Interviewer instructions
A working table on education expenditures is prepared to capture the true expenses for household members attending school during the reference period.
1. Which of the following items did you spend for each HH member who attended school during the reference period?
1 - tuition and other school fees
2 - private tutoring or extra classes
3 - fees for examination papers and other related fees
4 - purchase/rental of books
5 - purchase of papers and other school supplies
6 - transportation, lunch money, and
daily allowance
7 - contribution to PTA and other school
8 - contribution to school events (school socials, christmas party)
9 - uniform/clothing
10 - purchase of materials for school project
2. How many times during the reference period did you incur the expenses? - Ask the respondent the number of times the expense items enumerated in Question 1 was incurred for the studies of household member.
3. On the average, how much did you spend for (item) during the reference period? - Ask the respondent how much was spent on each expense item incurred.
4. Did HHM (name) received during the reference period any scholarship/exemption from any school fees and other school contribution? - Ask the respondent if (household member studying) received scholarship/ educational benefits during the reference period. Encircle code "1" if the answer is yes, otherwise encircle "2" and go to Question 7. Accomplish this for each household member studying.
5. Why was HHM (name) given scholarship / exemption from school fees and other contributions? - Ask the respondent why (household member studying) was given such benefits. Record the reason/s given by the respondent on the corresponding line provided for each household member. Accomplish this for each household member studying.
6. What was the value of this scholarship/ exemption? - Ask the respondent how much was the value of the benefits received by household member studying. Record the value in the space provided. Accomplish this for each household member studying.
7. Did HHM (name) have all the required textbooks? - Ask the respondent if (household member studying) had the required textbooks. Encircle code "1" if the answer is yes, otherwise encircle "2". Accomplish this for each student in the household.
NOTE: Compute for the total amount spent on education for all household members studying. Record in the space provided for education on page 40 B.2, 1.2.
Indicate the total amount in the space provided in two decimal places.