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Showing 811-840 of 1199
Working Paper
Jacobs, Michael, and William D Savedoff.
There's More Than One Way to Get a House: Housing Strategies in Panama
Inter-American Development Bank WP , no. 392 (1999).
Thesis or Dissertation
Mahande, Michael Johnson.
Recurrence of Perinatal Death, Preterm Birth and Preeclampsia in Northern Tanzania: A Registry Based Study
PhD, University of Bergen, 2015.
Working Paper
Spagat, Michael, and Joshua Dougherty.
Conflict Deaths in Iraq: A Methodological Critique of the ORB Survey Estimate
Survey Research Methods 4, no. 1 (2010): 3-15.
Lestrelin, Guillaume, Michael Trockenbrodt, Khamla Phanvilay, Sithong Thongmanivong, Thoumthone Vongvisouk, Pham Thu Thuy, and Jean-Christophe Castella.
The context of REDD+ in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Drivers, agents and institutions
: CIFOR, 2013.
Working Paper
Carter, Michael R, and Marco Castillo.
An experimental approach to social capital in South Africa
Working Paper
Carter, Michael, and Julian May.
Getting ahead or falling behind? The dynamics of poverty in post-apartheid South Africa
Journal Article
Carter, Michael R, Julian May, Jorge Aguero, and Sonya Ravindranath.
The economic impacts of premature adult mortality: panel data evidence from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
(2007) AIDS.
Working Paper
Carter, Michael R, and Marco Castillo.
The economic impacts of altruism, trust and reciprocity: An experimental approach to social capital
Aguero, Jorge, Michael R Carter, and Julian May.
Poverty and inequality from the first decade of democracy: Evidence from KwaZulu-Natal
Working Paper
Appleton, Simon, Paul Atherton, and Michael Bleaney.
International school test scores and economic growth
CREDIT Research Paper , no. 08/04 (2008).
Journal Article
Preckel, Franzis, Thomas Goetz, Reinhard Pekrun, and Michael Kleine.
Gender Differences in Gifted and Average-Ability Students: Comparing Girls' and Boys' Achievement, Self-Concept, Interest, and Motivation in Mathematics
Gifted Child Quarterly 52, no. 2 (2008): 146-159.
Journal Article
Muzoora, Michael, Daniel R Terry, and Agatha A Asiimwe.
The valorisation of African languages and policies in the African education systems: A case of Uganda
Universal Journal of Educational Research 2, no. 1 (2014): 42-50.
Working Paper
Nattrass, Nicoli, and Jeremy Seekings.
Should and Can Labour-surplus, Middle-income Economies Pursue Labour-intensive Growth?: The South African Challenge
Working Paper
Fertig, Michael, and Christoph M Schmidt.
The Role of Background Factors for Reading Literacy: Straight National Scores in the PISA 2000 Study
IZA Discussion paper series , no. 545 (2002).
Working Paper
Fertig, Michael.
Educational Production, Endogenous Peer Group Formation and Class Composition - Evidence from the PISA 2000 Study
IZA Discussion paper series , no. 714 (2003).
Journal Article
Meisenberg, Gerhard, and Michael A Woodley.
Are cognitive differences between countries diminishing? Evidence from TIMSS and PISA
Intelligence 41, no. 6 (2013): 808-816.
Journal Article
Rindermann, Heiner, Michael Sailer, and James Thompson.
The impact of smart fractions, cognitive ability of politicians and average competence of peoples on social development
Talent Development & Excellence 1, no. 1 (2009): 3-25.
Journal Article
Lee, Seung-yeon, Sukkyung You, and Michael J Furlong.
Validation of the Social Emotional Health Survey - Secondary for Korean Students
(2015) Child Indicators Research.
Journal Article
Chen, Weiyun, Xiaozan Wang, Heidi Buchele, AnnMarie Kuzel, Rachel Sullivan, and Michael Vaandering.
Concurrent Effects of School-Based Physical Activity Intervention on BMI Status and Academic Achievement in School-Aged Children.
Case Studies Journal 5, no. 3 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Leech, Michael Graham.
Strategy for viable, sustainable urban agriculture in a dynamic, urbanising society
Doctor of Philosophy, University of South Africa, 2014.
Journal Article
Daouli, Joan, Michael Demoussis, and Nicholas Giannakopoulos.
Sibling-sex composition and its effects on fertility and labor supply of Greek mothers
Economics Letters 102, no. 3 (2009): 189-191.
Working Paper
McCaa, Robert, Krishnamurty Muralidhar, Rathindra Sarathy, Michael Comerford, and Albert Esteve-Palos.
Controlled Shuffling, Statistical Confidentiality and Microdata Utility: A Successful Experiment with a 10% Household Sample of the 2011 Population Census of Ireland for the IPUMS-International Database
Working Paper
Wambugu, Florence, Margaret Karembu, Michael Njunguna, and Samuel Wakhusama Wanyangu.
Biotechnology to benefit small-scale banana producers in Kenya
Book Section
Osabuohien, Evans S, Ciliaka M Gitau, Uchenna R Efobi, and Michael Bruentrup.
Handbook of Research on In-Country Determinants and Implications of Foreign Land Acquisitions
(2014) Agents and Implications of Foreign Land Deals in East African Community: The Case of Uganda.
Working Paper
Osabuohien, Evans, Ciliaka Millicent W Gitau, Uchenna Efobi, and Michael Bruentrup.
Determinants and Implications of Foreign Land Deals in Ugandan Communities
Journal Article
Joy, Edward JM, Diriba B Kumssa, Martin R Broadley, Michael J Watts, Scott D Young, Allan DC Chilimba, and Louise E Ander.
Dietary mineral supplies in Malawi: spatial and socioeconomic assessment
BMC Nutrition 1, no. 42 (2015).
Journal Article
Okobia, Michael N, Clareann H Bunker, Friday E Okonofua, and Usifo Osime.
Knowledge, attitude and practice of Nigerian women towards breast cancer: a cross-sectional study
World Journal of Surgical Oncology 4, no. 1 (2006): 1.
Journal Article
Joy, Edward, Martin Broadley, Michael Watts, Allan Chilimba, Scott Young, Louise Ander, and Colin Black.
Estimates of Dietary Mineral Supply in Malawi Based on Soil Type and Household Survey Data
European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety 5, no. 5 (2015): 642-643.
Journal Article
Alabi, Michael Oloyede.
Revitalizing urban public open spaces, through vegetative enclaves in Lokoja, Nigeria
Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 2, no. 3 (2009): 51-54.
Working Paper
Ojekunle, Kemi, and Michael C Hogan.
Urban rail transport, Lagos, Nigeria
(2008) The Enciclopedia of Earth.
Showing 811-840 of 1199