por pertenecer a un sindicato en el Ecuador?: Un análisis usando propensity score matching
Revista Tecnológica ESPOL 19, no. 1 (2006): 217-224.
Journal Article
Maluccio, John, Reynaldo Martorell, and Luis F Ramirez.
Household expenditures and wealth among young Guatemalan adults
The Human Capital 2002--04 Study in Guatemala: A Follow-up to the INCAP Longitudinal Study 1969--77 26, no. 2 Supplement 1 (2005): 110.
Conference Paper
Bouillon, César P, and Luis Tejerina.
A systematic review of impact evaluations of social programs in Latin America and the Caribbean
IDB Annual Meeting.
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, April 1, 2006.
Journal Article
Andrade, Laura Helena, Maria Carmen Viana, Luis Fernando Farah Tófoli, and Yuan-Pang Wang.
Influence of psychiatric morbidity and sociodemographic determinants on use of service in a catchment area in the city of São Paulo, Brazil*
(2008) Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Working Paper
Rungo, Paolo, Berta Rivera, and Luis Currais.
Health status and income mobility: an empirical analysis
Journal Article
Rutenberg, Naomi, Luis H Ochoa, and Jose M Arruda.
The proximate determinants of low fertility in Brazil
International Family Planning Perspectives 13, no. 3 (1987): 75-80.
Journal Article
Guarnizo, Luis Edouardo.
The emergence of a transnational social formation and the mirage of return migration among Dominican transmigrants
Identities Global Studies in Culture and Power 4, no. 2 (1997): 281-322.
Working Paper
Forero, Nohora, and Luis Fernando Gamboa.
Fertility and schooling: How this relation changed between 1995 and 2005 in Colombia
(2009) Documentos de Trabajo, Facultad de Economía, Universidad del Rosario, No. 40 .
Working Paper
Forero, Nohora, and Luis Fernando Gamboa.
Demand of children in Colombia: guessing or planning
(2009) SSRN Documentos de Trabajo, Facultad de Economía, Universidad del Rosario, No. 74 .
Castillo, Ricardo Mora, and Luis Rosero Bixby.
Equidad y salud materno-infantil en Guatemala, 1987 y 1999
: Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud, 2001.
Working Paper
Xenos, Peter, Sulistinah Achmad, Harvey Lin, Ping- Keung Luis, Chai Podhisita, Corazon Raymundo, and Shyam Thapa.
Surveying adolescent sexuality: The Asian experience
East-West Center 108, no. 3 (2001).
Journal Article
Shelton, James D, Luis Bradshaw, Babar Hussein, Zeba Zubair, T Drexler, and M R McKenna.
Putting unmet need to the test: community-based distribution of family planning in Pakistan
(1999) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Huicho, Luis, Miguel Davila, Fernando Gonzales, Christopher Drasbek, Jennifer Bryce, and Cesar Victora.
Implementation of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness strategy in Peru and its association with health indicators: an ecological analysis
Health Policy and Planning 20, no. suppl 1 (2005): i32-i41.
Journal Article
Huicho, Luis, Miguel Dávila, Miguel Campos, Christopher Drasbek, Jennifer Bryce, and Cesar G Victora.
Scaling up integrated management of childhood illness to the national level: achievements and challenges in Peru
Health Policy and Planning 20, no. 1 (2005): 14-24.
Journal Article
Novella, Rafael, Laura Ripani, Maria Soto, and Luis Tejerina.
Trading places: A decade of earnings mobility in Chile and Nicaragua
Journal Article
Lopez-Calva, Luis F, and Eduard Ortiz-Juarez.
A household-based distribution-sensitive human development index: an empirical application to Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru
(2011) Social Indicators Research.
Journal Article
Crouch, Luis, and Penny Vinjevold.
South Africa: Access before quality, and what to do now?
Profesorado: Revista de curriculum y formación del profesorado 10, no. 1 (2006): 0-0.
Thesis or Dissertation
Castillo Patarroyo, Luis Carlos, and Nicolás Cerquera Bravo.
Diseño de sistema logístico de transporte para la recolección de materiales reciclados en la localidad de Engativá con la empresa Compapeles Milenium
Universidad Libre, 2012.
Working Paper
Carli, Francesco, Luis Orezzoli, and Raül Santaeulàlia-Llopis.
Household-Level Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Empirical Analysis Using Cross-Sectional and Panel Data
Working Paper
Soberón, Luis A, and Gabriela K Stöckli.
?La educación rural en el Perú en cifras
(2010) Foro Educativo–Noviembre 2010.
Journal Article
Wilson, Luis, Aníbal Velásquez, and Carlos Ponce.
La Ley Marco de Aseguramiento Universal en Salud en el Perú: análisis de beneficios y sistematización del proceso desde su concepción hasta su promulgación
Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública 26, no. 2 (2009): 207-217.
Journal Article
Shimabuku, Roberto, Luis Huicho, Danitza Fernández, Graciela Nakachi, Ruth Maldonado, and Armando Barrientos.
Niveles de insatisfacción del usuario externo en el Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño de Lima, Perú
Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica 29, no. 4 (2012): 483-489.
Journal Article
Muñoz, Edinson, Jorge Espinoza, and Luis Rivera.
Un sistema basado en redes neuronales artificiales para diagnóstico de anemia ferropénica
Revista De Investigación De Sistemas E Informática 9, no. 1 (2012): 35-43.
Journal Article
Bobadilla, Renato, Jaime Calzado, Iris Luzuriaga, and Luis Arteaga.
Ética en el control perinatal en relación a mortalidad materna en el Perú, 2007
Revista ANACEM 6, no. 1 (2012): 23-28.
Journal Article
Miranda, Jaime, Francisco Diez-Canseco, Claudia Lema, Andrés G Lescano, Mylene Lagarde, Duane Blaauw, and Luis Huicho.
Stated Preferences of Doctors for Choosing a Job in Rural Areas of Peru: A Discrete Choice Experiment
PLoS ONE 7, no. 12 (2012): 0-0.
Journal Article
Wong, Luis, Esmeralda Wong, and Yanet Husares.
Mortalidad materna en la Dirección Regional de Salud Ancash
Revista Peruana de Ginecologia y Obstetricia 57, no. 4 (2011): 237-241.
Journal Article
Huicho, Luis, Francisco Díez Canseco, Claudia Lema, Jaime J Miranda, and Andrés G Lescano.
Incentivos para atraer y retener personal de salud de zonas rurales del Perú: un estudio cualitativo
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 28, no. 4 (2012): 729-739.
Journal Article
Huicho, Luis, Miguel Dàvila, Fernando Gonzales, Christopher Drasbek, Jennifer Bryce, and Cesar G Victora.
Expansión de la atención integrada a las enfermedades prevalentes de la infancia en el Perú y su asociación con indicadores de salud
Anales de la Facultad de Medicina 66, no. 4 (2005).
Journal Article
Victora, CG, Luis Huicho, JJ Amaral, J Armstrong-Schellenberg, Fatuma Manzi, Elizabeth Mason, and Robert Scherpbier.
Are health interventions implemented where they are most needed? District uptake of the integrated management of childhood illness strategy in Brazil, Peru and the United Republic of Tanzania
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 84, no. 10 (2006): 792-801.
Journal Article
Calderon, Jully, and Luis Alzamora de los Godos.
Influencia de las relaciones familiares sobre el aborto provocado en adolescentes
Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica 23, no. 4 (2006): 247-252.
Showing 181-210 of 997