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Journal Article
Leyva Lopez, Juan Carlos, Diego Alonso Gastelum Chavira, and Carlos Lopez Portillo Tostado. "Análisis sociodemográfico de los municipios del estado de Sinaloa, México, bajo un enfoque multicriterio." Gestión y Política Pública 24, no. 2 (2015): 533-577.
Book Section
Lopez-Gay, Antonio, Albert Esteve, Julian López-Colás, Iñaki Permanyer, Anna Turu, Sheela Kennedy, Benoît Laplante, and Ron Lesthaeghe. "Cohabitation and Marriage in the Americas: Geo-historical Legacies and New Trends." (2014) A Geography of Unmarried Cohabitation in the Americas .
Conference Paper
Rios-Neto, Eduardo LG, and Raquel Rangel Meireles Guimarães. "The Educational Gradient of Low Fertility in Latin America." XXVII International Population Conference, Busan. 2013.
Working Paper
Palacios-López, Amparo, and Ramón López. "Market imperfections exacerbate the gender gap: the case of Malawi." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7300 (2015).
Working Paper
Laplante, Benoît, Teresa Castro-Martín, Clara Cortina, and Ana Laura Fostik. "Change and Continuity in the Fertility of Unpartnered Women in Latin America." (2016)
Book Section
Esteve, Albert, Carolina A Saavedra, Julián López-Colás, Antonio López-Gay, and Ron J Lesthaeghe. "Cohabitation and Marriage in the Americas: Geo-historical Legacies and New Trends." (2016) The Boom of Cohabitation in Colombia and in the Andean Region: Social and Spatial Patterns.
Conference Paper
Esteve, Albert, Ron Lesthaeghe, Julian Lopez-Colas, Antonio Lopez-Gay, and Maira Covre-Sussai. "Cohabitation in Brazil: historical legacy and recent evolution." VI Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Población. Lima, Peru, August 12-15, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Feijó Cuenca E, Tito. "Modelo de desarrollo turístico sustentable para el fortalecimiento económico de la comuna Salango del cantón Puerto López-Provincia de Manabí." PhD Thesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, 2014.
Journal Article
Zamora, Alejandro Amador, and David Lopez Marin. "Acceso y uso de las TIC en el sector productivo." (2017) Hacia la Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento.
Thesis or Dissertation
Suarez Lopez, Claudia Juliana, Angie Paola Rojas Maldonado, and Diana Paola Sanabria Lopez. "Material educativo sobre la disciplina positiva, como una alternativa al castigo físico y humillante." Grado Enfermería, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana , 2016.
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Journal Article
Islam, Qazi Shafayetul, Syed Masud Ahmed, Taufiqur Rahman, Sher Shah Amin, and Mashuqur Rahman. "Knowledge and attitude of rural population towards TB and perception of barriers in accessing to TB services in two provinces of Afghanistan." (2008)
Book Section
Amin, Sajeda. "Trading women's health and rights? Trade liberalization and reproductive health in developing economies." (2006) Implications of trade liberalization for working women's marriage: case studies of Bangladesh, Egypt and Vietnam.
Journal Article
Amin, Sajeda. "Implications of trade liberalization for working women’s marriage: Case studies of Bangladesh, Egypt and Vietnam." (2006) Trading Women’s Health and Rights.
Chuma, Jane, Abdinasir Amin, Andrew Nyandigisi, and Gladys Tetteh. Access to prompt and effective malaria treatment in Kenya: A review of the literature. Arlington, VA: USAID, 2008.
Journal Article
Amin, Mohammad. "Are Labor Regulations Driving Computer Usage in India's Retail Stores?." Economics Letters 102, no. 1 (2009): 45-48.
Journal Article
Amin, Shahina, Shakil M Quayes, and Janet M Rives. "Poverty and Other Determinants of Child Labor in Bangladesh." Southern Economic Journal 70, no. 4 (2004): 876-892.
Working Paper
Chowdhury, Jahangir Alam M, Shabnaz Amin, and Tazrina Farha. "Access to Credit and Women Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Bangladesh." (2012)
Conference Paper
Mohseni-Cheraghlou, Amin. "Islamic Finance, financial inclusion and poverty reduction in OIC and arab MENA countries." 10th internacional conference on islamic economics and finance.
Ara, Sharfun, Nubia Sandoval, Md Maksudul Amin, and Alexandra Clemett. Institutional analysis for wastewater agriculture and sanitation in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. 2007.
Working Paper
Rather, Yasir Hassan, Wiqar Bashir, Ajaz Ahmad Sheikh, Marya Amin, and Yasir Arafat Zahgeer. "Socio-demographic and Clinical Profile of Substance Abusers Attending a Regional Drug De-addiction Centre in Chronic Conflict Area: Kashmir, India." The Malaysian journal of medical sciences 20, no. 3 (2013): 31-38.
Thesis or Dissertation
Alqadi W, Kanar Amin. "Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Palestinian Women in Refugee Camps of Nablus Area Towards Family Planning." Master Thesis, An-Najah National University, 2004.
Book Section
Amin, Samina Q, and Fatima Junnah. "Why Writing Matters: Issues of Access and Identity in Writing Research and Pedagogy." (2009) Researcher identity in the writing of collaborative-action research.
Book Section
Amin, Martin E, and George E Fonkeng. "Social Change for Women and Children." (1999) Gender and the demand for primary education in Cameroon.
Journal Article
Bajracharya, Ashish, and Sajeda Amin. "Poverty, marriage timing, and transitions to adulthood in Nepal: a longitudinal analysis using the Nepal living standards survey." (2010) Poverty, gender, and youth.
Journal Article
Amin, Sajeda, and Cynthia Lloyd. "Women’s lives and rapid fertility decline: Some lessons from Bangladesh and Egypt." (1998) Policy Research Division Working Paper.
Journal Article
Ahmed, Shaila, Shamsun Nahar, Nurul Amin, and Sonia Shirin. "Age at marriage and fertility pattern of adolescent married women in rural Bangladesh." Ibrahim Medical College Journal 1, no. 2 (2009): 9-12.
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