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Showing 271-300 of 1846
Journal Article
Arango, Doris Cardona, Angela Segura Cardona, Maria Garzon Duque, Alejandra Segura Cardona, and Sara Maria Cano Sierra.
Health status of elderly persons of Antioquia, Colombia
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia 19, no. 1 (2016): 71-86.
Journal Article
Rodriguez, Fabio, Ana Maria Acevedo, Magda Alejandra Calderon, Diana Socorro Lopez, and Maria Paula Gonzalez.
Riesgo nutricional e inseguridad alimentaria en una población infantil del municipio de Soacha
Revista Colombiana de Enfermeria 11, no. 10 (2015): 63-72.
Journal Article
Pena-Montoya, Maria Eugenia, Maria Garzon-Duque, Doris Cardona-Arango, and Angela Segura-Cardona.
Acceso a los servicios de salud de los adultos mayores. Antioquia-Colombia: Access to health services for older adults. Antioquia-Colombia
Universidad y Salud 18, no. 2 (2016): 219-231.
Journal Article
Vallejo-Solarte, Maria Emma, Luz Marina Castro-Castro, and Maria Pilar Cerezo-Correa.
Estado nutricional y determinantes sociales en ni\~nos entre 0 y 5 anos de la comunidad de Yunguillo y de Red Unidos, Mocoa-Colombia
Universidad y Salud 18, no. 1 (2016): 113-125.
Journal Article
Lagoueyte Gomez, Maria Isabel, Margarita Maria Gomez Gomez, and Angelina Velasquez Sierra.
Religiosidad: baluarte en el afrontamiento del cáncer de cérvix
Revista Cubana de Enfermeria 32, no. 1 (2016): 6-15.
Journal Article
Gaviria, Silvia Lucia, Renato D Alarcon, Maria Espinola, Diana Restrepo, Juliana Lotero, Dedsy Y Berbesi, Gloria Maria Sierra, Roberto Chaskel, Zelde Espinel, and James M Shultz.
Socio-demographic patterns of posttraumatic stress disorder in Medellin, Colombia and the context of lifetime trauma exposure
Disaster health 3, no. 4 (2016): 139-150.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gaitan Ayala, Lina Paola, Paola Andrea Medina Calderon, Laura Maria Portela Rosales, and María Angélica Vergara Siabatto.
Comparación de las experiencias de castigo de los estudiantes universitarios con las de la madre o el padre
Enfermero, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2015.
Working Paper
Pena, Ximena, Ana Maria Ibáñez, and Maria Alejandra Arias.
Mujeres rurales jóvenes y migración en Colombia
(2013) IEP Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.
Journal Article
Bastidas-Sanchez, Beatriz Eugenia, Maria Socorro Chavez, Claudia Milena Orozco-Chamorro, and Angela Maria Merchan-Galvis.
Conocimientos y prácticas de métodos anticonceptivos en una población universitaria en el año 2010. un estudio descriptivo.
Revista Facultad Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad del Cauca 16, no. 2 (2014): 10-16.
Working Paper
Marquez, Maria Paz N, Maria Midea M Kabamalan, and Elma P Laguna.
Ten Years of Traditional Contraceptive Method Use in the Philippines: Continuity and Change
Journal Article
Meschi, Silvia, M Sañé Schepis, Emanuele Nicastri, Nazario Bevilacqua, Concetta Castilletti, Maria Rosaria Sciarrone, Maria Grazia Paglia, Robert Fumakule, Jape Mohamed, and A Kitwa.
The prevalence of antibodies to human herpesvirus 8 and hepatitis B virus in patients in two hospitals in Tanzania
Journal of medical virology 82, no. 9 (2010): 1569-1575.
Journal Article
Zhang, Xu-Hao, Maria C Nievera, Josefina Carlos, Marilla Lucero, Gyneth Bibera, Maria I Atienza, Oleksandr Topachevskyi, and Cecilia G Navarro-Locsin.
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Pneumococcal Vaccination with the Pneumococcal Polysaccharide NTHi Protein D Conjugate Vaccine in the Philippines
(2014) Value in Health Regional Issues.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sinti, Rojas, and Dasayra Stefanny.
