School mapping in education micro-planning: a case study of Union Council Chak

Type Working Paper
Title School mapping in education micro-planning: a case study of Union Council Chak
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
This research took place in the Union Council Chak 84/15L, Khanewal District, Pakistan. Pakistan is a developing country
with a large and rapidly growing population; it faces many challenges and as a result socio-economic indicators tend
not to show positive trends. In developing countries school mapping (SM), a normative approach to the micro-planning
of school locations, is often used to create the necessary conditions for achieving universal primary and secondary education
(UPE and USE). With the introduction of a new local government system, development planning is carried out by the
district governments with a focus on local priorities and needs. The objective of this research was to identify the potential
school sites at the local level by mapping and analyzing the existing inequalities in access and distribution of schools
based on reliable spatial and aspatial baseline data. Community maps were updated to identify the scattered population
sites and school locations with the help of internet resources (Google Earth, Wikimapia) and by community participation.
A household survey was conducted to gather baseline data including out-of-school children and the illiterate population.
The results provide some practical guidelines for the identification of locations where schools are to be opened.

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