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Showing 1-30 of 161
Working Paper
Menezes-Filho, Naercio A, Reynaldo Fernández, Paulo Picchetti, Ricardo P De Barros, Carlos H Corseuil, Miguel Fogel, Daniel Santos, Simone Wajnman, and Maria C Leme.
Adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean: Examining Time Allocation Decisions with Cross-Country Data
(2002) Inter-American Development Bank.
Journal Article
Ramirez, Mirta Liliana.
Servicios y dotación hospitalaria diferencial en los equipamientos sanitarios de la provincia del Chaco-Argentina.
Revista Geografica Venezolana 42, no. 1 (2001): 109-141.
Journal Article
Mier, Miguel Ángel Díaz, and María Teresa Fernández Fernández.
Comercio internacional e inversión directa extranjera en el área de libre comercio euromediterránea: aspectos cuantitativos y competitivos
Información Comercial Espaéola, ICE: Revista de economía , no. 861 (2011).
Journal Article
Fernández, Juan Suárez C, Andrea Chancay P Mendoza, Virginia Fernández, Galo Proaño M Arias, and Dadier M González.
Cesárea en el Hospital Verdi Cevallos Balda en el año 2015
QhaliKay. Revista de Ciencias de la Salud 1, no. 1 (2017): 41-44.
Becerra, Martin, Santiago Marino, Guillermo Mastrini, Marius Dragomir, Mark Thompson, Fernando Bermejo, Yuen-Ying Chan, Christian S Nissen, Duvsan Reljic, and Russell Southwood.
Mapping digital media: Argentina
Fernandez, Ignacia, and Juan Fernandez.
Programas de Promocion Laboral para poblacion en situacion de pobreza extrema en Chile. Un analisis desde la perspectiva de la cohesion territorial
: RIMISP (Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural). Santiago: RIMISP, 2014.
Martorell, Reynaldo, Rafael Flores, and Morgen Hickey.
Stunting in Guatemala: Analyses of change over 15 years
Bethesda, MD, United States of America: Abt Associates, 2002.
Rivera, Reynaldo Gustavo.
Estilos de vida de los adolescentes peruanos
Peru: Aleph Impresiones SRL, 2010.
Working Paper
Ramakrishnan, Usha, Alyssa Lowe, Sheila Vir, Shuba Kumar, Rani Mohanraj, Anuraag Chaturvedi, Elizabeth A Noznesky, Reynaldo Martorell, and John B Mason.
Public health interventions, barriers, and opportunities for improving maternal nutrition in India
Food & Nutrition Bulletin 33, no. Supplement 1 (2012): 71-92.
Journal Article
Maluccio, John, Reynaldo Martorell, and Luis F Ramirez.
Household expenditures and wealth among young Guatemalan adults
The Human Capital 2002--04 Study in Guatemala: A Follow-up to the INCAP Longitudinal Study 1969--77 26, no. 2 Supplement 1 (2005): 110.
Journal Article
Stein, Aryeh, Jere Behrman, Ann DiGirolamo, Rubén Grajeda, Reynaldo Martorell, Agnes Quisumbing, and Usha Ramakrishnan.
Schooling, educational achievement, and cognitive functioning among young Guatemalan adults
The Human Capital 2002--04 Study in Guatemala: A Follow-up to the INCAP Longitudinal Study 1969--77 26, no. 2 Supplement 1 (2005): 46.
Journal Article
Hoddinott, John, Jere Behrman, and Reynaldo Martorell.
Labor force activities and income among young Guatemalan adults.
Food and nutrition bulletin 26, no. 2 Suppl 1 (2005): S98.
Journal Article
Agenor, Pierre-Richard, Reynaldo Fernandes, Eduardo Haddad, and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe.
Analyzing the impact of adjustment policies on the poor: an IMMPA framework for Brazil
Journal Article
Martorell, Reynaldo, Laura K Khan, Morgen L Hughes, and Laurence M Grummer-Strawn.
Obesity in Latin American women and children
The Journal of Nutrition 128, no. 9 (1998): 1464-1473.