Frecuencia de incapacidad por dolor lumbar en mujeres que laboran en comedores populares de Villa María del Triunfo 2015
Titulo Profesional De Licenciado, Universidad Cientifica Del Perú, 2016.
Parsram, Kemraj, Maurice Veecock, Raul Perez, Ernesto P Zapata, and Cruz D Llamas.
Guyana water resources 2010
: Centro del Agua para America Latina y el Caribe, 2010.
Journal Article
Pérez-Escamilla, Rafael, José A Cobas, Hector Balcazar, and Mary H Benin.
Specifying the antecedents of breast-feeding duration in Peru through a structural equation model
Public Health Nutrition 2, no. 04 (1999): 461-467.
Journal Article
Chinebuah, Bridget, and Rafael Pérez-Escamilla.
Unplanned pregnancies are associated with less likelihood of prolonged breast-feeding among primiparous women in Ghana
The Journal of nutrition 131, no. 4 (2001): 1247.
Journal Article
Hromi-Fiedler, Amber J, and Rafael Pérez-Escamilla.
Unintended pregnancies are associated with less likelihood of prolonged breast-feeding: an analysis of 18 Demographic and Health Surveys
Public health nutrition 9, no. 03 (2006): 306-312.
Grajeda, Rubén, and Rafael Pérez-Escamilla.
Breastfeeding trends and differentials in Latin America: Results from the Demographic and Health Surveys
Storrs / Guatemala City, USA / Guatemala: University of Connecticut / Instituto de Nutricion de Centro America y Panama, 2001.
Johnson, Eriic, and Eduardo A Perez.
Creating an enabling environment for community-based rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion systems
Journal Article
Perez-Cueto, F J A, and P W V J Kolsteren.
Changes in the nutritional status of Bolivian women 1994 - 1998: demographic and social predictors
European journal of clinical nutrition 58, no. 4 (2004): 660-666.
Journal Article
Perez-Cueto, A, M Almanza, and P W Kolsteren.
Female gender and wealth are associated to overweight among adolescents in La Paz, Bolivia
European journal of clinical nutrition 59, no. 1 (2004): 82-87.
Book Section
Pérez, Betty A, and Rony Lenz.
A new social contract for Peru: an agenda for improving education, health care, and the social safety net
(2006) 4. Pro-poor policies in the Peruvian public health sector.
Journal Article
Bozon, Michel, Éva Lelièvre, Francisco Munoz-Perez, and Dominique Tabutin.
Démographie des régions du monde: état et tendances
Population-F 63, no. 01 (2008): 7-7.
Journal Article
Padilla, Justo, Mónica Uceda, Otto Ziegler, Felipe Lindo, Eder Herrera-Pérez, and Luis Huicho.
Association between allergic rhinitis and asthma control in Peruvian school children: A cross-sectional study
(2013) Hindawi Publishing Corporation. BioMed research international.
Gonzales, Leonardo A, Faisal Kasryno, Nicostrato D Perez, and Mark W Rosegrant.
Economic Incentives and Comparative Advantage in Indonesian Food Crop Production
Washington, D.C., USA: Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 1993.
Journal Article
Pérez Uribe, Rafael, Hector Díaz Gómez, and Hugo Vargas Arévalo.
Gestión en siete PyMEs de la comunicación gráfica
Revista EAN , no. 76 (2014).
Journal Article
Solano, Andrey B, Ligia B Mesén, and Gustavo G López.
Indicadores Ciudadanos de la Seguridad Social en Costa Rica: Propuesta para el Cantón de Pérez Zeledón
Revista Rupturas, Centro de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo CICDE 2, no. 2 (2012): 364.
Working Paper
Pérez, Ana Camacho M, and Carolina O Sánchez.
Panorama de Actores, Marco Institucional y Organizativo y Potenciales Recursos Financieros para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Osa y Golfito
Perez M, R.
Kings and Untouchables: A Study of the Caste System in Western India
New Delhi, India: DC Publishers, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Perez Guerrero, Alfredo.
Analisis del cambio de uso de suelo y su impacto socioeconomico y agricola en San Miguel Tocuila, Texcoco, Estado de Mexico.
Colegio de Postgraduados, 2013.
Showing 271-300 of 1846