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Showing 301-330 of 784
Thesis or Dissertation
Jota S, Olguita Pablo.
Giardia sp. en caninos y niños de comunidades campesinas de tres distritos de Puno
Título profesional de Médico Veterinario, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Janssen, Pablo.
Developing’the Batwa of Burundi: On Diverging Perspectives and the Worldview of the ‘other’
Master of Science, University of Ghent, Gent, Belgium, 2015.
Journal Article
Brink, Andreas B, Javier Martinez-Lopez, Zoltan Szantoi, Pablo Moreno-Atencia, Andrea Lupi, Lucy Bastin, and Gregoire Dubois.
Indicators for Assessing Habitat Values and Pressures for Protected Areas—An Integrated Habitat and Land Cover Change Approach for the Udzungwa Mountains National Park in Tanzania
Remote Sensing 8, no. 10 (2016): 862.
Journal Article
Amaya, Pablo.
Una evaluación de las oportunidades humanas en El Salvador
Entorno , no. 62 (2016).
Journal Article
Rodríguez, Jorge M, Fredy A Camelo, and Pablo E Chaparro.
Seguridad vial en Colombia en la década de la seguridad vial: resultados parciales 2010-2015/ Road safety in Colombia on the decade of action for road safety: preliminary results 2010-2015
Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Salud 49, no. 2 (2017): 280-289.
Journal Article
Gaitán-Rossi, Pablo, and Ce Shen.
Fear of Crime in Mexico: The Impacts of Municipality Characteristics
(2016) Social Indicators Research.
Journal Article
Martinez-Martinez, Oscar A, Ana-Maria Vazquez-Rodriguez, Margaret Lombe, and Pablo Gaitan-Rossi.
Incorporating Public Insecurity Indicators: A New Approach to Measuring Social Welfare in Mexico
(2017) Social Indicators Research.
Journal Article
Velasco, Araceli U, and Pablo Chauca M Malásquez.
Reflexiones en torno a la reconceptualización de la seguridad desde la perspectiva del desarrollo y la sustentabilidad
Economia y Sociedad , no. 33 (2016).
Working Paper
Beltrán, Arlette, and Pablo Lavado.
Medición del valor agregado del hogar: nuevos enfoques para el caso peruano
Barco, Arlette B, and Pablo L Padilla.
El impacto del uso del tiempo de las mujeres en el Perú: un recurso escaso y poco valorado en la economía nacional
Lima, Perú: Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática, 2014.
Journal Article
Avilés, Evangelina, Mariana Vázquez, and Pablo Torres.
El impacto del turismo del Parque Nacional De Coiba en la comunidad de Santa Catalina, Panamá
Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias , no. 2334-2501 (2014).
Journal Article
de Laiglesia, Juan R, and Christian Morrisson.
Household Structures and Savings: Evidence from Household Surveys
Vos, Rob, and Juan Ponce.
Fuentes, Juan Alberto, Edgar Balsells, and Gustavo Arriola.
Guatemala: human development progress towards the MDGs at the sub-national level
Journal Article
Saavedra-Chanduvi, Jaime, and Juan Jose Diaz.
Changes in labor earnings dispersion in Peru: the roles of skills and institutions
Journal Article
Gorry, Conner.
Protecting children takes more will than resources: José Juan Ortiz UNICEF representative in Cuba
MEDICC review 12, no. 2 (2010): 10.
Di Tata, Juan Carlos, Matthew Fisher, Praful Patel, and Danny Leipziger.
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Enhanced heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) initiative—preliminary document
Washington, D.C., USA: IMF, 2007.
Journal Article
Schkolnik, Susana, and Juan Chackiel.
Less advanced sectors in the Latin American
(2004) Cepal review.
Working Paper
Guzmán, José Miguel, Juan Manuel Contreras, and Ralph Hakkert.
La situación actual del embarazo y el aborto en la adolescencia en América Latina y el Caribe
(2000) Equipo de Apoyo Técnico del UNFPA para América Latina y el Caribe.
Journal Article
Caruso, Bethany, Rob Stephenson, and Juan S Leon.
Maternal behavior and experience, care access, and agency as determinants of child diarrhea in Bolivia
Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica 28, no. 6 (2010): 429-439.
Journal Article
Guzmán, José Miguel, Jorge Rodríguez, Jorge Martínez, Juan Manuel Contreras, and Daniela González.
The demography of Latin America and the Caribbean since 1950
Population (english edition) 61, no. 5 (2006): 519-620.
Working Paper
Ponce, Juan, and Rob Vos.
Redistribution without structural change in Ecuador
Book Section
Rutstein, Shea O, Anna E Sommerfelt, and Juan Schoemaker.
Child survival programs: Issues for the 1990s
(1990) Who uses maternal and child health services? Evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys.
Journal Article
Chackiel, Juan.
La dinámica demográfica en América Latina
(2004) Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Demografía (CELADE): Serie población y desarrollo.
Journal Article
Arrien B, Juan.
Literacy in Nicaragua
Mills, Bradford, Juan Munoz, David Sahn, and Christopher Scott.
Design of the Romanian integrated household survey
Ithica, USA/New York: Cornell University, 1992.
Cole, Juan.
Ban Ki-moon: surge failing Diyala bridge blown up Mashhadani not going quietly
(2007) Informed Comment.
Gonzales, Patrick, Lisette Partelow, Erin Pahlke, Leslie Jocelyn, David Kastberg, Trevor Williams, and Juan Carlos Guzmán.
Highlights from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2004.
Book Section
Díez-Nicolás, Juan.
Human values and social change: Findings from the values surveys
(2003) Two contradictory hypotheses on globalization: Societal convergence or civilization differentiation and clash.
Journal Article
Bueno Carvajal, Juan Manuel.
Chapinero en la red categorial de los patrones de ocupacióon del suelo urbano
Cuadernos de Vivienda y Urbanismo 7, no. 13 (2014).
Showing 301-330 of 784