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Showing 31-57 of 57
Kaivo-oja, Jari, Sari Jusi, Jyrki Luukkanen, Juha Panula-Ontto, and Khamso Kouphokham.
Futures horizon to sustainability challenges of the Lao PDR 2050
Luukkanen, Jyrki, Khamso Kouphokham, Juha Panula-Ontto, Jari Kaivo-oja, Mika Korkeakoski, Jarmo Vehmas, Visa Tuominen, Sari Jusi, Tytti Pasanen, and Hanna Lakkala.
Future energy demand in Laos
Sulkunen, Sari.
Text authenticity in international reading literacy assessment: focusing on PISA 2000
Thesis or Dissertation
Socio-economic and demographic determinants of maternal health care utilization in Indonesia
Masters of Applied Population Studies in School of Geography, Population and Environmental Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, The Flinders University, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
SARI, Ayula C, and Evi Y PURWANTI.
Pengaruh Kepemilikan Aset, Pendidikan, Pekerjaan Dan Jumlah Tanggungan Terhadap Kemiskinan Rumah Tangga Di Kecamatan Bonang Kabupaten Demak
Thesis (Undergraduate), Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis, 2012.
Journal Article
Hasibuan, Hayati Sari, Tresna P Soemardi, Raldi Koestoer, and Setyo Moersidik.
The Role of Transit Oriented Development in Constructing Urban Environment Sustainability, the Case of Jabodetabek, Indonesia
(2014) Procedia Environmental Sciences.
Journal Article
Cicih H, Lilis Mis.
Pengaruh Perilaku Ibu Terhadap Status Kesehatan Anak Baduta di Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Sari Pediatri 13, no. 1 (2011): 41-48.
Journal Article
Fadlyana, Eddy, and Shinta Larasaty.
Pernikahan Usia Dini dan Permasalahannya
Jurnal Sari Pediatri 11, no. 2 (2009): 136-140.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kumar, Rajendra.
Social, governance, and economic impact assessment of information and communication technology interventions in rural India
Master thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.
Working Paper
Pamaran, Rochelle R, Taro Kamigaki, Teresita T Hewe, Korrine Madeleine C Flores, Edelwisa S Mercado, Portia P Alday, Alvin G Tan, Hitoshi Oshitani, Remigio M Olveda, and Veronica L Tallo.
Epidemiological characterization of influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 cases from 2009 to 2010 in Baguio City, the Philippines
Journal Article
Jusi, Sari.
Challenges in developing sustainable hydropower in Lao PDR
International Journal of Development Issues 10, no. 3 (2011): 251-267.
Journal Article
Jusi, Sari.
Integrated water resources management-a paradigm to sustainable development in Lao PDR?
Progress in Industrial Ecology, an International Journal 7, no. 4 (2012): 307-321.
Working Paper
Wahyuni, Sari, and Karina Utari.
Attracting Investors into Thailand: The Strategy Implementation and Affectivity
Journal Article
Faraji, Obeidollah, Koorosh Etemad, Ali Akbari Sari, and Hamid Ravaghi.
Policies and programs for prevention and control of diabetes in Iran: a document analysis
Global journal of health science 7, no. 6 (2015): 187-197.
Journal Article
Dadfar, Shima, Naser Azimi, and Hasan Ahmadi.
Functional Evaluation of Mazandaran Province Cities Using Factor Analysis, Numerical Taxonomy and Cluster Analysis
Armanshahr Architecture & Urban Development 5, no. 10 (2013): 253-266.
Journal Article
Pourreza, A, R Khabiri, A Rahimi Foroushani, A Akbari Sari, M Arab, and Z Kavosi.
Health care-seeking behavior in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
World Applied Sciences Journal 14, no. 8 (2011): 1190-1197.
Working Paper
Goudarzi, Reza, A Akbari Sari, Hojjat Zeraati, Arash Rashidian, and Kazem Mohammad.
Population-based preference weights for EQ-5D Health States using visual analogue scale (VAS) in Iran
(2015) Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal.
Journal Article
Sari, Ali Akbari, Satar Rezaei, Enayatollah Homaie Rad, Nasim Dehghanian, and Yousef Chavehpour.
Regional Disparity in Physical Resources in the Health Sector in Iran: A Comparison of Two Time Periods
Iranian journal of public health 44, no. 6 (2015): 848-854.
Book Section
Lundetræ, Kjersti, Sari Sulkunen, Egil Gabrielsen, and Antero Malin.
Associations between age and cognitive foundation skills in the Nordic countries
(2014) A comparison of PIAAC and PISA results.
Journal Article
Adisasmita, Asri C, Siti Maemun, Wulan Sari, and Septyana Choirunisa.
Strategies to Promote Six Months of Exclusive BA Review of Theses and Undergraduate Theses of Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Indonesia.
Health Science Journal 10, no. 5 (2016): 1-9.
Kovats, Sari, Simon Lloyd, and Noah Scovronick.
Climate and health in informal urban settlements
: IIED, 2014.
Journal Article
Bigogo, Godfrey, Manase Amolloh, Kayla F Laserson, Allan Audi, Barrack Aura, Warren Dalal, Marta Ackers, Deron Burton, Robert F Breiman, and Daniel R Feikin.
The impact of home-based HIV counseling and testing on care-seeking and incidence of common infectious disease syndromes in rural western Kenya
BMC Infectious Diseases 14, no. 1 (2014): 376.
Journal Article
Schneider, Lauriina, Sari Ollila, Judith Kimiywe, Crippina Lubeka, and Marja Mutanen.
Is competence enough to enable Kenyan mothers to make good infant and young child feeding decisions?
(2016) Maternal & Child Nutrition.
Journal Article
Prasetyo, Afiono A, Martinus N Desyardi, Jimmy Tanamas, Seiji Kageyama, Hiroki Chikumi, and Eiji Shimizu.
Respiratory viruses and torque teno virus in adults with acute respiratory infections
Intervirology 58, no. 1 (2015): 57-68.
Journal Article
Sari, Dewi M, Tri Nurhidayati, and Agustin Syamsianah.
Hubungan Karakteristik Lansia Dan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Tingkat Kehadiran Di Posyandu Lansia Kelurahan Jomblang Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Candi Lama Kota Semarang
Keperawatan 1, no. 1 (2013).
Greatrex, Helen, James Hansen, Samantha Garvin, Rahel Diro, Margot Le Guen, Sari Blakeley, Kolli Rao, and Daniel Osgood.
Scaling up index insurance for smallholder farmers: Recent evidence and insights
Journal Article
Hidayangsih, Puti Sari, Dwi Hapsari Tjandrarini, Rofingatul Mubasyiroh, and Suparmi Suparmi.
Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku berisiko remaja di kota Makassar tahun 2009
Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan 39, no. 2 (2011): 88-98.
Showing 31-57 of 57