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Showing 991-1020 of 3192
Journal Article
Victora, CG, Luis Huicho, JJ Amaral, J Armstrong-Schellenberg, Fatuma Manzi, Elizabeth Mason, and Robert Scherpbier.
Are health interventions implemented where they are most needed? District uptake of the integrated management of childhood illness strategy in Brazil, Peru and the United Republic of Tanzania
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 84, no. 10 (2006): 792-801.
Journal Article
Ogunmola, Olarinde Jeffrey, Yusuf Olatunji Oladosu, and Michael Adeyemi Olamoyegun.
Relationship between socioeconomic status and HIV infection in a rural tertiary health center
(2014) HIV/AIDS (Auckland, NZ).
Book Section
Namirembe-Nviiri, Helen.
Production, Dissemination and Utilization of Disability Statistics in Uganda
(2006) Research in Social Science and Disability.
Working Paper
Gross, Elena, and Rebecca Ntim.
Evaluating the Impact of Internal Remittances on Financial Inclusion Evidence from Ugandan Household Data
Thesis or Dissertation
Thomsen, Stine Skoett.
Responding to PEPFAR-How NGOs navigate aid conditionalities
Master thesis, International Development Studies Projects, 2007.
Journal Article
Kisuule, Ivan, Dan K Kaye, Florence Najjuka, Stephen K Ssematimba, Anita Arinda, Gloria Nakitende, and Lawrence Otim.
Timing and reasons for coming late for the first antenatal care visit by pregnant women at Mulago hospital, Kampala Uganda
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 13, no. 1 (2013): 121.
Journal Article
Elizabeth, Nabiwemba L, Orach Garimoi Christopher, and Kolsteren Patrick.
Determining an anthropometric surrogate measure for identifying low birth weight babies in Uganda: a hospital-based cross sectional study
BMC pediatrics 13, no. 1 (2013): 54.
Journal Article
Langston, Anne, Jennifer Weiss, Justine Landegger, Thomas Pullum, Melanie Morrow, Melene Kabadege, Catherine Mugeni, and Eric Sarriot.
Plausible Role for CHW Peer Support Groups in Increasing Care-seeking in an Integrated Community Case Management Project in Rwanda: A Mixed Methods Evaluation
Global Health: Science and Practice 2, no. 3 (2014): 342-354.
Journal Article
Dip, Paul Andrew Bourne, and Denise Eldemire-Shearer.
Public hospital health care utilization in Jamaica
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 3, no. 4 (2009): 3067-3080.
Journal Article
Bourne, Paul A, Maureen D Kerr-Campbell, Donovan A McGrowder, and Orville W Beckford.
Perception of women on cancer screening and sexual behavior in a rural area, Jamaica: Is there a public health problem?
North American journal of medical sciences 2, no. 4 (2010): 174-181.
Journal Article
Kayibanda, Jeanne F, Raphaël Bitera, Eric Demers, Jocelyne Moisan, and Michel Alary.
Sexual Risk Factors Associated with Intimate Partner Violence against Women in Rwanda: A Couples-based Analysis
Women & health 54, no. 4 (2014).
Conference Paper
Klasen, Stephan, and Malte Reimers.
Looking at Pro-Poor Growth from an Agricultural Perspective
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2013 AAEA & CAES Joint Annual Meeting.
Washington, DC, USA, August 4-6, 2013.
Journal Article
Hicks, Penni D, Nelly Zavaleta, Zhensheng Chen, Steven A Abrams, and Bo Lönnerdal.
Iron deficiency, but not anemia, upregulates iron absorption in breast-fed Peruvian infants
The Journal of nutrition 136, no. 9 (2006): 2435-2438.
Journal Article
Olaniyan, Olanrewaju, Chukwuedo Susan Oburota, and Frances Ngozi Obafemi.
Equity in Health Care Expenditure in Nigeria
International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies 2, no. 3 (2013): 76-88.
Journal Article
Scott, Ewan, and Karl Theodore.
Measuring and explaining health and health care inequalities in Jamaica, 2004 and 2007
Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica 33, no. 2 (2013): 116-121.
Journal Article
Indies, Jamaica West.
Public health behaviour-change intervention model for Jamaicans: Charting the Way forward in Public Health
Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 2, no. 2 (2010): 56-61.
Thesis or Dissertation
Afosaa, Vida.
Survival analysis of dropout rate at the basic school level (case study: northern Ghana)
Master of philosophy in mathematics, Kwame Krumah University of Science and Technology, 2009.
Journal Article
Bamiwuye, Samson Olusina, and Clifford Odimegwu.
Spousal violence in sub-Saharan Africa: does household poverty-wealth matter?
Reproductive health 11, no. 1 (2014): 45.
Journal Article
Bertrand, Jane T, Tara M Sullivan, Ellen A Knowles, Muhammad F Zeeshan, and James D Shelton.
Contraceptive Method Skew and Shifts in Method Mix In Low-and Middle-Income Countries
International perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 40, no. 3 (2014): 144-153.
Journal Article
Ramos E, Ruben Asalde.
Método Billings: aspectos bioéticos
Apuntes de Bioética 2, no. 2 (2011): 7-17.
Thesis or Dissertation
Oleinik M, Ibo.
Pro-poor growth in Vietnam 2002-2010: A regional analysis
Bachelor, Uppsala University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, 2013.
Journal Article
Long, Giang T, and Hoang C Thon.
Cash Transfers For The Most Vulnerable and Poor Elderly People in Vietnam: An Ex-Ante Impact Evaluation
Journal of Economics and Development 15, no. 3 (2014): 22.
Working Paper
Olivier, Jill, and Quentin Wodon.
Market Share of Faith-inspired Health Care Providers in Africa: Comparing Facilities and Multi-purpose Integrated Household Survey Data
(2013) Munich Personal RePEc Archive No. 45365.
Journal Article
Stewart A, Kearsley.
Recent Publications on Sexual Health in Africa
African Studies Review 41, no. 02 (1998): 138-142.
Journal Article
Mbalinda, Scovia N, Colin M Plover, Gilbert Burnham, Dan Kaye, Andrew Mwanika, Hussein Oria, Isaac Okullo, Wilson Muhwezi, and Sara Groves.
Assessing community perspectives of the community based education and service model at Makerere University, Uganda: A qualitative evaluation
BMC international health and human rights 11, no. Suppl 1 (2011): S6.
Mugisha, Frederick, and Juliet Nabyonga-Orem.
To what extent does recurrent government health expenditure in Uganda reflect its policy priorities?
: BioMed central, 2010.
Journal Article
Casey, Sara E, Shanon E McNab, Clare Tanton, Jimmy Odong, Adrienne C Testa, and Louise Lee-Jones.
Availability of long-acting and permanent family-planning methods leads to increase in use in conflict-affected northern Uganda: Evidence from cross-sectional baseline and endline cluster surveys
Global public health 8, no. 3 (2013): 284-297.
Journal Article
Diouf, Meïssa, M. Gueye, B. Faye, O. Dleme, and C. Lo.
The Commodity Systems of Four Indigenous Leafy Vegetables in Senegal
Water SA 33, no. 3 (2007): 343-348.
Journal Article
Cabral J, François.
Is the Senegalese Accelerated Growth Strategy Pro-Poor?
Journal of Economics and International Finance 2, no. 8 (2010): 144-155.
Working Paper
Sylla B, Momar.
Estimation of Monetary Indicators of Poverty for Local Communities in Senegal
(2005) Proceedings of the 2005 CBMS Network Meeting.
Showing 991-1020 of 3192