Value |
Category |
0 |
No economic/livelihood impact |
1 |
Stopped business |
2 |
Stopped new investment |
3 |
Moved the business to another location |
4 |
Hired/paid private organizations/individuals to protect/secu |
5 |
Changed business |
6 |
Changed/quit jobs |
7 |
Reduced current or lifetime income for hh due to member bein |
8 |
Reduced household income due to crop damage from environment |
9 |
Time, cost or relocation costs associated with landlord/tena |
10 |
Costs of settling land/property disputes |
11 |
Compensation not given on land expropriated by government or |
12 |
Money/land lost due to divorce/separation disputes or inheri |
99 |
Others |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.