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Conference Paper
Jin, Songqing, Klaus Deininger, and Mona Sur. "Sri Lanka’s Rural Non-farm Economy: Removing Constraints to Pro-poor Growth." American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Providence, Rhode Island, July , 2005.
Journal Article
Akay, Alpaslan, Corrado Giulietti, Juan D Robalino, and Klaus F Zimmermann. "Remittances and well-being among rural-to-urban migrants in China." Review of Economics of the Household 12, no. 3 (2014): 517-546.
Conference Paper
Jin, Songqing, and Klaus Deininger. "Land rental markets in the process of rural structural transformation: Productivity and equity impacts from China." he American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, July 29-August 1, 2007 . 2009.
Working Paper
Ali, Daniel Ayalew, Klaus Deininger, and Niels Kemper. "Pronatal Property Rights over Land and Fertility Outcomes Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Ethiopia." World Bank Policy Research WP , no. 7419 (2015).
Journal Article
Keonouchanh, Soukanh, Istvan Egreszegi, Jozsef Ratky, Bouahom Bounthong, Noboru Manabe, and Klaus-Peter Brüssow. "Native Pig (Moo Lat) Breeds in Lao PDR." (2011) Arch Tierzucht.
Journal Article
Ali, Daniel Ayalew, and Klaus Deininger. "Is There a Farm Size-Productivity Relationship in African Agriculture? Evidence from Rwanda." Land Economics 91, no. 2 (2015): 317-343.
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Journal Article
Glenk, Klaus, Johanna Pavliashvili, and Adriano Profeta. "Preferences for rural credit systems and their impact on the implementation of credit unions in Georgia." Journal of Rural Cooperation 37, no. 1 (2009): 71-87.
Journal Article
Fischer, Hans E, Klaus Klemm, Detlev Leutner, Elke Sumfleth, Rudiger Tiemann, and Joachim Wirth. "Framework for Empirical Research on Science Teaching and Learning." Journal of Science Teacher Education 16, no. 4 (2005): 309-349.
Working Paper
Ali, Daniel Ayalew, Derick Bowen, Klaus Deininger, and Marguerite F Duponchel. "Investigating the gender gap in agricultural productivity: evidence from Uganda." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7262 (2015).
Journal Article
Deininger, Klaus, and John Okidi. "Growth and poverty reduction in Uganda, 1999-2000: Panel data evidence." Development Policy Review 21, no. 4 (2003): 481-509.
Journal Article
Deininger, Klaus. "Causes and consequences of civil strife: micro-level evidence from Uganda." Oxford Economic Papers 55, no. 4 (2003): 579-606.
Journal Article
Lehmann, Hartmut, Alexander Muravyev, and Klaus F Zimmermann. "The Ukrainian longitudinal monitoring survey: towards a better understanding of labor markets in transition." IZA Journal of Labor & Development 1, no. 1 (2012): 9.
Working Paper
Ali, Daniel Ayalew, Klaus Deininger, and Marguerite Duponchel. "Using administrative data to assess the impact and sustainability of Rwanda's land tenure regularization." (2016)
Journal Article
Ali, Daniel A, Klaus Deininger, and Markus Goldstein. "Environmental and gender impacts of land tenure regularization in Africa: Pilot evidence from Rwanda." (2014) Journal of Development Economics.
Journal Article
Bhattarai, Babu R, and Klaus Fischer. "Human - tiger Panthera tigris conflict and its perception in Bardia National Park, Nepal." Oryx 48, no. 4 (2014): 522-528.
Working Paper
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Journal Article
Gerschlauer, Friederike, Michael Dannenmann, Anna Kuhnel, Rudolf Meier, Allison Kolar, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, and Ralf Kiese. "Gross Nitrogen Turnover of Natural and Managed Tropical Ecosystems at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania." Ecosystems 19, no. 7 (2016): 1271-1288.
Journal Article
Nicholson, Kirsten Ngaire, Klaus Neumann, Carolyn Dowling, and Subodh Sharma. "E. coli and Coliform Bacteria as Indicators for Drinking Water Quality and Handling of Drinking Water in the Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal." Environmental Management and Sustainable Development 6, no. 2 (2017): 411-428.
Working Paper
Müller, Katharina. "Poverty and social policy in the Central Asian transition countries." (2003) German Development Institute.
Conference Paper
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Book Section
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
Muller, Colette. "Measuring South Africa's informal sector: An analysis of national household surveys." DPRU Working Paper , no. 03/71 (2003).
Journal Article
Ndugwa, Robert P, Heribert Ramroth, Olaf Müller, Momodou Jasseh, Ali Sié, Bocar Kouyaté, Brian Greenwood, and Heiko Becher. "Comparison of all-cause and malaria-specific mortality from two West African countries with different malaria transmission patterns." Malaria Journal 7, no. 15 (2008).
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