
Showing 31-60 of 1595
Thesis or Dissertation
John, Laurah Mavis. "Wasted lives: determining the feasibility of establishing a test case resource recovery programme in the urban poor community of Faux-a-Chaud, Saint Lucia." Master of Urban Studies, Simon Fraser University, 2012.
Journal Article
Saint, William. "Higher education in Ethiopia: The vision and its challenges." Journal of Higher Education in Africa 2, no. 3 (2004): 83-113.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lay, Cornelis. "The Patterns of Underdevelopment in Indonesia: A Study of Regional Disparities." Master thesis, Saint Mary’s University, 1991.
Corporate Author
Inter-American Development Bank. "The Private Sector Assessment. Saint Lucia." 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Balde, Djénabou. "Enseignement a Distance: Strategie Alternative D’amelioration de L’acces a L’enseignement Superieur en Republique de Guinee." PhD Thesis, Universite de Versailles Saint Quentin, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Niang, Demba. "Gouvernance Locale, Maîtrise D'ouvrage Communale et Stratégies de Développement Local au Sénégal: L'expérience de la Ville de Saint-Louis." PhD Thesis, Universite Toulouse le Mirail-Toulouse II, 2007.
Thesis or Dissertation
Yirfu, Jovani. "National Scale Landslide Hazard Assessment Along The Road Corridors Of Dominica And Saint Lucia." Master of Science, University of Twente, 2015.
Chitolie-Joseph, Esther, and Corporate Planning Unit. Education for All 2015 National Review: Saint Lucia. 2014.
Journal Article
Alexandre, Pierre Kébreau, Gilbert Saint-Jean, Lee Crandall, and Etzer Fevrin. "Prenatal care utilization in rural areas and urban areas of Haiti." Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica 18, no. 2 (2005): 84-92.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lépine, Aurélia. "Three Essays in Health Microeconomics in Developing Countries: Evidence from Rural Senegal." PhD thesis, University of Otago, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Loveday, Sarah. "The land question in Namibia: land reform and social transformation in the post-apartheid Era." Masters of International Development Studies, Saint Mary’s University, 2005.
Thesis or Dissertation
Caulum, Benjamin Ross, Michael R Wagner, James A Allen, and Richard W Hoftetter. "Coconut Palm on the Coastline of Western and Central regions of Ghana." Master of Forestry, Northern Arizona University, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Goggin, Caitlin EW. "The right synthesis: lessons for UNICEF rights-based programming in Zambia." Master of Arts, Saint Mary's University, 2008.
Thesis or Dissertation
Reniers, Graeme. "Participation as Tyranny! Struggle for Social Control in Rural Uganda." Master Thesis, Saint Mary's University, 2011.
Working Paper
Shinde, Kiran A, and Andrea Marion Pinkney. "Shirdi in Transition: Guru Devotion, Urbanisation and Regional Pluralism in India." South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 36, no. 4 (2013): 554-570.
Journal Article
Mao, Tan Eang, Kosuke Okada, Norio Yamada, Satha Peou, Masaki Ota, Saly Saint, Pichenda Kouet, Manith Chea, Sokonth Keo, Sok Heng Pheng, and others. "Cross-sectional studies of tuberculosis prevalence in Cambodia between 2002 and 2011." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 92, no. 8 (2014): 573-581.
Journal Article
Alexander, Ms Sonia, and Affette McCaw-Binns. "Oral Health Status of 12-year-old Children in Northern Saint Lucia."
Thesis or Dissertation
Timbo, Saidu. "Contemporary Large-Scale Farmland Acquisitions and Food Sovereignty: The Case of Smallholders in Sierra Leone." Master Thesis, Saint Mary’s University, 2015.
Conference Paper
Daniel, Bethia. "Community Awareness and Livelihood Opportunities at the Pointe Sable Environmental Protection Area (PSEPA)." 65th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute . 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Jean, Kevin. "Mise a lepreuve de la strategie de prevention du VIH" Tester et Traiter": l'exemple de la Cote d'Ivoire." Diplome de doctorat, Universit{\'e} de Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines, 2013.
Krauss, Ulrike. Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Awareness Baseline Survey, Saint Lucia, 2010. : Forestry Department , 2010.
Working Paper
Hill J, Krystal. "Mapping Diabetes Mellitus in Saint Lucia: The Use of GIS for Effective Design and Delivery of Translational Health Services." (2011) Department of Global Health, College of Public Health, University of South Florida.
Journal Article
Doupa, Dominique, Sidy Mohamed Seck, Charles Abdou Dia, Fatou Agne Diallo, Modou Oumy Kane, Adama Kane, Pape Madieye Gueye, Maimouna Ndour Mbaye, Lamine Gueye, and Modou Jobe. "Dyslipidemia, obesity and other cardiovascular risk factors in the adult population in Senegal." (2014) The Pan African medical journal.
Journal Article
Doupa, Dominique, Abdou Salam Mbengue, Fatou Agne Diallo, Modou Jobe, Arame Ndiaye, Adama Kane, Alassane Diatta, and Meissa Toure. "Lipid profile frequency and the prevalence of dyslipidaemia from biochemical tests at Saint Louis University Hospital in Senegal.." (2013) The Pan African medical journal.
Journal Article
Wamala, Robert, Omala Saint Kizito, and Evans Jjemba. "Academic Achievement of Ugandan Sixth Grade Students: Influence of Parents' Education Levels." Contemporary Issues in Education Research (Online) 6, no. 1 (2013): 133-142.
Corporate Author
l’Initiative conjointe pour l’emploi des jeunes en Afrique. "Diagnostic sur l’emploi des jeunes au Sénégal." 2014.
Showing 31-60 of 1595