Value |
Category |
1 |
Reallocate/change the area of land under cultivation/number of livestock owned a |
2 |
Keep land fallow (unplanted) in times of low rainfall |
3 |
Intensify the cropping system by increasing the area of crop grown/increasing th |
4 |
Utilize human labor rather than purchasing or hiring farm machinery/equipment |
5 |
Spread the time of planting the crop/rearing livestock |
6 |
Change the timing of crop/livestock harvest |
7 |
Plant drought/weed/disease-resistant crops or raise disease-resistant livestock |
8 |
Use alternative forms of irrigation rather than relying on rain-fed agriculture |
9 |
Spread out the sales of crop/livestock after harvest |
10 |
Sell crops/livestock to accumulate cash in advance |
11 |
Find out about market information before production from radio/newspapers/TV/oth |
12 |
Find out about market information before production from traders/money lenders/o |
13 |
Assess price trends before production from friends/relatives/other villagers |
14 |
Engage in cash forward/future contracts for crop/livestock sales |
15 |
Engage in deferred payment contracts for agricultural loans |
16 |
Purchase formal crop/livestock insurance against drought/losses from formal fin |
17 |
Arrange for informal crop/livestock insurance mechanisms from traditional insura |
18 |
Get credit for crop/livestock production from banks or other formal financial i |
19 |
Take out informal loans for crop/livestock from traditional financial institutio |
20 |
Engage in spiritual efforts (e.g. prayers, sacrifices, divine consultations) |
21 |
Do nothing |
22 |
Other, please specify |
23 |
Report to agricultural/woreda office |
24 |
Seek veterinary services |
25 |
Consume less expensive foods |
26 |
Used fertilizer/pesticide/compost |
27 |
Seek medical treatment |
28 |
Reduce number of meals |
29 |
Accumulate food stock |
30 |
Sold assets |
31 |
Used the harvest for livestock feed |