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Showing 31-60 of 112
Journal Article
Remera, Eric, Kimberly Boer, Stella M Umuhoza, Bethany L Hedt-Gauthier, Dana R Thomson, Patrick Ndimubanzi, Eugenie Kayirangwa, Salomon Mutsinzi, Alice Bayingana, and Placidie Mugwaneza.
Fertility and HIV following universal access to ART in Rwanda: a cross-sectional analysis of Demographic and Health Survey data
Reproductive Health 14, no. 1 (2017): 40.
Journal Article
Marsh, Kimberly, Mary Mahy, Joshua A Salomon, and Daniel R Hogan.
Assessing and adjusting for differences between HIV prevalence estimates derived from national population-based surveys and antenatal care surveillance, with applications for Spectrum 2013
AIDS (London, England) 28, no. 4 (2014): S497-S505.
Journal Article
Bauch, Julie A, Jessica J Gu, Mwinyi Msellem, Andreas Mårtensson, Abdullah S Ali, Roly Gosling, and Kimberly A Baltzell.
Perception of malaria risk in a setting of reduced malaria transmission: a qualitative study in Zanzibar
Malaria journal 12, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Estella, Zandro T, Racidon P Bernarte, Neah Edil L Beijado, Jezza R Caquioa, Hannah Patricia Dela P Cruz, Janelle Louise G Dimain, Nestor B Genilza Jr, and Kimberly B Rondolo.
Filipino youth employment and engagement in peace and conflict
Asia Pacific Higher Education Research Journal (APHERJ) 2, no. 2 (2015).
Journal Article
Tyler, Kimberly A, Ray Handema, Rachel M Schmitz, Francis Phiri, Charles Wood, and Kristen Olson.
Risk factors for HIV among Zambian street youth
Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services 15, no. 3 (2016): 254-268.
Journal Article
Tan, Kathrine R, Bonnie L Katalenich, Kimberly E Mace, Michael Nambozi, Steve M Taylor, Steven R Meshnick, Ryan E Wiegand, Victor Chalwe, Scott J Filler, and Mulakwa Kamuliwo.
Efficacy of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy, Mansa, Zambia
Malaria Journal 13, no. 1 (2014): 227.
Journal Article
Scott, Linda, Catherine Dolan, Mary Johnstone-Louis, Kimberly Sugden, and Maryalice Wu.
Enterprise and inequality: A study of Avon in South Africa
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 36, no. 3 (2012): 543-568.
Thompson, Dick.
Coordination 2002: Charting progress against AIDS, TB, and malaria
: WHO, 2002.
Journal Article
Adeboyejo, A. Thompson, and I P Onyeonoru.
Residential density and adolescent reproductive health problems in Ibadan, Nigeria
Etude de la Population Africaine 18, no. 1 (2003).
Journal Article
Ruschman, Donald, Randi Thompson, and Tatiana Stafford.
Socialism meets social marketing
(2010) Social marketing for public health: global trends and success stories.
Working Paper
Alghali, A. M, Edward D Turay, Ekundayo J Thompson, and Joseph B Kandeh.
Education in Sierra Leone with Particular Reference to Open and Distance Learning and Information and Communication Technologies
Sultana, Parvin, Paul Thompson, and Mahfuzuddin Ahmed.
Understanding Livelihoods Dependent on Inland Fisheries in Bangladesh and Southeast Asia: Final Technical Report
: WorldFish, 2003.
Petrei, Humberto, Juan Diego Trejos, and Eric Thompson Chacon.
El gasto publico en Costa Rica
Journal Article
Thompson, Amo.
The aggravating trend of traffic collision casualties in Ghana from 2001-2011
(2014) Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies.
Working Paper
Smith Thompson, Robert.
People’s Republic of CHINA
(2006) Asian Development Bank.
Journal Article
Hampden-Thompson, Gillian, and Judith Bennett.
Science Teaching and Learning Activities and Students’ Engagement in Science
International Journal of Science Education 35, no. 8 (2013): 1325-1343.
Journal Article
Leigh, Andrew, and Hector Thompson.
How much of the variation in literacy and numeracy can be explained by school performance?
Economic Round-up , no. 3 (2008).
Journal Article
Thompson, Kimanthi Ali.
Global Supply Chain Management, the Middle East & Culture
Becerra, Martin, Santiago Marino, Guillermo Mastrini, Marius Dragomir, Mark Thompson, Fernando Bermejo, Yuen-Ying Chan, Christian S Nissen, Duvsan Reljic, and Russell Southwood.
Mapping digital media: Argentina
Working Paper
Thompson, Nii Moi, and Leslie Casely-Hayford.
The Financing and Outcomes of Education in Ghana
RECOUP Working Paper , no. 16 (2008).
Journal Article
Thompson, Michael, and Tsovinar L Harutyunyan.
Impact of a community-based integrated management of childhood illnesses (IMCI) programme in Gegharkunik, Armenia
Health policy and planning 24, no. 2 (2009): 101.
Working Paper
Maman, Suzanne, Rebecca Cathcart, Gillian Burkhardt, Serge Omba, Deidre Thompson, and Frieda Behets.
The infant feeding choices and experiences of women living with HIV in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
(2011) Department of Health Behavior and Health Education .
Journal Article
Nhacolo, Ariel Q, Delino A Nhalungo, Charfudin N Sacoor, John J Aponte, Ricardo Thompson, and Pedro Alonso.
Levels and trends of demographic indices in southern rural Mozambique: evidence from demographic surveillance in Manhica district
BMC Public Health 6, no. 291 (2006).
Journal Article
Chaudhry, Theresa Thompson, and Azam Amjad Chaudhry.
The effects of rising food and fuel costs on poverty in Pakistan
(2008) The Lahore Journal of Economics.
Working Paper
Thompson, Keith, and Ingrid Woolard.
Achieving employment equity in the public service: A study of changes between 1995 and 2001
Journal Article
Abdallah, Saamah, Sam Thompson, and Nic Marks.
Estimating worldwide life satisfaction
Ecological Economics 65, no. 1 (2008): 35-47.
Journal Article
Abel, Wendel D, Paul A Bourne, Hayden K Hamil, Eulalee M Thompson, Jacqueline S Martin, Roger C Gibson, and Frederick W Hickling.
A public health and suicide risk in Jamaica from 2002 to 2006
North American journal of medical sciences 1, no. 3 (2009): 142-147.
Journal Article
Sipsma, Heather, Jennifer Thompson, Lydia Maurer, Elizabeth Bradley, and Leslie Curry.
Preferences for home delivery in Ethiopia: Provider perspectives
Global public health 8, no. 9 (2013): 1014-1026.
Thompson, Laura, Jason Agar, and Kadale Consultants.
Access to Housing Finance in Africa: Exploring the Issues (No. 8) Malawi
: Report commissioned by the FinMark Trust with support from Habitat for Humanity. Accessed, 2010.
Journal Article
Ochako, Rhoune, Mwende Mbondo, Stephen Aloo, Susan Kaimenyi, Rachel Thompson, Marleen Temmerman, and Megan Kays.
Barriers to modern contraceptive methods uptake among young women in Kenya: a qualitative study
BMC Public Health 15, no. 1 (2015): 118.
Showing 31-60 of 112