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Showing 451-480 of 778
Pangestu, Mari, and Jeffrey Sachs.
An enhanced strategy for reducing extreme poverty by the year 2015 interim report of the Millennium Project Task Force on poverty and economic development
: Millennium Project United Nations, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Manzi, Fatuma.
The development and implementation of a public health strategy: cost and health system analysis of intermittent preventive treatment in infants
PhD thesis, University of Basel, 2010.
Task 3: Research and data collection on internal child labor issues—children working in Luanda, Angola
: ICF Macro / United States Department of Labor, 2009.
Working Paper
Vodopivec, Milan, Andreas Worgotter, and Dhushyanth Raju.
Unemployment Benefit Systems in Central and Eastern Europe: A Review of the 1990s
SP Discussion Paper , no. 310 (2003).
Conference Paper
Deshingkar, Priya.
Understanding the Implications of Migration for Pro-poor Agricultural Growth
The DAC POVNET Agriculture Task Group Meeting.
Helsinki, June 17-18, 2004.
Working Paper
Force, Task.
National Strategy for Small and Medium Enterprise Sector Development in Sri Lanka
(2002) Small & Medium Enterprise Sector Development Program.
Shrestha, Iswori Lal.
Final Report on Development of Profile of Toxic Waste Products in Nepal
Journal Article
Fuest, Veronika.
Liberia' s women acting for peace: collective action in a war-affected country
(2009) Movers and shakers: Social movements in Africa.
Topping, Keith, Renate Valtin, Cathy Roller, William Brozo, and Lourdes M Dionisio.
Policy and Practice Implications of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000. Report of the International Reading Association PISA Task Force.
Thesis or Dissertation
Musizvingoza, Ronald.
Risky sexual behaviour among youth: A case of Mufakose, Harare
Master of Science in Population Studies, University of Zimbabwe, 2016.
Chen, Guangzhe, Michael Geiger, and Minghui Fu.
Manufacturing FDI in Sub-Saharan Africa
Working Paper
Mangiavacchi, Lucia, Federico Perali, and Luca Piccoli.
Child welfare in Albania using a collective approach
Working Paper
Hartwig, Renate, and Michael Grimm.
An assessment of the effects of the 2002 food crisis on children’s health in Malawi
Thesis or Dissertation
Achievable food security: How market failures lead to poor economic conditions and what can be done about them
MA thesis, Harvard University, 2006.
Carlos, Larrea, Pedro Montalvo, and Ricaurte Ana.
Child malnutrition, social development and health services in the Andean region
Thesis or Dissertation
Gupta, Shivam.
Methods for population-based assessments in post-conflict settings: Health service performance, economic status and equity of utilization in Afghanistan
PhD Thesis, The Johns Hopkins University , 2009.
Working Paper
Mensah, Joseph, Joseph Oppong, Kofi Bobi-Barimah, George Frempong, and William Sabi.
An evaluation of the Ghana National health insurance scheme in the context of the health MDGs
(2010) GDN Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Ahmed, Tahera, and S.M. Jakaria.
Community-based skilled birth attendants in Bangladesh: attending deliveries at home
Reproductive health matters 17, no. 33 (2009): 45-50.
Working Paper
Bitrán, Ricardo, and Ursula Giedion.
Waivers and exemptions for health services in developing countries
Working Paper
Bosch, Dawie, Debbie Budlender, Sam Tshabalala, Anne Skelton, Lesley London, Neva Makgetla, Shireen Motala, Shirin Motala, and Shirley Mabusela.
Towards a National Child Labour Action Programme for South Africa
(2002) Discussion Document.
Journal Article
Poverty, inequality and reconstruction in South Africa
Development Policy Review 13, no. 2 (1995): 151-172.
Journal Article
Oppong, Christine.
Social capital and systems of care: Some contrasting evidence
(2004) Research Review: Children at Risk in Ghana: Family Care Under Review.
Journal Article
Chandhick, N., B.S. Dhillon, I. Kambo, and N.C. Saxena.
Contraceptive knowledge, practices and utilization of services in the rural areas of India (an ICMR task force study)
Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 57, no. 7 (2003): 303.
Journal Article
Chandhiok, Nomita, Balwan Dhillon, Indra Kambo, and Nirakar Saxena.
Determinants of antenatal care utilization in rural areas of India: A cross-sectional study from 28 districts (An ICMR task force study)
J Obstet Gynecol India 56, no. 1 (2006): 47-52.
Roll-Hansen, Dag, Susie Cooper, Magnar Lillegard, Jon E Finnvold, Ellen C Kiosterud, Stein Opdahl, Marianne Tonnessen, and Anja Hem.
Towards universal childhood immunisation
: Statitics Norway, 2009.
Journal Article
Epstein, Helen, and Martina Morris.
Concurrent partnerships and HIV: an inconvenient truth
Journal of the International AIDS Society 14, no. 1 (2011): 13.
Journal Article
Kimani, Marungaru.
Behavioural effects of infant and child mortality on fertility in Kenya
(2001) African Journal of Reproductive Health.
Journal Article
Chimombo, Joseph.
Changing patterns of access to basic education in Malawi: a story of a mixed bag?
Comparative Education 45, no. 2 (2009): 297-312.
Journal Article
Kiragu W, Susan.
Exploring sexuality education and the burdened teacher: a participatory approach in a rural primary school in Kenya
Pastoral Care in Education 25, no. 3 (2007): 5-15.
Corporate Author
Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia.
Agricultural sample survey 2008 - 2009 (2001 E.C.)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia, 2009.
Showing 451-480 of 778