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Showing 1-30 of 39
Thesis or Dissertation
Nagatani A, Elisa.
Data Mart para Apoio à Capacitação em Gestão de Políticas Públicas Voltado para Uma Escola de Administração Pública
Curso , Faculdade de Tecnologia SENAC DF, 2013.
Journal Article
Rannut, Mart.
Language policy in Estonia
Revista de Sociolingüística , no. 1 (2004).
Journal Article
Bjørnøy Urke, Helga, Maurice B Mittelmark, and Mart ´in Valdivia.
Trends in stunting and overweight in Peruvian pre-schoolers from 1991 to 2011: findings from the Demographic and Health Surveys
Public health nutrition 17, no. 11 (2014): 1-12.
Working Paper
Gan, Colin, Aswin R Rahadi, and Alia W Hapsariniaty.
Co-Operative Housing Cluster: Renewed Housing Concept for Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development
Working Paper
Rannut, Ülle, and Mart Rannut.
The Influence of Russification on the Home Languages of Children in Estonia
(2009) Integration Research Institute.
Journal Article
Stein, Mart L, Jim E Van Steenbergen, Vincent Buskens, Peter GM Van Der Heijden, Charnchudhi Chanyasanha, Mathuros Tipayamongkholgul, Anna E Thorson, Linus Bengtsson, Xin Lu, and Mirjam EE Kretzschmar.
Comparison of Contact Patterns Relevant for Transmission of Respiratory Pathogens in Thailand and the Netherlands Using Respondent-Driven Sampling
PloS One 9, no. 11 (2014).
Book Section
Porta, Rafael La, and Andrei Shleifer.
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
(2008) The unofficial economy and economic development .
Journal Article
Soria, Eugenio Guzm, Jos Alberto Garc Salazar, Samuel Rebollar Rebollar, and Juvencio Hern Mart.
Determinantes del consumo de agua por los sectores urbano e industrial en Guanajuato, México
Análisis Económico 26, no. 63 (2011): 199-213.
Journal Article
Thiombiano, Natacha, Louis R Ouedraogo, Mamounata Belem, and Sita Guinko.
Dynamique de l’evolution et impact d’une plante envahissante au burkina faso : hyptis suaveolens (l.) Poit
(2009) Université de Lomé, serie Sciences, Tome.
Thesis or Dissertation
Amerongen, Mart.
Sri Lanka's three wheelers
MSc Contemporary Asian studies, University of Amsterdam Graduate School of Social Sciences, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Augustin A, Nomzana.
" Made in Bangladesh": Improving Women's Health and Workplace Rights in the Factories of Multinational Corporations
Master of Arts in Public Management, Johns Hopkins University, 2016.
Journal Article
Chinsembu C, Kazhila.
Ethnobotanical study of plants used in the management of HIV/AIDS-related diseases in Livingstone, Southern Province, Zambia
(2016) Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Working Paper
Guarcello, Lorenzo, Scott Lyon, Furio Rosati, and Cristina A Valdivia.
The influence of orphanhood on children’s schooling and labour: Evidence from Sub Saharan Africa
(2004) United Nations Understanding Children's Work Working Paper.
Working Paper
Guarcello, L, S Lyon, F C Rosati, and C A Valdivia.
Towards statistical standards for children’s non economic work: a discussion based on household survey data
(2005) UCW Working Paper.
Working Paper
Maceira, Daniel, David Mayer, and Martín Valdivia.
Health and growth: An international and regional analysis
(2002) PAHO Call for Proposals on Health, Human Capital and Economic Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean (Phase II).
Working Paper
Guerrero Ortiz, Luis, and Karin Rivas Valdivia.
Taller Regional Preparatorio sobre Educacion Inclusiva
(2007) Comunidad de Práctica en Desarrollo Curricular.
Working Paper
Valdivia, Martín, and Juan José Díaz.
La salud materno-infantil en el Perú: mirando dentro y fuera del sector salud
(2007) Investigación, políticas y desarrollo en el Perú.
Working Paper
Valdivia Vargas, Néstor.
El uso de categorías étnico/raciales en censos y encuestas en el Perú: balance y aportes para una discusión
(2011) Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo, GRADE.
Book Section
Valdivia, Corinne, Anji Seth, Elizabeth Jiménez, and Jorge Cusicanqui.
Cambio climático y adaptación en el Altiplano boliviano
(2013) Cambio climático y adaptación en el Altiplano de Bolivia.
Working Paper
Valdivia-Garcia, Jorge.
Balance agridulce en el sexenio del “empleo”
Thesis or Dissertation
Santa Cruz R, Segundo Valdivia.
¿Mamá ya estás viniendo? Varones y mujeres proveedores de recursos y cuidados. La relación y la división entre el trabajo remunerado y el trabajo familiar o doméstico y de cuidados en familias donde el varón y la mujer tienen trabajos
Grado de Magíster, Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú, 2013.
Journal Article
Dachs, J. Norberto W, Marcela Ferrer, Carmen E Florez, Aluisio J Barros, Rory Narváez, and Martín Valdivia.
Inequities in access to and use of drinking water services in Latin America and the Caribbean
Pan American Journal of Public Health 11, no. 5-6 (2002): 386-396.
Saavedra, Jaime, and Martin Valdivia.
Household and individual decision-making over the life cycle: a first look at evidence from Peruvian cohorts
Murrugarra, Edmundo, and Martin Valdivia.
The returns to health for Peruvian Urban adults: differentials across genders, the life cycle and the wage distribution
Journal Article
Valdivia, Martin.
Poverty, health infrastructure and the nutrition of Peruvian children
Economics & Human Biology 2, no. 3 (2004): 489-510.
Working Paper
Valdivia, Martin.
Health infrastructure and child health in rural Peru
Book Section
Franco Valdivia, Rocío.
Justicia intercultural en los países andinos: contribuciones para su estudio
(2013) Conflictos por violencia contra mujeres: percepciones de autoridades comunales mujeres de Canas.
Working Paper
Blanco, Federico, and Cristina A Valdivia.
Child labour in Venezuela: children’s vulnerability to macroeconomic shocks
Journal Article
Lezama, Josefina Medina, Oscar Morey L Vargas, Humberto Zea Diaz, Juan F Bolaños Salazar, Fernando Corrales Medina, Carolina Cuba Bustinza, Zoila Valdivia, and Julio Chirinos Medina.
Prevalencia de Sobrepeso y Obesidad en la Población Adulta de Arequipa Metropolitana: Resultados del Estudio PREVENCION
Revista Peruana de Cardiología 32, no. 3 (2006): 194.
Journal Article
Valdivia Lopez, Marcos, and Fernando Lozano Ascencio.
Un enfoque espacial de la relación entre el envío de dinero y el crecimiento regional en México
Migraciones internacionales 5, no. 3 (2010): 7-41.
Showing 1-30 of 39