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Showing 1411-1440 of 3192
Working Paper
Ayee, Joseph, and Richard Crook.
" Toilet wars": urban sanitation services and the politics of public-private partnerships in Ghana
Journal Article
Owusu, George, and Samuel Agyei-Mensah.
A comparative study of ethnic residential segregation in Ghana’s two largest cities, Accra and Kumasi
Population and Environment 32, no. 4 (2011): 332-352.
Working Paper
Langer, Arnim, and Ukoha Ukiwo.
Ethnicity, religion and the state in Ghana and Nigeria: perceptions from the street
Journal Article
Tankebe, Justice.
Public confidence in the police testing the effects of public experiences of police corruption in Ghana
British Journal of Criminology 50, no. 2 (2010): 296-319.
Journal Article
Mba J, Chuks.
The health condition of older women in Ghana: a case study of Accra City
Journal of International Women's Studies 8, no. 1 (2013): 171-184.
Thesis or Dissertation
VanCalcar, Jenny Elizabeth.
Collection and representation of GIS data to aid household water treatment and safe storage technology implementation in the Northern Region of Ghana
Master of Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006.
Journal Article
Nabirye, Minah, and Gilles-Maurice De Schryver.
The Monolingual Lusoga Dictionary Faced with Demands from a New User Category
Lexikos 20, no. 1 (2010): 326-350.
Journal Article
Nabirye, Minah, and Gilles-Maurice De Schryver.
A Quantitative Analysis of the Morphology, Morphophonology and Semantic Import of the Lusoga Noun
(2010) AFRICANA Linguistica.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bergenwall, Peder.
Video Hall Morality: A Minor Field Study of the Production of Space in Video Halls in Kampala, Uganda
Master Thesis, Örebro University, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kunihira, Robinah.
Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Women’s Participation in Watershed Resources Management in Chahi Catchment, South-Western Uganda
Master Thesis, Kenyatta University, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Katerega D, Kiibi.
The Effect of Anti-Life Crimes on the Mission of the Church in Kibuye Makindye Catholic Parish in Light of Evangelium Vitae (Gospel of Life)
Master Thesis, Makerere University, 2013.
Journal Article
Brouwer, C. M. N, C. L Lok, I. Wolffers, and S. Sebagalls.
Psychosocial and Economic Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Counselling of Caretakers of HIV-infected Children in Uganda
AIDS Care 12, no. 5 (2000): 535-540.
Journal Article
Rao, Arjun P, and Srinivasa M Reddy.
Status of Women: Dimensions of Female Literacy in Andhra Pradesh: a Study in Gender Discrimination in Education
ICFAI Journal of Public Administration 4, no. 1 (2008): 75-89.
Working Paper
Gupta, Sreoshi, and Sourabh Ghosh.
Homelessness in the context of the Delhi Master Plan 2001: Some results from the census
Social Change 36, no. 2 (2006): 57-82.
Working Paper
Abuya, Timothy, Charlotte E Warren, Nora Miller, Rebecca Njuki, Charity Ndwiga, Alice Maranga, Faith Mbehero, Anne Njeru, and Ben Bellows.
Exploring the Prevalence of Disrespect and Abuse during Childbirth in Kenya
Conference Paper
Subramanyan V, N.
Challenges on Improved Life Spans in India - the Actuarial Implications
Living to 100 and Beyond Symposium.
Orlando, USA, 2008.
Motkuri, Venkatanarayana, and William Joe.
On the Deprivation of Basic Amenities in Rural India: An Analysis of Census 2001
Thiruvananthapuram, India: Centre for Development Studies, 2005.
Journal Article
Kayanja, F. B. I, and D. Byarugaba.
Disappearing Forests of Uganda: The Way Forward
Current Science 81, no. 8 (2001): 936-947.
Working Paper
Krishnan, C.
Census 2011: Is There Any Demogrophic Divident for India?
International Journal of Contemporary Issues.
Working Paper
Gharge R, R.
Study of Population Density and Distribution in Upper Krishna Basin: a Spatio-Temporal Analysis
Working Paper
Nangia, Sudesh, and Abhay Kumar.
Change in the Age Structure of India’s Population (1881-2001)
Dialogue 6, no. 3 (2005).
Journal Article
Pelaez Herreros, Oscar.
Desarrollo, transicion demografica y saldos migratorios.: evidencia para los municipios de Mexico, 2000-2010
Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios de Desarrollo= Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies 2, no. 2 (2013): 38-63.
Journal Article
Bermúdez-Lobera, Juan.
Las transiciones a la adultez de los jóvenes que no estudian ni trabajan (ninis) en México, 2010
Papeles de poblacion 20, no. 79 (2014): 243-279.
Working Paper
Pal, Neelam.
Age-Sex Structure and Sex Composition: a Ward-Wise Study of Varanasi City
Indian Journal of Preventive & Social Medicine 44, no. 3-4 (2013): 146-149.
Working Paper
Kumar, Amit, and Gunjan Anand.
Gender Imbalance: a Descriptive Research on Gender Inequalities in India with Special Reference to Madhya Pradesh
International Journal of Organizational Behaviour & Management Perspectives 2, no. 2 (2013): 388-392.
Working Paper
Acharyya, Kakoli, and Pradip Sharma.
Urban growth and its impact on land use in Jorhat Town, Assam, India
The Clarion-International Multidisciplinary Journal 2, no. 1 (2013): 87-98.
Journal Article
Rahman, Md Mizanur, Stuart Gilmour, Eiko Saito, Papia Sultana, and Kenji Shibuya.
Self-reported illness and household strategies for coping with health-care payments in Bangladesh
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 91, no. 6 (2013): 449-458.
Journal Article
Huda, Fauzia A, Thoai D Ngo, Anisuddin Ahmed, Anadil Alam, and Laura Reichenbach.
Availability and provision of misoprostol and other medicines for menstrual regulation among pharmacies in Bangladesh via mystery client survey
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 124, no. 2 (2014): 164-168.
Journal Article
Atuyambe, Lynn M, Simon PS Kibira, Justine Bukenya, Christine Muhumuza, Rebecca R Apolot, and Edgar Mulogo.
Understanding sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents: evidence from a formative evaluation in Wakiso district, Uganda
Reproductive health 12, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Masuya, Akiko, Ashraf Dewan, and Robert J Corner.
Population evacuation: evaluating spatial distribution of flood shelters and vulnerable residential units in Dhaka with geographic information systems
(2015) Natural Hazards.
Showing 1411-1440 of 3192