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Showing 121-150 of 3848
Journal Article
Gelb, Alan, Christian Johannes Meyer, and Vijaya Ramachandran.
Does Poor Mean Cheap? A Comparative Look at Africa's Industrial Labor Costs
Center for Global Development Working Paper , no. 325 (2013).
Book Section
Ilkkaracan, Ipek, and Insan Tunali.
Rethinking Structural Reform in Turkish Agriculture: Beyond the World Bank's Strategy
(2010) Agricultural transformation and the rural labor market in Turkey.
Journal Article
Kuri Alonso, Ingrid.
Women and the labor market: Analysis of Occupational Sex Segregation in Mexico
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies 9, no. 1 (2014): 279-286.
Journal Article
Bbaale, Edward.
Where Are the Ugandan Youth: Socio-Economic Characteristics and Implications for Youth Employment in Uganda
Journal of Politics and Law 7, no. 1 (2014): 37-63.
Journal Article
Maarek, Paul.
Labor share, Informal sector and Development
Journal Article
Koissy-Kpein, Sandrine Aida.
Schools’ Feeding Programs and the Trade-off between Child Labor and Schooling: Evidence from BRIGHT Survey
Research in Applied Economics 5, no. 3 (2013): 59-77.
Working Paper
Cho, Yoonyoung, and Kebede Feda.
Skills and Employability in Mozambique
Journal Article
Cai, Fang.
Approaching a neoclassical scenario: the labor market in China after the Lewis turning point
China Finance and Economic Review 1, no. 1 (2013): 1-15.
Journal Article
Freeman, Richard.
A labor market with Chinese characteristics
(2014) The Routledge Handbook of the Chinese Economy. Routledge.
Journal Article
Nordtveit, Bjorn Harald.
Schools as agencies of protection in Namibia and Swaziland: Can they prevent dropout and child labor in the context of HIV/AIDS and poverty?
Comparative Education Review 54, no. 2 (2010): 223-242.
Shatz, Howard J, Louay Constant, Francisco Perez-Arce, Eric Robinson, Robin Beckman, Haijing Huang, Peter Glick, and Bonnie Ghosh-Dastidar.
Improving the Mongolian Labor Market and Enhancing Opportunities for Youth
: RAND Corporation, 2015.
Working Paper
Wozniak, Abigail.
Why Are College Graduates More Responsive to Distant Labor Market Opportunities?
Journal Article
Blau, Francine D, Lawrence M Kahn, and Kerry L Papps.
Gender, source country characteristics, and labor market assimilation among immigrants
The Review of Economics and Statistics 93, no. 1 (2011): 43-58.
Working Paper
HU, Suyun, Zhen WANG, and Haiwang ZHOU.
Rural Migrants and China economic Transformation
(2001) The International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development, Kitakyushu.
Working Paper
Arceo Gomez, Eva Arceo O, and Raymundo M Campos-Vazquez.
Labor supply of married women in Mexico: 1990-2000
Thesis or Dissertation
Quashie, Nekehia.
Labor market experiences of the foreign born: An assessment of national origin differences in employment status from 1980 to 2000
Master of Arts , The University of Utah, 2010.
Working Paper
Wang, DW, Fang Cai, and Wenshu Gao.
Globalization and internal labour mobility in China: new trend and policy implications
(2005) Paper of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: Beijing.
Working Paper
Finlay, Jocelyn, and Günther Fink.
Social Security Reform and Male Labor Force Participation Around The World
CRR WP , no. 2011-12 (2011).
Thesis or Dissertation
McLaren, Zoe.
Essays on labor market outcomes in South Africa
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Michigan, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Tobon Herrera, Camilo, and Frey Leon Rodriguez Vargas.
Factores que determinan la probabilidad de participacion laboral en el Area Metropolitana de Medellin
Magister en Economía, Universidad EAFIT, 2015.
Working Paper
Yassine, Chaimaa.
Structural labor market transitions and wage dispersion in Egypt and Jordan
Working Paper
David, Anda, and Mohamed Ali Marouani.
The Labor Mobility-Employment Nexus: A General Equilibrium Analysis of Jordan
Conference Paper
Sweidan, Manal George.
The Economic Participation of Young Women in the Jordanian Labor Market, Facts & Challenges
59th ISI World Statistics Congress.
Hong Kong, August 25-30, 2013.
Working Paper
Rodríguez-Castelán, Carlos, Luis F Lopez-Calva, Nora Lustig, and Daniel Valderrama.
The Decline in Labor Income Inequality in Latin America
Thesis or Dissertation
Valdes Perez, Joaquin.
Labor, law, and informality in Latin Ameirca: empirical essays
Master of Science, Cornell University, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Abdelfattah, Noha.
Essays on education and child labor in developing countries
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Victoria, 2015.
Journal Article
Hendy, Rana.
Women’s participation in the Egyptian labor market: 1998-2012
The Economic Research Forum Working Paper , no. 907 (2015).
Journal Article
Said, Mona.
Wages and inequality in the Egyptian labor market in an era of financial crisis and revolution
The Economic Research Forum Working Paper , no. 912 (2015).
Working Paper
Yassine, Chaimaa.
Job accession, separation and mobility in the egyptian labor market over the past decade
The Economic Research Forum Working Paper , no. 881 (2015).
Working Paper
Tawakol, Ameena.
Women and Work in Egypt: The Effect of the Election of the Muslim Brotherhood on Female Labor Force Participation
Showing 121-150 of 3848