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Showing 661-690 of 7141
Journal Article
Brooks S, Jeremy.
Avoiding the Limits to Growth: Gross National Happiness in Bhutan as a Model for Sustainable Development
Sustainability 5, no. 9 (2013): 3640-3664.
Working Paper
Dorosh, Paul, Getnet Alemu, Alan Brauw, Mehrab Malek, Valerie Mueller, Emily Schmidt, Kibrom Tafere, and James Thurlow.
The Rural-Urban Transformation in Ethiopia
Journal Article
Cuadros, Diego F, and Laith J Abu-Raddad.
Spatial variability in HIV prevalence declines in several countries in sub-Saharan Africa
(2014) Health & place.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sulaiman, Munshi.
Social Protection and Human Capital Accumulation in Developing Countries
PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), 2012.
Journal Article
Lustig, Nora.
Fiscal policy and income redistribution in Latin America: Challenging the conventional wisdom
(2011) Commitment to Equity Initiative, Inter-American Dialogue y Tulane University.
Rahman, Motiur, Noriatsu Matsui, and Yukio Ikemoto.
Dynamics of Poverty in Rural Bangladesh
Japan: Springer, 2013.
Journal Article
Mizrachi, Adela, Olivia Padilla, and William Susuwele-Banda.
Active-learning pedagogies as a reform initiative: The case of Malawi
(2008) Washington, DC: American Institute for Research.
Working Paper
Waidler, Jennifer, Franziska Gassmann, and Melissa Siegel.
Do remittances and social assistance have different impacts on expenditure patterns of recipient households?
Journal Article
Stanton, Cynthia K, Barbara Rawlins, Mary Drake, Matias Anjos, David Cantor, Lidia Chongo, Leonardo Chavane, Maria Luz Vaz, and Jim Ricca.
Measuring coverage in MNCH: Testing the validity of women's self-report of key maternal and newborn health Interventions during the peripartum period in Mozambique
PloS One 8, no. 5 (2013).
Journal Article
Medalla, Felipe M, and Karl R Jandoc.
Philippine GDP growth after the Asian financial crisis: resilient economy or weak statistical system?
Philippine Review of Economics 46, no. 1 (2008).
Journal Article
Ball, Harriet A, Athula Sumathipala, Sisira H Siribaddana, Yulia Kovas, Nick Glozier, Peter McGuffin, and Matthew Hotopf.
Genetic and environmental contributions to depression in Sri Lanka
The British Journal of Psychiatry 195, no. 6 (2009): 504-509.
Conference Paper
Gibson, John, David McKenzie, and Steven Stillman.
The Importance of Selectivity and Duration-Dependent Heterogeneity When Estimating the Impact of Emigration on Incomes and Poverty in Sending Areas: Evidence from the Samoan Quota Migration Lottery
Second International Conference on Migration and Development, Washington DC, Sept.
Working Paper
Tseng, David.
State Transfers, Poverty and Inequality of Income in South Africa: A Fifteen Year Review
Working Paper
Nguyen, Huy Quynh.
Agricultural Technical Change and Economic Diversity of Farm Households: The Case of Vietnam
Journal Article
Fuady, Ahmad.
Prominent Diseases Among Internally Displaced Persons after Mt. Merapi Eruption in Indonesia
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 4, no. 2 (2013): 59-63.
Working Paper
Nguyen, Huy.
The effect of land fragmentation on labor allocation and the economic diversity of farm households: The case of Vietnam
(2014) MPRA Paper.
Journal Article
Soemantri, S.
[Trend and regional differentials in infant mortality rates] Pola perkembangan dan perbandingan antar daerah angka kematian bayi
Working Paper
Chowdhury, Shamal, Futoshi Yamauchi, and Reno Dewina.
Governance Decentralization and Infrastructure Provision in Indonesia
(2007) JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation.
Conference Paper
Dower, Paul, and Elizabeth Potamites.
Signaling Credit-Worthiness: Land Titles, Banking Practices and Access to Formal Credit in Indonesia
American Agricultural Economics Association 2005 Annual Meeting.
December 17, 2010.
Working Paper
Bost, L.
Levels and Trends of Contraceptive Use in Java and Bali: Data from Family Planning Service Statistics and Surveys
Journal Article
Chernichovsky, Dov, and Oey A Meesook.
Female Labor Force Participation in Indonesia.
Working Paper
Urdal, Henrik.
Population, Resources, and Political Violence: A Subnational Study of India 1956-2002
Journal of Conflict Resolution 52, no. 4 (2008): 590-617.
Working Paper
Saepudin, Didin, Dian Kusumaningrum, and Asep Saefuddin.
Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression (GWPR) for Analyzing The Malnutrition Data in Java-Indonesia
Thesis or Dissertation
Tadjoeddin, Zulfan.
Political Economy of Conflict during Indonesia's Democratic Transition
PhD thesis, University of Western Sydney, 2010.
Working Paper
Alatas, Vivi, Abhijit Banerjee, Rema Hanna, Benjamin A Olken, Ririn Purnamasari, and Matthew Wai-Poi.
Ordeal mechanisms in targeting: Theory and evidence from a field experiment in indonesia
Thesis or Dissertation
Triyuwono, Iwan.
Shari'ate Organisation and Accounting: The Reflections of Self's Faith and Knowledge
PhD thesis, University of Wollongong, 1995.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gaduh B, Arya.
Three essays on cooperation, social interactions, and religion
University of Southern California, 2013.
Journal Article
Chakravorty, Sanjoy.
How Does Structural Reform Affect Regional Development? Resolving Contradictory Theory with Evidence from India*
Economic Geography 76, no. 4 (2000): 367-394.
Thesis or Dissertation
Huy, Hoang Trieu.
Low farm incomes and the rental market for cropland in Vietnam
Doctor of Philosophy, Lincoln University, 2013.
Working Paper
Roy K, B.
On the questions of migration in India: Challenges and opportunities
GeoJournal 23, no. 3 (1991): 257-268.
Showing 661-690 of 7141