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Journal Article
Abossolo, Samuel Aimé, Romain Armand Soleil Batha, and Arnaud Borice Djeugang. "Identification des risques pluviométriques sur la culture du maïs dans l’arrondissement de Penka-Michel, dans les hautes terres de l’Ouest du Cameroun." Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie 11, no. 2 (2015): 136-146.
Journal Article
Leauthaud, Crystele, Stephanie Duvail, Olivier Hamerlynck, Jean-Luc Paul, Hubert Cochet, Judith Nyunja, Jean Albergel, and Olivier Grunberger. "Floods and livelihoods: The impact of changing water resources on wetland agro-ecological production systems in the Tana River Delta, Kenya." Global Environmental Change 23, no. 1 (2012): 252-263.
Journal Article
Mbouemboue, Olivier Pancha, Jacques Olivier Ngoufack, Adonis Koona Koona, Falmata Maha, and Samuel Kingue. "Place et Profil Évolutif des Maladies Cardiovasculaires en Milieu Hospitalier Nord Camerounais: Le Cas de L'Hôpital Régional de Ngaoundere." The journal of medicine and health science 16, no. 1 (2015).
Working Paper
Basenya, Olivier, Manassé Nimpagaritse, François Busogoro, Juvénal Ndayishimiye, Canut Nkunzimana, Gérard Ntahimpereye, Michel Bossuyt, Juma Ndereye, and Léonard Ntakarutimana. "Le Financement Basé sur la Performance Comme Stratégie pour Améliorer la Mise en Œuvre de la Gratuité des Soins : Premières Leçons de L’expérience du Burundi." (2011) PBF CoP.
Working Paper
Tran, Thuy TT, Diem TK Nguyen, Thanh Ng Tran, Phong DH Dinh, Tan V Le, Olivier Michel, Catherine Bouland, and Jean-Marie Hauglustaine. "Typology of houses andventilation characteristics: a case study inHo Chi Minh City (Vietnam)." (2016)
Working Paper
Tran, Thuy TT, Diem TK Nguyen, Thanh Ng Tran, Phong DH Dinh, Tan V Le, Olivier Michel, Catherine Bouland, and Jean-Marie Hauglustaine. "The risk of indoor air pollutants accumulation in the five housing types in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)." (2016)
Journal Article
Tran, Duc-Si, Peter Odermatt, Soukhanthone Singphuoangphet, Michel Druet-Cabanac, Pierre-Marie Preux, Michel Strobel, and Hubert Barennes. "Epilepsy in Laos: knowledge, attitudes, and practices in the community." Epilepsy & Behavior 10, no. 4 (2007): 565-570.
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Working Paper
Guha-Sapir, Debarati, and Olivier Degomme. "Estimating mortality in civil conflicts: lessons from Iraq." (2007)
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Journal Article
Nambei, Wilfrid S, Antoine Doui-Doumgba, Gustave Bobossi, Marcelle D Siadoua, Nestor Madji, Rose Folokete, Max Koula, and Olivier Garraud. "Efficacy of artemether in the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children aged 6-60 months of age in Bangui (Central African Republic)." Sante (Montrouge, France) 18, no. 1 (2008): 49.
Working Paper
Guha-Sapir, Debarati, and Olivier Degomme. "Counting the deaths in Darfur: Estimating mortality from multiple survey data." (2006) Households in Conflict Network .
Thesis or Dissertation
Degomme, Olivier. "Mortality in the Darfur conflict: A study of large-scale patterns based on a meta-analysis of small-scale surveys." PhD, Medical Sciences, Académie universitaire ‘Louvain’, 2011.
Belbéoch, Olivier, Yves Charbit, and Souraya H Houssein. La population de Djibouti: recherches sociodémographiques. Paris, France: L'Harmattan, 2008.
Journal Article
Victora, Cesar, Jennifer Bryce, Olivier Fontaine, and Roland Monasch. "Reducing deaths from diarrhoea through oral rehydration therapy." BULLETIN-WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 78, no. 10 (2000): 1246-1255.
Journal Article
Ngnie-Teta, Ismael, Olivier Receveur, and Barthelemy Kuate-Defo. "Risk factors for moderate to severe anemia among children in Benin and Mali: Insights from a multilevel analysis." Food and Nutrition Bulletin 28, no. 1 (2007): 76-89.
Journal Article
Ngnie-Teta, Ismael, Barthelemy Kuate-Defo, and Olivier Receveur. "Multilevel modelling of sociodemographic predictors of various levels of anaemia among women in Mali." Public health nutrition 12, no. 09 (2008): 1462-1469.
Journal Article
Winch, Peter J, Kate E Gilroy, Seydou Doumbia, Amy E Patterson, Zana Daou, Adama Diawara, Eric Swedberg, Robert E Black, Olivier Fontaine, and Mali Zinc Pilot Intervention Study Group. "Operational issues and trends associated with the pilot introduction of zinc for childhood diarrhoea in Bougouni District, Mali." Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 26, no. 2 (2008): 151-162.
Olivier, M., N. Smit, M. Okpaluba, and M. Thomson. Social insurance and social assistance: Towards a coherent approach. Johannesburg: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2000.
Deaton, Angus, and Olivier Dupriez. Poverty PPPs from 62 Countries. Report to the KCP. 2008.
Joffre, Olivier, Yumiko Kura, Jharendu Pant, and So Nam. Aquaculture for the Poor in in Cambodia - Lessons Learned. : The WorldFish Center, 2010.
Journal Article
Fiedler, John, Marc-Francois Smitz, Olivier Dupriez, and Jed Friedman. "Household income and expenditure surveys: A tool for accelerating the development of evidence-based fortification programs." Food & Nutrition Bulletin 29, no. 4 (2008): 306-319.
Breisinger, Clemens, Olivier Ecker, Perrihan Al-Riffai, and Bingxin Yu. Beyond the Arab Awakening: Policies and Investments for Poverty Reduction and Food Security. Washington, D.C., USA: International Food Research Institute, 2012.
Working Paper
Ecker, Olivier, and Matin Qaim. "Analyzing nutritional impacts of policies: An empirical study for Malawi." (2010) IFPRI Discussion Paper 01017.
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