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Journal Article
Triana, Luisa Fernanda Bello, Lilibeth Castillo Martelo, Gleini Moscote Villadiego, Wendy Paola Orozco Payares, Eliana Marcella Velasco Medrano, and Mildred Paola Visbal Baron. "Factores asociados al uso de mamografía en mujeres mayores de 50 años. Cartagena." Rev. Cienc. Salud.
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Journal Article
Belli, Paola. "Ten years of health reforms in former socialist economies: lessons learned and options for the future." (2001) Center for Population and Development Studies: Cambridge, MA.
Journal Article
Rodriguez, Ligia, and Paola Paez. "Bean Consumption Increase In An Urban Population As A Result Of An Educational Campaign." Agronomía Mesoamericana 1, no. 1 (2004): 357-363.
Journal Article
Devi, Beena CR, Paola Pisani, Tieng Swee Tang, and Maxwell D Parkin. "High incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in native people of Sarawak, Borneo Island." Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 13, no. 3 (2004): 482-486.
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Thesis or Dissertation
Chavez Contreras, Paola Andrea, Laura Marcela Navarro Ayala, and Eliana Marcela Prada Grandas. "Analisis del funcionamiento del regimen contributivo del sistema general de seguridad social en salud." Especialista en Gerencia de Seguridad Social, Universidad CES, 2007.
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Fuentes Lerech, Mara Mercedes, Jose Jaime Castano Castrillon, Andres Felipe Gonzalez Arias, Carlos Felipe Hurtado Arias, Paola Andrea Ocampo Campoalegre, Martha Luz Paez Cala, Diana Marcela Pava Garzin, and Lina Maria Zuluaga Garca. "Tendencias de ideación suicida y factores de riesgo relacionados, en estudiantes de 6º a 11º grado en colegios de Manizales (Colombia). 2007- 2008.." (2008) Universidad De Manizales Facultad De Medicina Centro De Investigaciones.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cassaigne, Paola. "Voices of hope: examining the empowerment planning process of indigenous women in Chiapas." The University Of British Columbia, 2008.
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Guiso, Luigi, Ferdinando Monte, Paola Sapienza, and Luigi Zingales. "Culture, Gender, and Math." Science: Education Forum 320, no. 5880 (2008).
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Vega-Romero, Román Vega-Romero, Naydú Acosta-Ramírez, Paola Andrea Mosquera-Méndezc, and María Ofelia Restrepo-Vélez. "La política de salud en Bogotá, 2004-2008. Análisis de la experiencia de atención primaria integral de salud." Medicina social 3, no. 2 (2008).
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Thesis or Dissertation
Acosta, Paola. "Application of the theory of planned behaviour to explain media exposure and condum use among Ghanian women." Masters, The Pennsylvania State University, 2009.
Gavrilovic, Maja, Caroline Harper, Nicola Jones, Rachel Marcus, and Paola Pereznieto. Impact of the economic crisis and food and fuel price volatility on children and women in Kazakhstan. London, UK: ODI, 2009.
Working Paper
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Roldan Vásquez, Paola, and Carlos Ospino Hernández. "¿Quiénes terminan en la informalidad?: impacto de las características y el tiempo de búsqueda." Revista de Economía del Caribe , no. 4 (2009).
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Mimica, Ninoslav, and Paola Presecki. "How do we treat people with dementia in Croatia." Psychiatria Danubina 22, no. 2 (2010): 363-366.
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Mimica, Ninoslav, and Paola Presecki. "Current treatment options for people with Alzheimer's disease in Croatia." Chemico-biological interactions 187, no. 1 (2010): 409-410.
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Thesis or Dissertation
Lazarte, Paola. "On the Understanding of Narcotraffic in Peru: Coca, Conflict, and the Challenges for Development." Master Thesis, Central European University, 2010.
Working Paper
Pagliani, Paola. "Influence of regional, national and sub-national HDRs." (2010) Human Development Research Paper.
Working Paper
Ángel Matiz, Javier David, Esteban García Henao, Juliana Muñoz Uribe, Manuela Buitrago Villamizar, and Paola Andrea Bustos Peláez. "Competitividad para la Productividad en el Patrimonio Cultural de Bogotá." (2010)
Thesis or Dissertation
Miloslavich M, Paola. "Impactos Ambientales de la Minería Aurífera y Percepción Local en la Microcuenca Huacamayo, Madre de Dios." Título de Licenciada, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, 2011.
Working Paper
Justino, Patri cia, Marinella Leone, and Paola Salardi. "Education and Conflict Recovery: The Case of Timor Leste." (2011) Households in Conflict Network.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ambuludí Pardo, Paola K, and Ana A Cueva Villalta. "Zonificación Ambiental de la Microcuenca la Capilla, Orientada al Ordenamiento de su Territorio." Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Loja, 2011.
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