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Showing 1261-1290 of 1429
Journal Article
Dersseh, Waga Mazengia, Yenenesh Tadesse Gebresilase, Rogier Schulte, and Paul C Struik.
The Analysis of Potato Farming Systems in Chencha, Ethiopia: Input, Output and Constraints
American Journal of Potato Research 93, no. 5 (2016): 436-447.
Journal Article
Karlan, Dean, Robert Osei, Isaac Osei-Akoto, and Christopher Udry.
Agricultural decisions after relaxing credit and risk constraints
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 129, no. 2 (2014): 597-652.
Thesis or Dissertation
Yeboah, Collins.
Internal migration, remittances and welfare impacts: a case study in Dormaa Municipality, Ghana
MA Degree in Development Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2015.
d’Agostino, Giorgio, and Margherita Scarlato.
Gender Inequality in the South African Labour Market: the Impact of the Child Support Grant
Journal Article
Metta, Emmy, Hinke Haisma, Flora Kessy, Eveline Geubbels, Inge Hutter, and Ajay Bailey.
“It is the medicines that keep us alive”: lived experiences of diabetes medication use and continuity among adults in Southeastern Tanzania
BMC Health Services Research 15, no. 111 (2015).
Journal Article
Davis, Benjamin, Silvio Daidone, Joshua Dewbre, and Katia Covarrubias.
The Impacts of the Child Grants Programme in Lesotho
(2015) The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth .
Thesis or Dissertation
Bila, Joao.
Coconut lethal yellowing phytoplasma disease in Mozambique
Doctoral Thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Uppsala 2016, 2016.
Garcia, Oscar A, Fumiko Nakai, and William Skinner.
Islamic Republic of The Gambia Country Programme Evaluation
Journal Article
Adjognon, Serge G, Lenis Saweda O Liverpool-Tasie, and Thomas A Reardon.
Agricultural input credit in Sub-Saharan Africa: Telling myth from facts
(2017) Food Policy.
Working Paper
Acheampong, Theophilus, and Ishmael Ackah.
Petroleum Product Pricing, Deregulation and Subsidies in Ghana: Perspectives on Energy Security
Working Paper
Hallman, Kelly, Elizabeth Kelvin, Berk Ozler, Juliette Seban, Erica Kuhlik, Cooper Alton, Joseph Kamara, and Sarah Goodman.
Combining mentoring programs with cash transfers for adolescent girls in Liberia: baseline report
Worlds Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7797 (2016).
Journal Article
Bawelle, Eugene Bongfudeme Gideon.
Impact of Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty Programme in Ghana: The Case of Wa West District
International Journal of Social Science Research 4, no. 2 (2016): 24-43.
Journal Article
Abukar, Abdul-Basit Tampuli, Burak Oztornaci, and Dilek Bostan Budak.
Prioritizing needs assessment techniques for agricultural programs implementation: The case of Northern Region, Ghana
Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 8, no. 4 (2016): 62-72.
Working Paper
Sanfilippo, Marco, Chris De Neubourg, and Bruno Martorano.
The impact of social protection on children
(2012) UNICEF Office of Research https://www. unicef-irc. org/publications/pdf/iwp\_2012\_06. pdf.
Delany, Aislinn, Selwyn Jehoma, and Lori Lake.
South African Child Gauge
Cape Town, South Africa: Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town, 2016.
Working Paper
Aristy-Escuder, Jaime, Maynor Cabrera, Blanca Moreno-Dodson, and Miguel Sánchez-Martín.
Fiscal policy and redistribution in the Dominican Republic
The Distributional Impact of Fiscal Policy: Experience from Developing Countries , no. 46 (2016).
Working Paper
Ghins, Léopold, and Karl Pauw.
The impact of policy and the market environment on production and wholesale trade incentives for rice in Rwanda
Thesis or Dissertation
Mutsindashyaka, Alphonse.
World Vision and Household Livelihood in Maraba Sector, Huye District (2012-2015)
Degree of Master, University of Rwanda, 2016.
Behnke, Drew, Phingseng Channgakham, Joachim Otte, and David Roland-Holst.
Promoting Rural Livelihoods and Public Health Through Poultry Microfinance: Evidence from Lao PDR
Journal Article
Agbenyo, Fauster, Sylvester Zackaria Galaa, and Gilbert Abotisem Abiiro.
Challenges of the Targeting Approach to Social Protection: An assessment of the Ghana Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty Programme in the Wa Municipality of Ghana
Ghana Journal of Development Studies 14, no. 1 (2017): 19-38.
Thesis or Dissertation
Makara, Tshepiso Ketsoeletse.
The compliance costs of value added tax for businesses in Botswana
Doctor of Philosophy, Curtin University, 2014.
Journal Article
Jennings, Larissa, Fan Yang, Easmon Otupiri, Ambrose Akinlo, Michael Okunlola, and Michelle Hindin.
Association of Household Savings and Expected Future Means with Delivery Using a Skilled Birth Attendant in Ghana and Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
Maternal and Child Health Journal 21, no. 1 (2017): 85-95.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mwenge, Felix.
Using quantitative analysis to identify binding development constraints and options for their alleviation-two case studies in health and vocational training in Zambia
Master of Philosophy in Development Policy and Practice , University of Cape Town, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Anchatuña Singaucho, Mónica Paola, and Sandy Mishell Heredia Paillacho.
Diagnostico y evaluacion financiera de las cajas solidarias en la zona centro del pais y su impacto economico social dentro de la matriz productiva, en el periodo 2013-2015.
título de ingeniero en finanzas y auditoría, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE Extensi{\'o}n Latacunga. Carrera de Ingenier{\'\i}a en Finanzas y Auditor{\'\i}a., 2016.
Journal Article
Wilson R, Trevor.
The environmental ecology of oxen used for draught power
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 97, no. 1 (2003): 21-37.
Journal Article
Sayeed, Yeasmin.
Effect of girls’ secondary school stipend on completed schooling, age at marriage, and age at first birth
WIDER Working Paper , no. 110 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Edder Santiago, Betancourt Ona, and Jacome Vilana Gabriela Michelle.
Analisis comparativo del alza de pasajes del transporte publico de pasajeros del canton Quito y Ruminahui
título de ingeniero en finanzas y auditoría, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. Carrera de Ingenieria en Finanzas y Auditoria., 2016.
Working Paper
Tegenu, Tsegaye.
Decline of Farmers’ Valuation for Smallholder Agriculture, Attitude Changes and Expansion of Mass Education in Rural Ethiopia
Working Paper
Ayele, Gezahegn, Dorene Asare-Marfo, Ekin Birol, and Devesh Roy.
Investigating the Role of Poultry in Livelihoods and the Impact of HPAI in Ethiopia
HPAI Research Brief , no. 12 (2009).
Journal Article
Getahun, Addisu, and Erimias Tefera.
Value Chain Assessment Study of Groundnut in Northwestern Ethiopia
British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade 16, no. 2 (2017): 1-15.
Showing 1261-1290 of 1429