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Showing 31-60 of 220
Spence, Nancy, Ade Adefuye, Valencia Mogegh, Rawwida Baksh-Soodeen, Chuks Ihekaibeya, Alison Girdwood, Florence Hardling, and Linda Etchart.
Report of the Sierra Leone National Consultation on women and men in partnership for post-conflict reconstruction held in Freetown, Sierra Leone, 21-24 May 2001
London, UK: Commonwealth Secretarial, 2002.
Journal Article
Magnani, Robert J, Janet C Rice, Nancy B Mock, Ahmed A Abdoh, David M Mercer, and Kadri Tankari.
The impact of primary health care services on under-five mortality in rural Niger
International journal of epidemiology 25, no. 3 (1996): 568.
Working Paper
Drapcho, Bob, and Nancy Mock.
DHS and conflict in Africa: findings from a comparative study and recommendations for improving the utility of DHS as a survey vehicle in conflict settings
(2000) Measure/Evaluation Project.
Journal Article
Lim, Stephen S, Nancy Fullman, Andrew Stokes, Nirmala Ravishankar, Felix Masiye, Christopher J Murray, and Emmanuela Gakidou.
Net benefits: A multicountry analysis of observational data examining associations between insecticide-treated mosquito nets and health outcomes
PLoS Med 8, no. 9 (2011): e1001.
Prins, Agma, Adama Kone, Nancy Nolan, and Nandita Thatte.
USAID/Haiti maternal and child health and family planning portfolio review and assessment
Cambridge, MA: US Agency for International Development, 2008.
Sovannarith, Em, Joy Riggs-Perla, Nancy Fronczak, Ir Por, and Sheryl Keller.
Cambodia USAID Health Program mid-term evaluation
: USAID, 2011.
Journal Article
Riley E, Nancy.
Gender, power, and population change
Population Bulletin 52, no. 1 (1997).
Tumavick, Nancy, Annette Binnendijk, David Calder, Edith Houston, and Saha AmaraSingham.
Child Survival Programs in Egypt
: Agency for International Development, 1990.
Working Paper
Hamoudi, Amar, and Nancy Birdsall.
HIV/AIDS and the accumulation and utilization of human capital in Africa
(2002) Center for Global Development Working Paper.
Journal Article
Creel, Liz C, Justine V Sass, and Nancy V Yinger.
Client-centered quality: clients’ perspectives and barriers to receiving care
(2002) New Perspectives on Quality of Care.
Mock, Nancy, Elke de Buhr, Munyanga Mukungo, and Okitolonda Wemakoy.
Public health training in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a case study of the Kinshasa School of Public Health
Frankenberger, Timothy R, Nancy Mock, and Paul Jere.
Vulnerability assessment methodology review synthesis
: Tango International (commissioned by SADC), 2005.
Journal Article
Bermeo, Nancy.
Does electoral democracy boost economic equality?
Journal of Democracy 20, no. 4 (2009): 21-35.
Book Section
Nielsen, Jennifer, Nancy Haselow, Akoto Osei , and Zaman Talukder.
Diversifying Food and Diets: Using Agricultural Biodiversity to Improve Nutrition and Health
(2013) Diversifying Diets: Using Agricultural Biodiversity to Improve Nutrition and Health in Asia.
Working Paper
Puttkammer, Nancy.
Development and Validation of an Electronic Medical Record Based Alert for Risk of ART Failure in a Low-Resource Setting
Journal Article
Bedi, Arjun Singh, Paul Kimalu, Mwangi S Kimenyi, Damiano K Manda, Germano Mwabu, and Nancy Nafula.
User charges and utilisation of health services in Kenya
(2003) ISS Working Paper Series/General Series.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ortiz Dávalos G, Nancy.
Evaluación del Autoestima como Generador de Entornos Positivos en Mujeres con Discapacidad Visual
Maestria, Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, 2015.
Working Paper
Marten, Lutz, and Nancy C Kula.
National identity and the semantics of currencies in Africa
Pica-Ciamarra, Ugo, Derek Baker, Nancy Morgan, Alberto Zezza, Carlo Azzarri, Cheikh Ly, Longin Nsiima, Simplice Nouala, Patrick Okello, and Joseph Sserugga.
Investing in the Livestock Sector, Why Good Numbers Matter: A Sourcebook for Decision Makers on How to Improve Livestock Data
Working Paper
Prieto E, Nancy.
Comportamiento demografico en el Nordeste. Ano 1991-2001.
Journal Article
Atelu, Geoffrey R, Nancy Duah, and Michael D Wilson.
Carriage of sub-microscopic sexual and asexual Plasmodium falciparum stages in the dry season at Navrongo, Ghana
Ghana Medical Journal 50, no. 4 (2016): 220-227.
Nawar, Laila, Dale Huntington, Nancy Ali, and Mahmoud Shaheen.
Assessment of Pilot Health Project Outcome Indicators: West Bank/Gaza
: USAID, 2003.
Thesis or Dissertation
Arce, Nancy Abarca M, Isaias A Corrales, Marianela G Hernandez, and Maria Munoz T Alcazar.
Propuesta de mejora al plan de mercadeo dirigido a los clientes de hogares y locales comerciales de la empresa de Seguridad Integral Centroaméricana SA
Grado de Licenciatura, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2014.
Book Section
Hudson-Rodd, Nancy.
Southeast Asian Culture and Heritage in a globalising World: diverging Identities in a dynamic Region
(2009) When was Burma? Military Rules since 1962.
Working Paper
Cortés, Nancy.
The Drug War and the Resurgence of Mexico’s Heroin Trade
Justice In Mexico WP Series 14, no. 2 (2015).
Working Paper
Birdsall, Nancy.
The (indispensable) middle class in developing countries; Or, the rich and the rest, not the poor and the rest
(2010) Center for Global Development Working Paper No. 207.
Journal Article
Taylor, J Edward, Antonio Yunez-Naude, and Nancy Jesurun-Clements.
Does agricultural trade liberalization reduce rural welfare in less developed countries? The case of CAFTA
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 32, no. 1 (2008): 95-11.
Working Paper
Tabengwa, Monica, and Nancy Nicol.
The development of sexual rights and the LGBTI movement in Botswana
Journal Article
Gonzalez, Carolina, and Nancy Johnson.
Consumer preferences for table cassava characteristics in Pernambuco, Brazil
Revista de Economia e Agronegocio/Brazilian Review of Economics and Agribusiness 7, no. 3 (2009).
Journal Article
González, Carolina, Nancy Johnson, and Matin Qaim.
Consumer acceptance of second-generation gm foods: the case of biofortified cassava in the North-East of Brazil
Journal of Agricultural Economics 60, no. 3 (2009): 604-6.
Showing 31-60 of 220