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Conference Paper
Epstein H, Erwin. "Sense of Nationality Among Schoolchildren:'Center'-'Periphery Differences with Special Reference to St. Lucia, West Indies.." Third World Congress for Rural Sociology, August 22-27, 1972. 1972.
Journal Article
Granato, Jim, Ronald Inglehart, and David Leblang. "The effect of cultural values on economic development: Theory, hypotheses, and some empirical tests." American Journal of Political Science 40, no. 3 (1996): 607-631.
Degregori, Carlos I, Jose Coronel, Ponciano Del Pino, and Orin Starn. Las Rondas Campesinas y la Derrota de Sendero Luminoso. Lima, Peru: IEP , 1996.
Journal Article
Levine, Myron M, Rosanna Lagos, Orin S Levine, Ingrid Heitmann, Nancy Enriquez, Maria E Pinto, Ana M Alvarez, Elba Wu, Clara Mayorga, and Alejandra Reyes. "Epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal infections in infants and young children in Metropolitan Santiago, Chile, a newly industrializing country." Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 17, no. 4 (1998): 287-293.
Journal Article
Guedes C, Alessandra. "Abortion in Brazil: legislation, reality and options." Reproductive Health Matters 8, no. 16 (2000): 66-76.
Journal Article
Levine, R, A Glassman, and M Schneidman. "The health of women in Latin America and the Caribbean." (2001) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Levine, Ruth, Mariam Schneidam, and Amanda Glassman. The health of women in Latin America and the Caribbean. : World Bank Publications, 2001.
Working Paper
Gertler, Paul, Dvid I Levine, and Enrico Moretti. "Do microfinance programs help families insure consumption against illness?." (2003) Center for International and Development Economics Research.
Journal Article
Levine, David, and Michael Kevane. "Are investments in daughters lower when daughters move away? Evidence from Indonesia." World Development 31, no. 6 (2003): 1065-1084.
Journal Article
Miguel, Edward A, Paul Gertler, and David I Levine. "Did Industrialization Destroy Social Capital in Indonesia?." (2003) Center for International and Development Economics Research.
Journal Article
Gertler, Paul, David Levine, and Sebastian Martinez. "The presence and presents of parents: do parents matter for more than their money?." (2003) Unpublished manuscript, UC Berkeley.
Working Paper
Gertler, Paul, Sebastian Martinez, David Levine, and Stefano Bertozzi. "Losing the presence and presents of parents: How parental death affects children." (2003) Berkeley, CA: Haas School of Business.
Working Paper
Federman, Maya, and David I Levine. "Does Industrialization=" Development"? The Effects of Industrialization on School Enrollment and Youth Employment in Indonesia." (2003) Center for International and Development Economics Research.
Working Paper
Levine, David I, Paul Gertler, and Enrico Moretti. "Is Social Capital the Capital of the Poor? The Role of Family and Community in Helping Insure Living Standards Against Health Shocks." (2004) Center for Responsible Business.
Hayford, Kyla, Lois Privor-Dumm, and Orin Levine. Improving access to essential medicines through public-private partnerships. 2004.
Journal Article
Federman, Maya, and David I Levine. "The Effects of Industrialization on Education and Youth Labor in Indonesia." Contributions in Macroeconomics 5, no. 1 (2005).
Kelly, Michael J, G Foster, C Levine, and J Williamson. The response of the educational system to the needs of orphans and children affected by HIV/AIDS. 2005.
Journal Article
Miguel, Edward, Paul Gertler, and David I Levine. "Does Social Capital Promote Industrialization? Evidence from a Rapid Industrializer." Review of economics and statistics 87, no. 4 (2005): 754-762.
Journal Article
Federman, Maya, and David I Levine. "Industrialization and Infant Mortality." (2005) Center for International and Development Economics Research.
Journal Article
Miguel, Edward, Paul Gertler, and David I Levine. "Does industrialization build or destroy social networks?." Economic Development and Cultural Change 54, no. 2 (2006): 287-317.
Journal Article
Deveau, Clement, Barry Levine, and Susan Beckerleg. "Heroin use in Kenya and findings from a community based outreach programme to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS." African Journal of Drug & Alcohol Studies 5, no. 2 (2006): 95-107.
Journal Article
Beck, Thorsten, Asli Demirgüç-Kunt , and Ross Levine. "Bank concentration, competition, and crises: First results." Journal of Banking & Finance 30, no. 5 (2006): 1581-1603.
Working Paper
Levine, Sebastian. "Measuring progress towards global poverty goals: Challenges and lessons from southern Africa." (2006) United Nations Development Programme.
Journal Article
Levine, David I, and Jon R Jellema. "Growth, Industrialization, and the Intergenerational Correlation of Advantage." Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 46, no. 1 (2007): 130-170.
Conference Paper
Levine, Sebastian. "Preliminary results from the poverty analysis in Namibia." Workshop on Macro-Economic Analysis and Programming in Support of MDG-Based Planning in Africa Lusaka, Zambia. 2007.
Working Paper
Van Rooy, Gert, Benjamin Roberts, Christa Schier, Jannie Swartz, and Sebastian Levine. "Income poverty and inequality in Namibia." (2007)
Journal Article
Levine, Sebastian, and Benjamin Roberts. "A Q-Squared approach to Pro-Poor Policy Formulation in Namibia." Q-Squared Working Paper , no. 49 (2007).
Working Paper
Levine, David I, and Rachel Gardner. "Briefing paper: Health care in Cambodia." (2008) University of California, Berkeley.
Journal Article
Levine, Sebastian, and Benjamin Roberts. "Combined methods in poverty analysis: Experiences from Namibia." International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches 2, no. 2 (2008): 205-221.
Working Paper
Levine, Sebastian, Servaas Van der Berg, and Derek YU. "Measuring the impact of social cash transfers on poverty and inequality in Namibia." Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 25/09 (2009).
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