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Showing 121-150 of 661
Journal Article
Xiuluan, Zhou.
Index to Chinese Sociology and Anthropology Volume XVII (Fall 1 984-Summer 1985)
(1985) Chinese Sociology & Anthropology.
Grants, Foster Child.
Income and Social Grants-Children living in poverty
Working Paper
Gupta, Prachi, and C Veeramani.
Impact of Trade Reforms on Markups: Analysis of Indian Manufacturing Plants
Journal Article
Abeykoon, ATPL, Ravi P Rannan-Eliya, Ruwani Wickremasinghe, Rehana Thowfeek, C Anuranga, and I Siriwardena Abeykoon.
Study on the Establishment of Maternity Protection Insurance in Sri Lanka
(2014) Institute for Health Policy.
Journal Article
Dasgupta, Zico.
Development Expenditure of the States in the Post-Liberalisation Period
(2012) Economic and Political Weekly.
Working Paper
Teal, Francis.
Education, incomes, poverty and inequality in Ghana in the 1990s
The Centre for the Study of African Economies Working Paper Series , no. 159 (2001).
Working Paper
Teal, Francis.
Private sector wages and poverty in Ghana: 1988-1998
The Centre for the Study of African Economies Working Paper Series , no. 116 (2000).
Working Paper
Keyzer, Michiel, Vascov Molini, and Bart van den Boom.
Risk minimizing index functions for price-weather insurance, with application to rural Ghana
Working Paper
Fritz Gockel, Augustine, and Nora Amu.
Financial Sector Liberalization and the Labour Market in Ghana
Working Paper
Nsowah-Nuamah, Nicholas, Francis Teal, and Moses Awoonor-Williams.
Jobs, Skills and Incomes in Ghana: How was poverty halved?
Working Paper
Ferrara L, Eliana.
Ethnicity and Reciprocity: A Model of Credit Transactions in Ghana
Journal Article
Baysin, Vijay K, and Kamara K Obeng.
Trade Liberalization, Foreign Borrowing, Poverty and Income Distributions of Households in Ghana
(2004) The IUP Journal of Applied Economics.
Working Paper
Bhasin K, Vijay.
Trade Liberalization, Foreign Aid, Poverty and Income Distributions of Households in Ghana
Working Paper
Sahn, David E, and Stephen D Younger.
Fiscal Incidence in Africa: Microeconomic Evidence
Journal Article
Elbers, Chris, and Peter Lanjouw.
Intersectoral transfer, growth, and inequality in rural Ecuador
World Development 29, no. 3 (2001): 481-496.
Gligorov, Vladimir, Anna Iara, Michael Landesmann, Robert Stehrer, and Hermine Vidovic.
Western Balkan countries: Adjustment capacity to external shocks, with a focus on labour markets
: Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2008.
Journal Article
Grimard, Franque, and Barton Hamilton.
Estimating the elderly's returns on the farm: evidence from Cote d'Ivoire
Journal of Development Economics 58, no. 2 (1999): 513 -.
Sayeed, Akbar, and A Ghaus.
Has poverty returned to Pakistan?
Journal Article
Ferreira, Francisco, and Julie Litchfield.
Education or inflation?: The micro and macroeconomics of the Brazilian income distribution during 1981-1995
Thesis or Dissertation
Russell E, Beverly.
The impact of the Jamaican Drugs for the Elderly program on access to care and spending on prescription medications
PhD Thesis, Brandeis University, 2006.
Journal Article
Corno, Lucia.
Learning (or not) in health seeking behavior: Evidence from rural Tanzania!
Journal Article
Datta C, Saurabh.
Resource allocation decisions in malaria-prone farming households in Kagera region of Tanzania
Journal Article
Cattaneo, Adriano, Arnold Timmer, Tamara Bomestar, Jenny Bua, Sanjiv Kumar, and Giorgio Tamburlini.
Child nutrition in countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States: time to redirect strategies?
Public Health Nutrition 11, no. 12 (2008): 1209-1219.
Ngom, Pierre, and Soukeynatou Fall.
Fertility decline in francophone sub-Saharan Africa, 1980-2010
: African Population & Health Research Center, 2002.
Journal Article
Caldwell, Bruce K, and John C Caldwell.
Below-replacement fertility: determinants and prospects in South Asia
Journal of Population Research 20, no. 1 (2003): 19-34.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wiegmann, Gunda Agnes Lotte.
Socio-political change in Tajikistan. The development process, its challenges since the civil war and the silence before the new storm?
PhD Thesis, Hamburg University, 2009.
Journal Article
Janowitz, Barbara, Mathew Holtman, David Hubacher, and Kanta Jamil.
Can the Bangladeshi family planning program meet rising needs without raising costs?
(1997) International family planning perspectives.
Journal Article
Islam, Mazharul M, M. Ataharul Islam, and Nitai Chakroborty.
Fertility transition in Bangladesh: understanding the role of the proximate determinants
Journal of biosocial science 36, no. 3 (2004): 351-370.
Journal Article
Saha, Unnati Rani, and Arthur Van Soest.
Infant mortality in rural Bangladesh: state dependence vs. unobserved heterogeneity
(2009) CentER Discussion Paper Series No. 2009-26.
Journal Article
Van de Poel, Ellen, Owen O’Donnell, and Eddy Van Doorslaer.
Are urban children really healthier? Evidence from 47 developing countries
Social Science & Medicine 65, no. 10 (2007): 1986-2003.
Showing 121-150 of 661