
Showing 1-18 of 18
Journal Article
Gribble, James N, Victoria Jennings, and Minna Nikula. "Mind the gap: Responding to the global funding crisis in family planning." Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care 30, no. 3 (2004): 155-157.
Journal Article
Goedecke, Julia, and Courtney Jennings. "Ethnic differences in obesity." Continuing Medical Education 23, no. 11 (2008): 546.
Journal Article
Arévalo, Marcos, Beth Yeager, Irit Sinai, Rosario Panfichi, and Victoria Jennings. "Adding the Standard Days Method to the contraceptive method mix in a high-prevalence setting in Peru." Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica 28, no. 2 (2010): 80-85.
Journal Article
León, Federico R, Marcos Arévalo, Rebecka Lundgren, Victoria Jennings, Ana Huapaya, and Rosario Panfichi. "Four criteria to evaluate providers' service-delivery response to new contraceptive introduction." Evaluation review 31, no. 4 (2007): 364-390.
Journal Article
Jennings, Larissa, Muzi Na, Megan Cherewick, Michelle Hindin, Britta Mullany, and Saifuddin Ahmed. "Women's Empowerment and Male Involvement in Antenatal Care: Analyses of Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) in Selected African Countries." BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 14, no. 297 (2014): 1-11.
Journal Article
Jennings, Victoria, Irit Sinai, Luisa Sacieta, and Rebecka Lundgren. "TwoDay Method: a quick-start approach." Contraception 84, no. 2 (2011): 144-149.
Journal Article
Kabagenyi, Allen, Larissa Jennings, Alice Reid, Gorette Nalwadda, James Ntozi, and Lynn Atuyambe. "Barriers to Male Involvement in Contraceptive Uptake and Reproductive Health Services: A Qualitative Study of Men and Women’s Perceptions in Two Rural Districts in Uganda." Reproductive Health 11, no. 21 (2014).
Working Paper
Das Gupta, Monica, Avraham Y Ebenstein, and Ethan Jennings Sharygin. "China's marriage market and upcoming challenges for elderly men." (2010) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, Vol.
Journal Article
Ebenstein, Avraham Y, and Ethan Jennings Sharygin. "The consequences of the “missing girls” of China." The World Bank Economic Review 23, no. 3 (2009): 399-425.
Journal Article
Gribble, J, V Jennings, and M Nikula. "Ojo con la brecha – respuestas a la crisis mundial de financiamiento para la planificación familiar.." JFPRHC 30, no. 3 (2004): 155-157.
Journal Article
Gukas, Isaac D, Barbara A Jennings, Barnabas M Mandong, Agabus N Manasseh, Ian Harvey, and Samuel J Leinster. "A comparison of the pattern of occurrence of breast cancer in Nigerian and British women." The breast 15, no. 1 (2006): 90-95.
Journal Article
Gukas, Isaac D, Anne C Girling, Barnabas M Mandong, Wendy Prime, Barbara A Jennings, and Samuel J Leinster. "A comparison of clinicopathological features and molecular markers in british and nigerian women with breast cancer." (2008) Clinical Medicine: Oncology.
Working Paper
Ebenstein, Avraham Y, and Ethan Jennings. "‘Bare Branches’, Prostitution, and HIV in China: A Demographic Analysis." (2009)
Journal Article
Rothstein, Jessica D, Larissa Jennings, Anitha Moorthy, Fan Yang, Lisa Gee, Karen Romano, David Hutchful, Alain B Labrique, and Amnesty E LeFevre. "Qualitative Assessment of the Feasibility, Usability, and Acceptability of a Mobile Client Data App for Community-Based Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Care in Rural Ghana." (2016) International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications.
Journal Article
Jennings, Larissa, Fan Yang, Easmon Otupiri, Ambrose Akinlo, Michael Okunlola, and Michelle Hindin. "Association of Household Savings and Expected Future Means with Delivery Using a Skilled Birth Attendant in Ghana and Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Analysis." Maternal and Child Health Journal 21, no. 1 (2017): 85-95.
Journal Article
Fottrell, Edward, Hannah Jennings, Abdul Kuddus, Naveed Ahmed, Joanna Morrison, Kohenour Akter, Sanjit Kumar Shaha, Badrun Nahar, Tasmin Nahar, and Hassan Haghparast-Bidgoli. "The effect of community groups and mobile phone messages on the prevention and control of diabetes in rural Bangladesh: study protocol for a three-arm cluster randomised controlled trial." Trials 17, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
LeFevre, Amnesty E, Diwakar Mohan, David Hutchful, Larissa Jennings, Garrett Mehl, Alain Labrique, Karen Romano, and Anitha Moorthy. "Mobile Technology for Community Health in Ghana: what happens when technical functionality threatens the effectiveness of digital health programs?." BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 17, no. 1 (2017): 27.
Journal Article
Jennings, Larissa, Muthoni Mathai, Sebastian Linnemayr, Antonio Trujillo, Margaret Mak’anyengo, Brooke EE Montgomery, and Deanna L Kerrigan. "Economic context and HIV vulnerability in adolescents and young adults living in urban slums in Kenya: a qualitative analysis based on scarcity theory." (2017) AIDS and Behavior.
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