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Showing 31-60 of 136
El Obeid, Selma, John Mendelsohn , Marc Lejars , Norbert Forster, and Gerard Brule.
Health in Namibia: Progress and challenges
Windhoek, Namibia: Research and Information Services of Namibia, 2001.
Suhrcke, Marc, Lorenzo Rocco, and Martin McKee.
Health: a vital investment for economic development in eastern Europe and central Asia
Copenhagen, Denmark: World Health Organization, 2007.
Journal Article
Howard M, Marc.
Postcommunist civil society in comparative perspective
Demokratizatsiya 10, no. 1 (2002): 285-305.
Working Paper
Terrazas, Aaron, Demetrios G Papademetriou, and Marc R Rosenblum.
Evolving Demographic and Human-Capital Trends in Mexico and Central America and Their Implications for Regional Migration
(2011) Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute.
Working Paper
Meschievitz, Catherine S, and Marc Galanter.
In search of nyaya panchayats: the politics of a moribund institution
(1982) The politics of informal justice.
Working Paper
Barry, Boubacar, Emmanuel Obuobie, Marc Andreini, Winston Andah, and Mathilde Pluquet.
Comprehensive assessment of water management in agriculture. Comparative study of river basin development and management
Book Section
Ahn, Hyung, Donna K Alexander, Irena Asmundson, and Marc Auboin.
trade finance during the great trade collapse
(2011) About the Editors and contributors.
Tomev, Lyuben, and Marc Meinardus.
Employment Policies in South-East Europe Common Challenges and Different Scenarios
Sofia, Bulgaria: Friedrich Ebert Foundation, 2012.
Working Paper
Annear, Peter Leslie, Kongsap Akkhavong, Jean-Marc Thome, Frank Haegeman, Frederic Bonnet, Chansaly Phommavong, and Soulivanh Pholsena.
Moving towards greater equity in health: recent initiatives in the Lao PDR and their implications
Conference Paper
Kobiané, Jean-François, and Marc Pilon.
Appartenance Ethnique et Scolarisation au Burkina Faso: La Dimension Culturelle en Question
Colloque International de l’AIDELF Démographie et Cultures.
Québec, Canada, Août 25-29, 2008.
Journal Article
Braham, Mehdi B, Ilham Dkhissi, Anne Petron, Nacer E Hammouda, Claire El Moudden, and Jean-Marc Dupuis.
L’impact des Systèmes de Retraite sur le Niveau de Vie des Personnes Âgées au Maghreb
Economie et Statistique , no. 441-442 (2011).
Journal Article
Tabani, Marc.
PrésentationVers un cinquantenaire de la République du Vanuatu
Journal de la société des océanistes , no. 133 (2011).
De Mel, Sajith, Sara Elder, and Marc Vansteenkiste.
Labour market transitions of young women and men in Liberia
: ILO, 2013.
Journal Article
Fiedler, John, Marc-Francois Smitz, Olivier Dupriez, and Jed Friedman.
Household income and expenditure surveys: A tool for accelerating the development of evidence-based fortification programs
Food & Nutrition Bulletin 29, no. 4 (2008): 306-319.
Journal Article
Balk, Deborah, Adam Storeygard, Marc Levy, Joanne Gaskell, Manohar Sharma, and Rafael Flor.
Child hunger in the developing world: an analysis of environmental and social correlates
Food Policy 30, no. 5-6 (2005): 584-611.
Journal Article
Prost, Marc-André, Andreas Jahn, Sian Floyd Floyd, Hazzie Mvula, Eleneus Mwaiyeghele, Venance Mwinuka, Thomas Mhango, Amelia Crampin, Nuala McGrath, Paul Fine, and Judith.
Implication of new WHO growth standards on identification of risk factors and estimated prevalence of malnutrition in rural Malawian infants
PloS one 3, no. 7 (2008): e2684.
Journal Article
Sanborn, Cynthia, Francisco Eguiguren, Bruce Kay, Marc Chernick, and Michele Schimpp.
Democracy and Governance in Peru: An Assessment
(2000) Management Systems International (MSI); US Agency for International Development.
Working Paper
Picard-Tortorici, Nathalie.
An original framework for studying dynamic fertility models
(2000) Universite de Cergy-Pontoise, THEMA.
Journal Article
Storeygard, Adam, Deborah Balk, Marc Levy, and Glenn Deane.
The global distribution of infant mortality: a subnational spatial view
Population, space and place 14, no. 3 (2008): 209-229.
Working Paper
Raffinot, Marc, Jean Muguet, and Alhousseynou Toure.
Results-oriented public expenditure: Case study of the Mali
(2003) CAPE-ODI Working Papers.
Dante, Idrissa, Jean-François Gautier, Mohamed Ali Marouani, and Marc Raffinot.
PRSP institutionalisation study: Final report chapter 6: Institutionalising the PRSP approach in Mali
Paris, France: DIAL, 2001.
Working Paper
Koch, Steven F, Marc Ground, and Dylan van Wyk.
South African household expenditure patterns: Alcohol products in 1995 and 2000
University of Pretoria, Department of Economics Working Paper Series , no. 2006-15 (2006).
Goldman, Ian, and Marc Feldman.
Intermediation and the Second Economy
Free State, South Africa: Khanya, 2008.
Working Paper
Brown, Joe, Amar Hamoudi, Marc Jeuland, and Gina Turrini.
Heterogeneous Effects of Information on Household Behaviors to Improve Water Quality
Journal Article
Fiedler, John L, Keith Lividini, Odilia I Bermudez, and Marc-Francois Smitz.
Household Consumption and Expenditures Surveys (HCES): A Primer for Food and Nutrition Analysts in Low - and Middle - Income Countries
Food and Nutrition Bulletin 33, no. 3 (2012): 170S-184S.
Journal Article
Bermudez, Odilia I, Keith Lividini, Marc-Francois Smitz, and John L Fiedler.
Estimating Micronutrient Intakes from Household Consumption and Expenditures Surveys (HCES): An example from Bangladesh
Food & Nutrition Bulletin 33, no. 2 (2012): 208S-213S.
Journal Article
Salud, M B, Josephine I Gallardo, Juliana A Dineros, Alma F Gammad, Juanita Basilio, Vicenta Borja, Alessandro Iellamo, Lana Worobec, Howard Sobel, and Jean-Marc Olive.
People's initiative to counteract misinformation and marketing practices: the Pembo, Philippines, breastfeeding experience, 2006
Journal of Human Lactation 25, no. 3 (2009): 341-349.
Working Paper
Vothknecht, Marc, and Sudarno Sumarto.
Beyond the overall economic downturn: Evidence on sector-specific effects of violent conflict from Indonesia
Journal Article
Lee, Kyeong Ho, and Marc F Bellemare.
Look who's talking: the impacts of the intrahousehold allocation of mobile phones on agricultural prices
The Journal of Development Studies 49, no. 5 (2013): 624-640.
Working Paper
Mariano, Marc Jim M, James A Giesecke, and Nhi H Tran.
The effects of domestic rice market interventions outside business-as-usual conditions for imported rice prices
Showing 31-60 of 136