Value |
Category |
1 |
Send livestock in search of pasture |
2 |
Sell livestock |
3 |
Slaughter livestock |
4 |
Lease out land (including under share-cropping arrangements) |
5 |
Migrate (either at least one household member or the entire household) |
6 |
Send children or other household members to live elsewhere |
9 |
Reduce expenditures on education (e.g. take children out of school) |
10 |
Reduce expenditures on health (e.g. reduce visits to clinics even if necessary) |
11 |
Move to less expensive housing |
12 |
Reduce food consumption involuntarily (e.g. eat fewer meals a day, skip days wit |
13 |
Change agricultural practices (e.g. use fewer or less expensive inputs) |
14 |
Receive unconditional help from friends or relatives (e.g. food sharing, money d |
15 |
Receive unconditional help from government |
16 |
Receive unconditional help from NGO/religious/traditional institutions (e.g. foo |
17 |
Take on more jobs by members currently employed (including food-for-work or cash |
18 |
Take on new jobs by members not currently employed (including food-for-work or c |
19 |
Sell or rent out household durable items (e.g., radio, bed, wardrobe, etc.) |
20 |
Sell or rent out productive assets (e.g., plough, water pump, miller, etc.) |
21 |
Sell or rent out land/dwelling |
22 |
Sell crop stock (e.g. fire sales) |
23 |
Use money from savings |
24 |
Get credit for crop/livestock production from banks or other formal financial i |
25 |
Take out informal loans for crop/livestock from traditional financial institutio |
26 |
Get money from a relative that migrated (remittances) |
27 |
Engage in spiritual efforts (e.g. prayers, sacrifices, divine consultations) |
28 |
Do nothing |
29 |
Other, please specify |
30 |
Seek medical treatment |
31 |
Seek veterinary service |
32 |
Report to woreda/agricultural office |
33 |
Used fertilizer/compost/pesticide |
34 |
Early harvesting |
35 |
Planted other crop type |
36 |
Sold trees/eucalyptus |
37 |
Bought grass to feed livestock |