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Toro, Beatriz Londono, Sheila Giraldo Duque, Ana Milena Montoya Ruiz, Vanina Moadie Ortega, Maria Irene Victoria Morales, Isabel Goyes Moreno, and Sandra Montezuma Misnaza. "Violencia contra las mujeres en tres ciudades de Colombia: Pasto, Cartagena y Cali. 2005-2009." Opinión Jurídica - UNIVERSIDAD DE MEDELLÍN 13, no. 25 (2014): 35-50.
Thesis or Dissertation
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McCoy, Sandra I, Raluca Buzdugan, Lauren J Ralph, Angela Mushavi, Agnes Mahomva, Anna Hakobyan, Constancia Watadzaushe, Jeffrey Dirawo, Frances M Cowan, and Nancy S Padian. "Unmet need for family planning, contraceptive failure, and unintended pregnancy among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women in Zimbabwe." PloS one 9, no. 8 (2014).
Working Paper
Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero, Sandra Sosa-Rubi, Luis Rubalcava-Penafiel, Panagiota Panopoulou, Guadalupe Rodriguez-Oliveros, and Edson Servan-Mori. "Understanding the heterogeneous nature of the demand for soft drinks in Mexico: why social determinants also matter.." Munich Personal RePEc Archive (2015).
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Sabir, Anas, Augustine Ohwovoriole, Simeon Isezuo, Olufemi Fasanmade, Sani Abubakar, and Sandra Iwuala. "Type 2 diabetes mellitus and its risk factors among the rural Fulanis of Northern Nigeria." Annals of African medicine 12, no. 4 (2013): 217-222.
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Arokiasamy, Perianayagam, Uttamacharya Uttamacharya, Kshipra Jain, Richard B Biritwum, Alfred E Yawson, Fan Wu, Yanfei Guo, Tamara Maximova, Betty M Espinoza, Aarón S Rodríguez, Sara Afshar, Sanghamitra Pati, Gillian Ice, Sube Banerjee, Melissa A Liebert, James J Snodgrass, Nirmala Naidoo, Somnath Chatterji, and Paul Kowal. "The impact of multimorbidity on adult physical and mental health in low-and middle-income countries: what does the study on global ageing and adult health (SAGE) reveal?." BMC medicine 13, no. 178 (2015).
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Working Paper
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