Journal Article
Fernandes, Reynaldo, Amaury P Gremaud, and Renata Tedesco D Narita.
Estrutura Tributária e Formalização da Economia: Simulando Diferentes Alternativas para o Brasil
Journal Article
Graff, Mariaelisa, Kathryn M Yount, Usha Ramakrishnan, Reynaldo Martorell, and Aryeh D Stein.
Childhood Nutrition and Later Fertility: Pathways Through Education and Pre-pregnant Nutritional Status
Demography 47, no. 1 (2010): 125-144.
Smith, Lisa C, Usha Ramakrishnan, Aida Ndiaye, Lawrence Haddad, and Reynaldo Martorell.
The importance of women's status for child nutrition in developing countries
Washington DC, USA: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2003.
Journal Article
Ángeles Pablo-Calderón, Karla, MiguelÁngel Colmenares–Martínez, Liliam Irasema García-Pérez, Reynaldo Canseco-García, Minerva Hernández-Cruz, and Iván Rey Gómez-Ramírez.
Diagnóstico de la Atención Obstétrica en Unidades Médicas del Primer Nivel en Oaxaca
Salud y Administración 2, no. 4 (2015): 3-14.
Journal Article
Barona, Rocio Carvajal, Harol Leder Valencia Oliveros, and Reynaldo Mauricio Rodriguez Amaya.
Factores asociados al embarazo en adolescentes de 13 a 19 anos en el municipio de Buenaventura, Colombia
REVISTA SALUD UIS 49, no. 2 (2017): 290-300.
Conference Paper
Macabebe, Erees Queen B, Reynaldo C Guerrero, Aleta C Domdom, Aison S Garcia, Emma E Porio, Samuel Matthew G Dumlao, and Teresita R Perez.
A review of community-based solar home system projects in the Philippines
MATEC Web of Conferences 70.
Working Paper
Rojo-Mendoza T, Reynaldo.
From Victims to Activists: Crime Victimization, Social Support, and Political Participation in Mexico
Martinez, Rodrigo, Andrés Fernández, Andrea Peroni, Jorge Martínez, Onyema Onwuka, and Ernesto Espíndola.
Hunger and malnutrition in the countries of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS)
: United Nations, 2005.
Martinez, Rodrigo, and Andrés Fernandez.
The cost of hunger: Social and economic impact of child undernutrition in Central America and the Dominican Republic
: ECLAC, 2008.
Martine, George, Gordon McGranahan, Mark Montgomery, and Rogelio Fernandez-Castilla.
The new global frontier: Urbanization, poverty and environment in the 21st century
: Earthscan, 2012.
Journal Article
Fernandez, Aloysius.
History and spread of the self-help affinity group movement in India: The role of IFAD
IFAD Occasional Papers 3, no. 6 (2006).
Sabates, Ricardo, Jo Westbrook, and Jimena Hernandez-Fernandez.
The health and education benefits of universal primary education for the next generation: Evidence from Tanzania
Sussex, UK: Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transitions and Equity, 2011.
Journal Article
Laberiano Fernández, Caddie, Ana Maria Salinas, Miguel Palacios, and Ciro Maguiña Vargas.
Rol de la mujer médica: A propósito del Día Internacional de la Mujer
Acta Médica Peruana 29, no. 1 (2012): 12-13.
Rosero, Luis, Bixby William H Dow, and Xinia Fernandez.
Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study Methods, Wave 1
Thesis or Dissertation
Suazo Fernandez, Ricardo Yonah.
Aplicación de ensayos domiciliarios para evaluar la adopción de practicas mejoradas de alimentación complementaria en madres. Centro materno infantil Juan Pablo II. Villa El Salvador, Lima. 2005.
Tesis para optar el titulo de Licenciado en Nutrición, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos. Facultad De Medicina Humana. E. A. P. De NutricióN , 2007.
Journal Article
Fernandez, Luisa.
Design and implementation features of the national household targeting system in the Philippines
(2012) World Bank, Philippines Social Protection Note.
Showing 1-30 of 161