Labour Force Survey 2015
LFS - 2015
LFS 2015
Name | Country code |
Sri Lanka | LKA |
Labor Force Survey [hh/lfs]
Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) designed a Labour Force Survey(LFS) on a quarterly basis to measure the levels and trends of employment, unemployment and labour force in Sri Lanka on a continuous basis. This survey commenced from the first quarter 1990 with USAID technical assistance and is being continued by the DCS.
Mainly, following information can be obtained by the survey.
1.The economically active / inactive from population.
2.Employment by major industry group and employment status.
3.Unemployment rates by level of education and by age group
4.The informal sector employment.
5.The underemployment rates by sector and by major industries
6.Total Jobs in Sri Lanka with Secondary Employment
8.Computer Literacy
Sample survey data [ssd]
Individuals from the population aged 15 years or more
National Coverage
Working age population (15 years and above) living in the non-institutional households in Sri Lanka.
Name | Affiliation |
Department of Census and Statistics | Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs |
Name | Role |
Department of Census and Statistics | Data Collection,analyzing and publishing |
Name | Abbreviation |
Goverment of Sri Lanka | GOSL |
Sampling plan and the sampling frame
Two stage stratified sampling procedure is adopted to select a sample of 25,000 housing units to be enumerated at the survey. The sampling frame prepared in 2011 for Census of Population and Housing 2012 is used as the sampling frame for the sample selection of LFS in 2015.
Sample size
At the beginning in 1990, the sample size was 2,000 housing units per quarter in areas other than North and East, and the sample size was increased to 4,000 housing units per quarter in 1996 and continued thereafter. In 1992 and 1997, an annual sample of 20,000 housing units was selected to give reliable estimates by district level. In 2004 again 20,000 housing units were selected for the survey. However, in order to provide district level estimates precisely, it was decided to use 20,000 -25,000 housing units as the annual sample from 2006 to 2010. From 2011 onward annual sample of 25,000 housing units were selected.
Sample Allocation
In 2015, 2500 Primary sampling Units (PSUs) are allocated to each district and to each sector (Urban,Rural and Estate) by using the Neymann allocation method which considers the variance of unemployment rate as usually. The allocated sample for each district then equally distributedfor 12 months.
The survey was conducted from January till December in 2015.
Selection of Primary Sampling Units (PSU)
Primary sampling units are the census blocks prepared at the Census of Population and Housing -2012.
Selection of Secondary Sampling Units (SSU)
Secondary Sampling Units are the housing units in the selected 2500 primary sampling units (census blocks). From each selected primary sampling unit, 10 housing units (SSU) are selected for the survey using systematic random sampling method.
Please refer page number 6 of annual report for weighting procedure.
Survey Schedule
Current survey concepts and methods are very similar to those introduced at the beginning.However, some changes have been made over the years to improve the accuracy and usefulness of the data.In 2006, some significant improvements were madeto LFS schedule to fulfill the requirements of data users and also to provide additional information for planning purposes.
The revision focused on literacy, household economic activities, informal sector employment and underemployment etc. and that had been using from first quarter 2006, till 4th quarter 2012.
In 2013, new questions were included to the surveyschedule. These were to improve statistics onemployment, employment on informal sector, secondary occupation, training received and on computer literacy.
The questionnaire is attached as an external resource.
Start | End |
2015-01-01 | 2015-12-31 |
Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation |
Department of Census and Statistics | Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs | DCS |
Regular field supervisions were carried out throughout the year to check the concepts and definitions are being used by the enumerators accurately.
The field work of the survey for the year 2015 was conducted from January to December. The census blocks prepared at 2012 population census were used as primary sampling units. Listing operation for primary sampling unit update was conducted, at this survey.The field staff of the DCS involved in survey data collection activities. These officers were trained before they were entrusted with the survey operations.
A Deputy Director/Senior Statistician/Statistician attached to each District Secretariat is responsible for coordination and supervision activities.
The estimation procedure is given in the section 2.6 in the Annual Report.The Annual Report is attched in the External Resources Section.
The adjustments for non-response is given in the section 2.7 in the Annual Report.The Annual Report is attched in the External Resources Section.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Director General | Department of Census and Statistics | http// , | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | Under the Statistical ordinance, micro data cannot be released with identifications for public use. Procedures are in place to ensure that information relating to any particular individual person, household or undertaking will be kept strictly confidential and will not be divulged to external parties. Information on individual or individual Household/establishment will not be divulged or published in such a form that will facilitate the identification of any particular person or establishment as the data have been collected under the Census/Statistical ordinance, according to which the information at individual level cannot be divulged and such information is strictly confidential. |
The dataset has been anonymized and is available as a Public Use Dataset. It is accessible to all for statistical and research purposes only, under the following terms and conditions:
The data and other materials will not be redistributed or sold to other individuals, institutions, or organizations without the written agreement.
The data will be used for statistical and scientific research purposes only. They will be used solely for reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations.
No attempt will be made to re-identify respondents, and no use will be made of the identity of any person or establishment discovered inadvertently.
No attempt will be made to produce links among datasets provided by the Department or among data from the Department and other datasets that could identify individuals or organizations.
Any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, reports, or other publications that employ data obtained from the Department will cite the source of data in accordance with the Citation Requirement provided with each dataset.
An electronic copy of all reports and publications based on the requested data will be sent to the Department.
The following rules apply to micro data released by the Department of Census and Statistics.
• Only the requests of Government Institutions, Recognized Universities, Students, and selected international agencies are entertained. However, the Data users are required to strictly adhere to
the terms stipulated in the agreement form.
• All the data requests should be made to Director General (DG) of the DCS as the sole authority of releasing data is vested with the DG, DCS. DCS of Sri Lanka reserves sole right to approve or reject any data request made depending on the confidential nature of the data set and intended purpose of the study or analysis.
• Requests for micro data should be made through the agreement form designed by DCS for this purpose (Form D.R.1). The agreement form should be filled in triplicate and the Study/project proposal should accompany the filled agreement form. If requests are made for the micro data of more than one survey, a separate agreement should be signed.
• If the data request is from a student a letter from the respective Dept. Head/Dean/Supervisor, recommending the issue of data, should also be accompanied.
• The released Data file should be used only for the specific study/Analysis mentioned in the agreement form and shall not be used for any other purpose without the prior approval of the Director General of the DCS. Moreover, Copies of the microdata file, obtained from the DCS, shall not be given to anyone else without the prior written approval of the Director General of the DCS.
• The draft report of the Study/Analysis should be submitted to the DCS and the concurrence of the DG, DCS, should be obtained before publishing it. Once published, a copy of the final report should be submitted to the DCS.
[Department : The Department of Census and Statistics]
Source :
"Department of Census and Statistics, Sri Lanka Labour Force Survey - 2015, Version 1.0 of the public use dataset (January 2016), provided by the National Data Archive, Data Processing Division,"
The Department of Census and Statistics bears no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the secondary use of the data.
(C) 2020, Department of Census and Statistics
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Information Unit | Department of Census & Statistics | | http// |
Sample Survey Division | Department of Census & Statistics | | http// |
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Department of Census of Statistics | DCS | Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs | Data Collection |
Identical to DDI-LKA-DCS-LFS-2015-V01 downloaded from on 2023-09-01.
Edited fields: studyIDNo and DDI document IDNo.