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Showing 1291-1320 of 4948
Journal Article
Ibrahim, Muttaka Na’iya, and Nabil Kabiru Yakub.
Effect of Restricting the Operation of Motorcycles Users to Day Light Period on RTAs: A Case Study of Jos, Nigeria
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 4, no. 4 (2014): 180-183.
Thesis or Dissertation
Siharath, Manivone.
Potential best practice for improving the access to development finance by SMEs in Lao PDR
Master of Business, Unitec New Zealand, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nguruse D, George.
Supply Chain Analysis for Agricultural Inputs in Tanzania: A Case of Subsidized Fertilizer in the Southern Highlands
Master Thesis, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2007.
Working Paper
Rana A, Shan.
The Economic Causes of Terror: Evidence from Rainfall Variation and Terrorist Attacks in Pakistan
Working Paper
Garriga, Carlos, Yang Tang, and Ping Wang.
Rural-Urban Migration, Structural Transformation, and Housing Markets in China
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper Series , no. 2014-028 (2014).
Journal Article
Premaratne P, S.
Household labour supply in Sri Lanka for urban young couple with pre-school children
South Asia Economic Journal 12, no. 2 (2011): 323-338.
Journal Article
Zakharovna, Michurina F, and Latysheva A Ivanovna.
Sustainable Development Problems of Rural Areas: Tariff Policy in Energy Power Supply
Asian Social Science 10, no. 24 (2014): 18-27.
Working Paper
Nour, Samia Mohamed.
Technological Change and Skill Development in Sudan
(2013) UNU-MERIT Working Papers .
Journal Article
Gabrovec, Matej, Marjan Lep, and D. Bole.
Alysis of Commuter Responses to Extensive Changes in the Supply of Public Transport – A Case Study of Dol Pri Ljubljani/Slovenia
(2007) Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering.
Journal Article
Joy, Edward JM, Diriba B Kumssa, Martin R Broadley, Michael J Watts, Scott D Young, Allan DC Chilimba, and Louise E Ander.
Dietary mineral supplies in Malawi: spatial and socioeconomic assessment
BMC Nutrition 1, no. 42 (2015).
Journal Article
Maliki, Olaniyi S, Anthony O Agbo, Adeola O Maliki, Lawrence M Ibeh, and Chukwuemeka O Agwu.
Comparison of Regression Model and Artificial Neural Network Model for the prediction of Electrical Power generated in Nigeria
Advances in Applied Science Research 2, no. 5 (2011): 329-339.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ogunlade, Abimbola Adegoke.
Comparative cost-benefit analysis of renewable energy resources for rural community development in Nigeria
Master of Engineering, North-West University, 2008.
Working Paper
Goldin, Claudia, and Lawrence F Katz.
The race between education and technology: the evolution of US educational wage differentials, 1890 to 2005
Conference Paper
Olanrewaju, Abdullateef, Seong Yeow, and Lee Lim.
Rethinking Affordable Housing Delivery: An Analytical Insight
MATEC Web of Conferences.
Working Paper
Ebenstein Y, Avraham.
The causal effect of fertility on female labor supply: evidence from taiwanese son preference
Aydemir, Abdurrahman, and George J Borjas.
Attenuation bias in measuring the wage impact of immigration
Working Paper
Borjas J, George.
Immigration and labor market outcomes in the native elderly population
Thesis or Dissertation
Wallström, Erik.
The Impact of Pre-Primary Enrolment on Maternal Labour Supply in South Africa
Master thesis in Economics, Lund University, 2016.
Journal Article
Alexandri, Cecilia, and Lucian Luca.
Food and nutrition security in Romania in the post-accession period
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development 16, no. 2 (2016): 11-18.
Working Paper
Tortarolo, Darío.
Female Labor Supply and Fertility. Causal Evidence for Latin America
Documentos de Trabajo del CEDLAS , no. 166 (2014).
Working Paper
Zant, Wouter.
How does Market Access for Smallholders affect Export Supply? The Case of Tobacco Marketing in Malawi
Working Paper
Stillman, Steven.
Labor market uncertainty and private sector labor supply in Russia
Journal Article
Khan, Farid, Arjun S Bedi, and Robert Sparrow.
Sickness and death: economic consequences and coping strategies of the urban poor in Bangladesh
(2015) World Development.
Journal Article
Klepikova, Ekaterina.
Labor supply elasticity in Russia
Journal Article
Essah, Emmanuel A, and Eng L Ofetotse.
Energy supply, consumption and access dynamics in Botswana
(2014) Sustainable Cities and Society.
Conference Paper
Negassa, Asfaw, and Mohammad Jabbar.
Commercial Offtake of Cattle under Smallholder Mixed Crop-Livestock Production System in Ethiopia, its Determinants and Implications for Improving Live Animal Supply for Export Abattoirs
4th International Conference on Ethiopian Development Studies .
Kalamazoo, Michigan, August 2-4, 2007.
Journal Article
Bishaw, Z, and D Alemu.
Farmers' perceptions on improved bread wheat varieties and formal seed supply in Ethiopia
International Journal of Plant Production 11, no. 1 (2017).
Working Paper
Kolev, Alexandre.
Labor supply in the informal economy in Russia during transition
Working Paper
Klepikova A, Ekaterina.
Estimating the Relationship between Health and Employment of Russian People in Pensionable Age
Working Paper
Al-Assaf, Ghazi.
Do International Remittances Affect the Performance of Labor Market in Jordan? An Empirical Investigation
Showing 1291-1320 of 4948