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Showing 31-60 of 1023
Working Paper
Meth, Charles.
What was the poverty headcount in 2004 and how does it compare to recent estimates by van der Berg et al?
SALDRU Working Paper , no. 06/01 (2006).
Journal Article
Hussain, Aatif, AK Negi, Rahul Kumar Singh, Showket Aziem, Kaiser Iqbal, and Nazir A Pala.
Comparative study of fuelwood consumption by semi-nomadic pastoral community and adjacent villagers around Corbett Tiger Reserve, India
Indian Forester 142, no. 6 (2016): 574-581.
Working Paper
Boon, Danielle, and Jeanne Kurvers.
Adult literacy in multilingual Timor-Leste: First results of a study
(2012) New research on Timor-Leste.
Book Section
Carstensen, Claus H, Manfred Prenzel, and Jürgen Baumert.
Vertiefende Analysen zu PISA 2006
(2009) Trendanalysen in PISA: Wie haben sich die Kompetenzen in Deutschland zwischen PISA 2000 und PISA 2006 entwickelt?.
Diederich, Stefan.
Land und Industrialisierung in Indien
: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH \& Co. KG, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
El-Salhy, Lisa, and Olga Kolotova.
"Made in Ukraine"-a tag in the functional or innovative garment?
Bachelor of Science, The Swedish School of Textiles, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Forstner, Ruth Theresa.
Klinische und epidemiologische Untersuchungen in einem HIV-Behandlungsprogramm fur Kinder in Kambodscha
Doktorwürde, Julius-Maximillians-Universität Würzburg , 2014.
Journal Article
Kesteman, Thomas, Milijaona Randrianarivelojosia, Chiarella Mattern, Emma Raboanary, Dolorès Pourette, Florian Girond, Vaomalala Raharimanga, Laurence Randrianasolo, Patrice Piola, and Christophe Rogier.
Nationwide evaluation of malaria infections, morbidity, mortality, and coverage of malaria control interventions in Madagascar
(2014) Malaria Journal.
Journal Article
Mattern, Chiarella, Dolorès Pourette, Emma Raboanary, Thomas Kesteman, Patrice Piola, Milijaona Randrianarivelojosia, and Christophe Rogier.
“Tazomoka is not a problem”. Local perspectives on malaria, fever case management and bed net use in Madagascar
PLOS One 11, no. 3 (2016).
Journal Article
Dersseh, Waga Mazengia, Yenenesh Tadesse Gebresilase, Rogier Schulte, and Paul C Struik.
The Analysis of Potato Farming Systems in Chencha, Ethiopia: Input, Output and Constraints
American Journal of Potato Research 93, no. 5 (2016): 436-447.
Journal Article
Demanou, Maurice, Regis Pouillot, Marc Grandadam, Pascal Boisier, Basile Kamgang, Jean Pierre Herve, Christophe Rogier, Dominique Rousset, and Christophe Paupy.
Evidence of dengue virus transmission and factors associated with the presence of anti-dengue virus antibodies in humans in three major towns in Cameroon
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8, no. 7 (2014): e2950.
Journal Article
Kesteman, Thomas, Milijaona Randrianarivelojosia, Patrice Piola, and Christophe Rogier.
Post-deployment effectiveness of malaria control interventions on Plasmodium infections in Madagascar: a comprehensive phase IV assessment
Malaria journal 15, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Kesteman, Thomas, Milijaona Randrianarivelojosia, Vaomalala Raharimanga, Laurence Randrianasolo, Patrice Piola, and Christophe Rogier.
Effectiveness of malaria control interventions in Madagascar: a nationwide case-control survey
Malaria journal 15, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Laborte, A G, R A Schipper, M K Van Ittersum, M M Van Den Berg, H Keulen, A G VanPrins, and M Hossain.
Farmers' welfare, food production and the environment: a model-based assessment of the effects of new technologies in the northern Philippines
NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 56, no. 4 (2009): 345-373.
Journal Article
Van der Geugten, Jolien, Berno Van Meijel, Marion HG Den Uyl, and Nanne K De Vries.
Virginity, sex, money and desire: premarital sexual behaviour of youths in Bolgatanga Municipality, Ghana: original research article
African journal of reproductive health 17, no. 4 (2013): 93-106.
Journal Article
Pattanayak, Subhrendu K, Caroline Van den Berg, Jui-Chen Yang, and George Van Houtven.
The use of willingness to pay experiments: estimating demand for piped water connections in Sri Lanka
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 3818 (2006).
Thesis or Dissertation
Madike L, Ellen.
Comparison of pregnancy outcome between booked and unbooked mothers at Van Velden Hospital in the Limpopo Province
Masters, University of the Witwatersrand, 2012.
Vullnetari, Julie.
Albania on the Move: Links between Internal and International Migration
: Amsterdam University Press, 2012.
Journal Article
Van Bang, Nguyen, Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Vu Thi Tuong Van, Trieu Thi Hong Thai, Nguyen Van Thuong, Gulam Khandaker, and Elizabeth Elliott.
Surveillance of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in tertiary care hospitals in Hanoi, Vietnam during a rubella epidemic
Vaccine 32, no. 52 (2014): 7065-7069.
Journal Article
Malama, Sydney, Musso Munyeme, Sydney Mwanza, and John Bwalya Muma.
Isolation and characterization of non tuberculous mycobacteria from humans and animals in Namwala District of Zambia
BMC research notes 7, no. 622 (2014).
Journal Article
Brink, EW, IH Khan, JL Splitter, NW Staehling, JM Lane, and MZ Nichaman.
Nutritional status of children in Nepal, 1975
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 54, no. 3 (1975): 311.
Working Paper
Kniss, Michael.
Walking Kenya back from the brink: A micro-level study of horizontal inequity and civil conflict prevention
(2010) Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland .
Journal Article
Parida, Pradeep Kumar.
The social construction of gendered vulnerability to tsunami disaster: the case of coastal Sri Lanka
(2015) Journal of Social and Economic Development.
Working Paper
Sethuraman, Kavita.
Managing Acute Malnutrition: A Review of the Evidence and Country Experiences in South Asia and a Recommended Approach for Bangladesh
(2014) Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project.
Journal Article
Strong, SI.
International Arbitration And The Republic Of Colombia: Commercial, Comparative And Constitutional Concerns From A US Perspective
(2011) Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law.
Working Paper
Curless, Gareth.
Sudan’s 2010 National Elections
Ethnopolitics , no. 3 (2010).
Working Paper
Boodoo, Carlene, Rehanna Jadoo, and Lisa Ramoutar.
The Current Status and Development Direction of the Trinidad and Tobago National Spatial Data Infrastructure (TTNSDI)
Journal Article
Dunn D, Elwood.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kautoke-Holani, Alisi Wenonalita.
Agricultural export growth and economic development for Tonga : the quest for efficiency
Master of Public Policy, Massey University, 2008.
Journal Article
Ekeanyanwu, NT.
Nollywood and Nigeria's Indigenous Cultural Values: The Development Imperatives
(2010) Communication and Africa's Development Crisis: Essays in Honour of Professor Des Wilson.
Showing 31-60 of 1023