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Book Section
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Book Section
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Mullis, Ina V, Michael O Martin, Albert E Beaton, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Dana L Kelly, and Teresa A Smith. Mathematics achievement in the primary school years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1997.
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Beaton, Albert E, Ina V Mullis, Michael O Martin, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Dana L Kelly, and Teresa A Smith. Mathematics achievement in the middle school years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1996.
Beaton, Albert E, Michael O Martin, Ina V Mullis, Eugenio J Gonzalez, TeresA A Smith, and Dana L Kelly. Science achievement in the middle school years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1996.
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Martin, Michael O, Ina V Mullis, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Kelvin D Gregory, Teresa A Smith, Steven J Chrostowski, Robert A Garden, and Kathleen M O’Connor. TIMSS 1999 international science report: Findings from IEA’s repeat of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study at the eighth grade. Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 2000.
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