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De Soto, Hermine G, Sabine Beddies, and Ilir Gedeshi. Roma and Egyptians in Albania: from social exclusion to social inclusion. : World Bank Publications, 2005.
Landesmann, Michael, and Hermine Vidovic. Employment developments in Central and Eastern Europe: Trends and explanations. : Wiener Institut fur Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche (WIIW) , 2006.
Thesis or Dissertation
Stelzhammer, Hermine. "Livelihoods in the Lake Gariep region." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Vienna, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kujinga, Prosper, Karin J Borgonjen-van den Berg, Cecilia Superchi, Hermine J Hove, Elizabeth Opiyo Onyango, Pauline Andang’o, Valeria Galetti, Michael B Zimmerman, Diego Moretti, and Inge D Brouwer. "Effectiveness of zinc fortified drinking water on zinc intake, status and morbidity of rural Kenyan pre-school children." PhD thesis, Wageningen University, 2016.
Gligorov, Vladimir, Anna Iara, Michael Landesmann, Robert Stehrer, and Hermine Vidovic. Western Balkan countries: Adjustment capacity to external shocks, with a focus on labour markets. : Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2008.
Working Paper
Weijland, Hermine. "Trade Networks for Flexible Rural Industry." Research-Memorandum , no. 36 (1992).
Thesis or Dissertation
Iita, Hermine. "Strategies to support the utilisation of the nursing process by the registered nurses in local-level primaty health care practice in Namibia.." Doctor in Nursing Science, University of Namibia, 2013.
Trisnantoro, Laksono, Soewarta Kosen, Eliana Jimenez Soto, Sonja Firth, and Samantha Hollingworth. Indonesia. Developing an Investment Case for Financing Equitable Progress towards MDGs 4 and 5 in the Asia Pacific Region. Phase 1: Mapping Report. 2009.
Soto, Ana Luz Ramos, and others. El papel de las mujeres en la economia del estado de Oaxaca. 2007.
Journal Article
Laveaga, Gabriela Soto. "Hormones, Mexican Peasants, and the Search for a Wild Yam." (2015) The Pharmaceutical Studies Reader.
Conference Paper
Soto, Ana Luz Ramos. "Distribucion del ingreso y el sector informal en las principales ciudades del Estado de Oaxaca 1980-2000." V Congreso Nacional AMET 2006. 2006.
Journal Article
Byrne, Abbey, Alison Morgan, Eliana J Soto, and Zoe Dettrick. "Context-specific, evidence-based planning for scale-up of family planning services to increase progress to MDG 5: health systems research." Reproductive Health 9, no. 27 (2012).
Thesis or Dissertation
Trasmonte Soto L, Grace. "Propuesta de Gestión de Riesgo de Heladas, que afectan a la Agricultura del Valle del Mantaro (Andes Centrales del Perú)." Maestria, Universidad Ricardo Palma, 2009.
Journal Article
Novella, Rafael, Laura Ripani, Maria Soto, and Luis Tejerina. "Trading places: A decade of earnings mobility in Chile and Nicaragua." (2010)
Journal Article
Agudelo, Ruth M, Mónica L Soto, Margarita M Pérez, Mónica L Jaramillo, and Natalia Moreno. "Condiciones de vida y trabajo de familias campesinas agricultoras de Marinilla, un pueblo agrario del oriente Antioqueño, Colombia, 2011." Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública 31, no. 3 (2013): 319-328.
Journal Article
Chia-Gil, Arnaldo, Roberto Pariona, Valeria Soto, Juan Cuipal, Diana Romaní, Willy Díaz, Marilia Tapullima, José Conde, Pamela Zúñiga, and César Gutiérrez. "Lactancia materna exclusiva y enfermedades prevalentes de la infancia en menores de seis meses.." Revista peruana de epidemiología 17, no. 2 (2013): 1-8.
Journal Article
Soto, Felipe G, and Oscar D León. "Procesos biográficos de la modernización en Chile." Polis (Santiago) 15, no. 44 (2016): 329-356.
Journal Article
Byrne, Abbey, Andrew Hodge, Eliana Jimenez-Soto, and Alison Morgan. "Looking Beyond Supply A Systematic Literature Review of Demand-Side Barriers to Health Service Utilization in the Mountains of Nepal." (2013) Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health.
Journal Article
Morgan, Alison, Eliana Jimenez Soto, Gajananda Bhandari, and Michelle Kermode. "Provider perspectives on the enabling environment required for skilled birth attendance: a qualitative study in western Nepal." (2014) Tropical Medicine & International Health.
Journal Article
Hodge, Andrew, Sonja Firth, Tiara Marthias, and Eliana Jimenez-Soto. "Location Matters: Trends in Inequalities in Child Mortality in Indonesia. Evidence from Repeated Cross-Sectional Surveys." PloS one 9, no. 7 (2014).
Working Paper
Bhaumik, Sumon K, Shubhashis Gangopadhyay, and Shagun Krishnan. "Reforms, entry and productivity: Some evidence from the Indian manufacturing sector." IZA Discussion Paper , no. 2086 (2006).
Thesis or Dissertation
Cortés Soto, Juan Sebastián, Felipe Antonio Olaya Arias, Luis Augusto Leguizamón Henao, and Eduardo Martínez Jauregui. "Relación entre la norma técnica colombiana Icontec NTC5801 y la gestión de la innovación en el sector metalmecánico. Estudio de caso Manizales." Maestría en Administración de Negocios, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, 2015.
Journal Article
Soto, Hugo, Tania Tibaduiza, Marleny Montilla, Omar Triana, Diana Carolina Suarez, Mariela Torres Torres, Maria Teresa Arias, and Ligia Lugo. "Investigación de vectores y reservorios en brote de Chagas agudo por posible transmisión oral en Aguachica, Cesar, Colombia." Cadernos de saude publica 30, no. 4 (2014): 746-756.
Journal Article
Rincón Correa, Luis Fernando, Jorge Antonio Cortés Torres, Yolanda Esperanza Rivera Umaña, and Luis Carlos Soto Chaparro. "La evasión y elusión en el Sistema General de Riesgos Profesionales de las organizaciones afiliadas al Sistema General de Seguridad Social, en la ciudad de Bogotá, D.C., 2000-2006." NOVA 9, no. 16 (2011).
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