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Showing 361-390 of 14194
Journal Article
Saha, Choyon Kumar.
Dynamics of disaster-induced risk in southwestern coastal Bangladesh: an analysis on tropical Cyclone Aila 2009
Natural Hazards 75, no. 1 (2015): 727-754.
Working Paper
Smith, William, Lucy Scott, and Andrew Shepherd.
Enhanced Resilience through Savings and Insurance via Linkages and Digital Technology
Financial Inclusion Policy Guide , no. 6 (2015).
Working Paper
Olorunfemi, FB.
Managing flood disasters under a changing climate: Lessons from Nigeria and South Africa
Journal Article
Nzeh, Emeka Celestine, and Ogugua Rita Eboh.
Technological challenges of climate change adaptation in Nigeria: Insights from Enugu State
(2011) African Technology Policy Studies Network.
Bobb-Prescott, N.
Case study on the use of participatory three dimensional modelling to facilitate effective contribution of civil society in the Caribbean islands in planning for action on climate change
: Caribbean Natural Resources Institute, 2014.
Journal Article
Mubea, Kenneth, and Gunter Menz.
Monitoring land-use change in Nakuru (Kenya) using multi-sensor satellite data
Advances in Remote Sensing 1, no. 3 (2012).
Journal Article
Dube, Opha Pauline.
Challenges of wildland fire management in Botswana: Towards a community inclusive fire management approach
(2013) Weather and Climate Extremes.
Journal Article
Romeo, Alessandro, Janice Meerman, Mulat Demeke, Antonio Scognamillo, and Solomon Asfaw.
Linking farm diversification to household diet diversification: evidence from a sample of Kenyan ultra-poor farmers
Food Security 8, no. 6 (2016): 1069-1085.
Airey, Anthony.
Good Policies and Practices on Rural Transport in Africa: Monitoring and Evaluation
Working Paper
Hoa, Dao Thi Mai, Do Anh Nguyet, Nguyen Hoang Phuong, Dang Thu Phuong, Vu Thu Nga, Roger Few, and Alexandra Winkels.
Heat stress and adaptive capacity of low-income outdoor workers and their families in the city of Da Nang, Vietnam
Book Section
Bashaasha, Bernard, Timothy S Thomas, Michael Waithaka, and Miriam Kyotalimye.
East African agriculture and climate change
(2013) Uganda .
Journal Article
Hooli, Lauri Johannes.
Resilience of the poorest: coping strategies and indigenous knowledge of living with the floods in Northern Namibia
Regional Environmental Change 16, no. 3 (2016): 695-707.
Working Paper
Boonchuay, K.
Day-to-day information needs and use of the elderly in Songkhla province, Thailand
Journal Article
Oppong, Christine.
Social capital and systems of care: Some contrasting evidence
(2004) Research Review: Children at Risk in Ghana: Family Care Under Review.
Journal Article
Fan, L., and N. Habibov.
Targeting social assistance in Azerbaijan: what can we learn from micro-data?
International Journal of Social Welfare 17, no. 4 (2008): 346-354.
Journal Article
Diawara, Barassou, Saeki Chikayoshi, and Kobena Hanson.
Social Capital and Poverty Reduction: Empirical Evidence from Senegal
Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research 6, no. 2 (2013): 41-74.
Working Paper
Yekkalam, Negin.
Patterns and Risk Factors of Social Exclusion among Older People in India
Journal Article
Idris, Aida, and Rahayu H Hati.
Social Entrepreneurship in Indonesia: Lessons from the Past
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 4, no. 3 (2013): 277-301.
Journal Article
Martinez, Priscilla, Lars Lien, Anne Landheim, Paul Kowal, and Thomas Clausen.
Quality of life and social engagement of alcohol abstainers and users among older adults in South Africa
BMC public health 14, no. 1 (2014): 316.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nunes M, Neuza Santos.
Inserção Produtiva e Assistência Social: Caminhos para a Inclusão?
Dissertação de Mestrado, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, 2012.
Working Paper
Latorre Lopez, Maria Carolina.
Sobre la relación positiva entre el capital social y la violencia urbana: un análisis teórico y empírico
Documento CEDE , no. 2004-36 (2004).
Thesis or Dissertation
Leavy, Jennifer.
Social networks and economic life in rural Zambia
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Sussex, 2012.
Journal Article
Mütevellioglu, Nergis, and Rabia Bato Cizel.
Social rights and the decommodification of labour
SEER-South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs , no. 04 (2009).
Book Section
Ng, Nawi, and Malin Eriksson.
Social Capital as a Health Resource in Later Life: The Relevance of Context
(2015) Social Capital and Self-Rated Health in Older Populations in Lower- and Upper-Middle Income Countries.
Journal Article
Barna, Cristina, and Ancuta Vamesu.
Credit Unions in Romania – A Strong Social Enterprise Model to Combat Financial exclusion and Over Indebtedness
CIRIEC WP , no. 2015/11 (2015).
Journal Article
Gibson, Heather J, Matthew Walker, Brijesh Thapa, Kyriaki Kaplanidou, Sue Geldenhuys, and Willie Coetzee.
Psychic income and social capital among host nation residents: A pre-post analysis of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa
(2014) Tourism Management.
Journal Article
Dubihlela, Job, and Dorah Dubihlela.
Social Grants Impact on Poverty among the Female-headed Households in South Africa: A Case Analysis
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5, no. 8 (2014): 160-167.
Jones, Nicola, Elizabeth Presler-Marshall, Nicholas Cooke, and Banke Akinrimisi.
Promoting Synergies between Child Protection and Social Protection in Nigeria
Journal Article
Hicks, David.
Indexing social space: A marketplace in Timor-Leste
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land-en volkenkunde/Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 168, no. 1 (2012): 55-73.
Working Paper
Sanfilippo, Marco, Chris De Neubourg, and Bruno Martorano.
The impact of social protection on children
(2012) UNICEF Office of Research https://www. unicef-irc. org/publications/pdf/iwp\_2012\_06. pdf.
Showing 361-390 of 14194