Uttar Pradesh Health Systems Strenthening Project Impact Evaluation 2015
Baseline Survey
Name | Country code |
India | IND |
Demographic and Health Survey [hh/dhs]
The Uttar Pradesh Health System Strengthening Project (UPHSSP) supported by the International Development Association (IDA) is implementing various strategies to improve the quality of healthcare service in Uttar Pradesh, the most populous low income state in India. The objective of UPHSSP is to improve efficiency, quality and accountability of health services delivery by strengthening the state health department’s management and systems capacity. One vital subcomponents of this project includes introducing and strengthening the social accountability of service providers and public health institutions.
This impact evaluation seeks to evaluate the effect of social accountability interventions in improving primary healthcare delivery and health outcomes in the state. Results from this impact evaluation will influence better design of social accountability initiatives for large scale rollout under the project and other national programs (National Health Mission). The intervention is focused on primary care services in the rural areas, which benefits the poor and women. The evaluation’s research questions are whether the social accountability intervention in Uttar Pradesh improves objective measures of health service quality in practice, village-level satisfaction with health services, and village-level health outcomes.
The baseline survey was conducted from March to September 2015 to generate current estimates for various healthcare performance indicators in the sampled villages. The findings will serve as a crucial input for designing social accountability strategies and interventions.
Sample survey data [ssd]
The data has been cleaned and used for the analysis and preparation of the baseline report.
The scope of the study includes:
State of Uttar Pradesh
Name | Affiliation |
Vikram Rajan | The World Bank |
Manoj Mohanan | Duke University |
Harsha Thirumurthy | University of Chapel Hill |
Name | Affiliation |
Bathula Amith Nagaraj | The World Bank |
Name | Role |
Uttar Pradesh Health System Strenthening Project | Funded baseline survey |
The study sample was proposed across 12 districts in Uttar Pradesh. However, out of those 12 districts, 2 districts (category A) were such where the survey had maximum focus. Thus, half of the PSUs were sampled from the 2 focus districts, while the other half was spread across the remaining 10 districts (category B).
Further, a total of 120 villages were selected from category A districts and an equivalent number from category B districts. The sampling of districts, blocks and villages was undertaken by the World Bank's Impact Assessment Team.
Within each of the identified 240 villages, 20 households were to be selected for the face-to-face interviews. The entire study sample comprised of 4,800 households, with category A and category B districts having 2,400 households each.
In addition, focus group discussions (FGD) were conducted with the knowledgeable members of the local community. A total of 30 FGDs were conducted across the study districts, 15 from category A and 15 from category B districts. Three semi-structured interviews were conducted per village with the key health functionaries including ANM, ASHA and AWW to assess the supply side of healthcare delivery mechanism.
Detailed information about sampling procedure is available in the attached report.
The following instruments were used in the baseline:
Household Listing Sheet
It includes the following sections: General Details of all Households of Villages, Number of members in the family, Number of children in the family under 5 years, Deaths of children under five years in the family, Number of children in the family under 1 year, and Death of children under 1 year in the family. This was mainly to measure Crude Birth Rate, Under 5 mortality rate, Infant mortality rate, and Neonatal mortality rate.
Household Schedule
It includes the following sections: General details of the family members including demographic, socio-economic details, household characteristics, Assets, Birth related information, Health services availed during last two pregnancy/deliveries, Child health related information for 2 most recent births of children under 5 years of age, Performance of health workers (ASHA, ANM and AWW), Status of VHNDs and VHSNC, and Anthropometric measurements of all children under 5 years.
Village Schedule
It gathers information on availability of health infrastructure and status and effectiveness of VHNDs.
In-depth Interview Schedules for ANMs, ASHAs, AWWs
It gathers information on general details of workers (age, caste, educational status), type of services provided, and problems and challenges faced by healthcare staff in executing their roles.
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Topic Guide
It gathers information on peoples’ preference for healthcare facility and the reasons for such choice, information about health workers role and standard package of health services, effectiveness of VHND and VHSNC.
Start | End | Cycle |
2015-03-10 | 2015-09-20 | Baseline survey |
Name |
Survey firm AMS |
Name | Affiliation |
Bathula Amith Nagaraj | The World Bank |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Vikram Rajan, The World Bank; Manoj Mohanan, Duke University; Harsha Thirumurthy, University of Chapel Hill. Uttar Pradesh Health Systems Strenthening Project Impact Evaluation 2015, Baseline Survey (UPHSSPIE-BL), Ref. IND_2015_UPHSSPIE-BL_v01_M. Datasets downloaded from [URL] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | |
Vikram Rajan | The World Bank | |
Bathula Amith Nagaraj | The World Bank | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Data Group | The World Bank | Study documentation |
v01 (February 2017)