Needs Assessment for the Mobile Health Clinic of the Sukhdev Raj Soin Hospital

Type Working Paper
Title Needs Assessment for the Mobile Health Clinic of the Sukhdev Raj Soin Hospital
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2012
India has  an  established  system  of  medical  and  public  health  services  to 
provide  care  to  all  citizens  through  a government-run  network  of  providers  and 
infrastructure. That  system,  though,  is  constrained  by  socio-economic  limitations, a
booming population, and the cultural variations of its population. In addition to the public 
efforts to provide health care, the private sector has grown to serve a large portion of the
population. Many of these private initiatives are found in urban areas where the potential
for  financial gain are great, but  others  have  spread into  semi-urban areas and  villages  to
serve the more rural populations. The Sukhdev Raj Soin Hospital (SRSH) is one of the latter
institutions. Founded in 2007, it is a privately owned hospital in Haryana, India that offers 
tertiary  medical  and  surgical care  to the surrounding  population.  It is  located  in a rural
region  of the country 2 hours south of  New  Delhi  along  the  Delhi-Mathura  Highway 
(National Highway 2). The hospital’s purpose is to provide state-of-the-art medical care to 
a population that lacks proximity and access to any similar resources.  

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