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Showing 91-120 of 1625
Journal Article
Zhang, Xiaobo, Shahidur Rashid, Kaikaus Ahmad, and Akhter Ahmed.
Escalation of real wages in Bangladesh: Is it the beginning of structural transformation?
(2014) World Development.
Demeke, Mulat, Fantu Guta, and Tadele Ferede.
Towards a more employment-intensive and pro-poor economic growth in Ethiopia: Issues and policies
: ILO, 2006.
Book Section
Dibene, Juan Carlos, Yazmin Maldonado, Carlos Vera, Leonardo Trujillo, Mauricio Oliveira, and Oliver Schütze.
NEO 2015
(2017) The Ambulance Location Problem in Tijuana, Mexico.
Journal Article
Boughton, Bob.
Ten years on: Adult education and development in Timor-Leste
(2010) Hatene kona ba Compreender Understanding Mengerti.
Journal Article
Souto, Luis, Leonor Gusmao, Antonio Amorim, Francisco Corte-Real, and Duarte N Vieira.
Y-STR haplotype diversity in distinct linguistic groups from East Timor
American Journal of Human Biology 18, no. 5 (2006): 691-701.
Corte-Real, Benjamim Araujo, and Sjaak Kroon.
Becoming a Nation of Readers in Timor-Leste
Thesis or Dissertation
Alvarado Pinela, José L, and Christian R Suárez Jiménez.
Análisis y diseño de un sistema para control de Producción en una Empresa de CONFECCIÓN
Titulo de Ingeniero, Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil, 2016.
Journal Article
Sarris H, Alexander.
Household Welfare During Crisis and Adjustment in Ghana
Journal of African Economies 2, no. 2 (1993): 195-237.
Journal Article
Bryngelsson, David K, Anders Åhlén, Christian Azar, and U M Persson.
The effect of food-price movements on African households-An investigation of food production and consumption patterns in four African countries
(2009) Food Policy.
Journal Article
Puri, Mahesh.
Consequences of unintended pregnancy among young married women in Nepal
Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1, no. 2 (2006): 37-46.
Working Paper
Koch, Steven F, Marc Ground, and Dylan van Wyk.
South African household expenditure patterns: Alcohol products in 1995 and 2000
University of Pretoria, Department of Economics Working Paper Series , no. 2006-15 (2006).
Journal Article
Grandez-Urbina, Antonio J, Gabriela Cervantes-Siles, Jorge Castro-Segura, Diana Llacta-Aparicio, and Gonzalo J Rodríguez.
Anemia en mujeres en edad fértil de la Comunidad Nativa Ese?eja - Palma Real, Madre Dios, Perú
Revista Medica Herediana 24, no. 1 (2013): 46-49.
Working Paper
Fabiosa, Jacinto F, and Ibrahim Soliman.
Egypt's Household Expenditure Pattern: Does It Alleviate a Food Crisis?
Working Paper
Raihan, Selim.
Global Financial Crisis, Remittances, Exports and Poverty in Bangladesh
(2012) Munich Personal RePEc Archive No. 37894.
Working Paper
Teriba, Ayo.
Resolving Nigeria's High Growth-High Unemployment Paradox
Working Paper
Kyophilavong, Phouphet, and Toshihisa Toyoda.
Foreign Capital Inflows in the Natural Resources Sector: Impacts on the Lao Economy
Journal Article
Liu-Kiel, Hong, Bram C Cadsby, Heike Y Schenk-Mathes, Fei Song, and Xiaolan Yang.
A Cross-Cultural Real-Effort Experiment on Wage-Inequality Information and Performance
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 13, no. 2 (2013): 1095-1120.
Journal Article
Michelutti, Enrico, and Harry C Smith.
The realpolitik of informal city governance. The interplay of powers in Mumbai's un-recognized settlements
(2014) Habitat International.
Journal Article
Fligenspan B, Flávio.
Ganhos e Perdas no Mercado de Trabalho no Real Uma Revisão Por Posição na Ocupação
R. Econ. Contemp. 9, no. 1 (2005): 187-210.
Posada, Carlos Esteban.
Una versión sencilla del modelo de búsqueda y el mercado laboral urbano de Colombia:(2001: I-2006: II)
: Banco de la Republica, 2007.
Journal Article
Mumtaz, Z, A Levay, A Bhatti, and S Salway.
Good on paper: the gap between programme theory and real-world context in Pakistan's Community Midwife programme
An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 122, no. 2 (2015): 249-258.
Working Paper
Elbadawi, Ibrahim, and Eman Refaat.
Competitive Real Exchange Rates Are Good for the Poor: Evidence from Egyptian Household Surveys
Working Paper
Al-Samarrai, Samer.
Financing basic education in Bangladesh
Journal Article
Cardoso Jr, José Pereira C, and Juliano S Musse.
Salário Mínimo e Desenvolvimento: Desdobramentos de uma Política de Valorização Real no Brasil
Revista Ciencias do Trabalho , no. 2 (2014).
Journal Article
Afonso, Luís E, Paula C Pereda, Fabio Giambiagi, and Samuel Franco.
O Salário Mínimo como Instrumento de Combate à Pobreza Extrema: Estariam Esgotados Seus Efeitos?
Economia Aplicada 15, no. 4 (2011): 559-593.
Journal Article
Sindayigaya, Samuel.
Population Growth Model as Result of Neighboring Population Growth Rate (NPGR) and Adjusted Population Growth Rate (APGR) with Application to Real Data
International Journal of Statistics and Analysis 4, no. 3 (2014): 283-292.
Singh, Bimal, and Shajehan Hussein.
Modelling the Labour Market in Fiji
Suva, Fiji: Economics Department, Reserve Bank of Fiji, 2003.
Journal Article
Grover, Richard, and Chris Grover.
Valuation and land governance
Journal of Property Investment & Finance 30, no. 1 (2012): 88-98.
Journal Article
Brandt, Loren, Chang-Tai Hsieh, and Xiaodong Zhu.
Growth and structural transformation in China
(2008) China’s great economic transformation.
Journal Article
Núñez Rodríguez, Violeta, Luciano Concheiro Bórquez, and Patricia Couturier Bañuelos.
Tecnologías mineras que violentan a la madre tierra: subsunción formal y real de los territorios en el capital
Revista GeoNordeste , no. 1 (2015).
Showing 91-120 of 1625