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Thesis or Dissertation
Kristoffersson, Daniel. "Understanding Peace and Conflict within Nigeria." Master‘s Thesis, Lund University.
Journal Article
Anderson, Steve, Whitney Dubinsky, Brandon Fenley, Kishori Kedlaya, Sait Mboob, Caroline Smith, John Thurow, and James Whitaker. "Inclusive Growth Diagnostic for Indonesia." ().
Working Paper
Muñoz Zapata, Daniel, Rodolfo Velázquez Tostado, , and Nancy Imelda Montero Delgado. "La avenida revolución de Tijuana, una atracción turística y de negocios que los tijuanenses desean reactivar." ().
Book Section
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Cotlear, Daniel, and Leopoldo Tornarolli. Envejecimiento de la población: ¿está preparada América Latina?. .
Working Paper
Awaritefe, Onome Daniel, and Helen Ovigue Awaritefe. "Systems approach to developing sustainable quality tourism in Delta state, Nigeria." Sustainable Future, Requisite Holism, and Social Responsibility.
Working Paper
Reidpath, Daniel, and Eileen Moyer. "The Social Determinants of HIV: A Review." Social Science Research Network.
Working Paper
Kaneda, Toshiko, Jill Hagey, Rhonda Smith, and Wendy Baldwin. "XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference." ().
Working Paper
Hooton, N., D. Lee-Smith, G. Nasinyama, and D. Romney. "Process and Partnership for Pro-Poor Policy Change: Learning Lessons from the Kampala Urban Agriculture Policy Process." ILRI; ODI.
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Working Paper
Contreras Pulache, Hans, Elizabeth Mori Quispe, and Daniel Enrique Rojas Bolívar. "Cuando los padres están ausentes el involucramiento de la pareja y la estigmatización en la embarazada adolescente de Lima Metropolitana." ().
Working Paper
Todd, Catherine S, Abdul Nasir, Pashtoon Hashimy, Nazifa Mousafavi, Farooq Mansoor, Suellen Miller, Jeffrey M Smith, Pashtoon Azfar, Suzette Kakar, and James F Phillips. "Counseling Considered: Results from a randomized controlled trial of concentrated postpartum counseling on birth spacing, breastfeeding, and infant vaccination completion in a Kabul urban population." (0).
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Monath, TP, DC Wilson, VH Lee, G Stroh, K Kuteyi, and EA Smith. "The 1970 yellow fever epidemic in Okwoga District, Benue Plateau State, Nigeria." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 49, no. 2 (1973): 113-121.
Journal Article
Smith H, Peter. "La movilidad politica en el Mexico contemporaneo." Foro internacional (1975).
Working Paper
Concepcion, Mercedes B, and Peter C Smith. "Demographic situation in the Philippines: an assessment in 1977." (1977).
Journal Article
Doeppers F, Daniel. "Changing patterns of Aglipayan adherence in the Philippines, 1918-1970." Philippine Studies 25, no. 3 (1977): 265-277.
Journal Article
Williams, E. H, P. G Smith, N. E Day, A. Geser, J. Ellice, and P. Tukei. "Space-time Clustering of Burkitt's Lymphoma in the West Nile District of Uganda: 1961-1975." British Journal of Cancer 37, no. 1 (1978): 109-122.
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Working Paper
Edmonston, Barry, William Greene, and Kan Smith. "Multivariate analysis of survival data: an appraisal using Bangladeshi mortality data." (1981).
Thesis or Dissertation
Moolenburgh, Jan Daniel. "Rheumatoid arthritis in Lesotho: a clinical and epidemiological survey." PhD, Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam, 1984.
Journal Article
Brown, Arthur E, Kenrad E Nelson, Trevor C Smith, S Suprasert, and DM Scollard. "Hepatitis B antigen and antibody in patients with leprosy: a study of three resettlement villages in Thailand.." Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy & Immunology 7, no. 2 (1989): 89-93.
Journal Article
Daniels, Daniel L, Simon N Cousens, LN Makoae, and Richard G Feachem. "A case-control study of the impact of improved sanitation on diarrhoea morbidity in Lesotho.." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 68, no. 4 (1990): 455-463.
Working Paper
Smith, J B, and Morton Stelcner. "Modeling economic behavior in Peru's informal urban sector." Women in Development (1990).
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