Author(s) |
Living Conditions Monitoring Branch, Central Statistical Office, Zambia |
Date |
2011-11-17 |
Country |
Zambia |
Language |
English |
Publisher(s) |
Living Conditions Monitoring Branch, Central Statistical Office, Zambia |
Description |
The Living Conditions Monitoring survey Report 2010 highlights some key aspects of the living conditions of the Zambian population. Therefore, the results presented in this report are by no means exhaustive on any topic covered but only attempt to highlight salient aspects of living standards among various population subgroups at national, provincial and location level. A separate report on poverty is been compiled alongside this main report. Additional tabulations and analyses not included in this report can be provided to users on request. Also obtainable on demand are the LCMSVI data sets for those who wish to do further analysis. |
Table of contents |
Foreword (i)
Table of Contents (iii)
List of Tables (viii)
List of Figures (xv)
List of Abbreviations (xix)
Executive Summary (xx)
Chapter 1: Overview on Zambia
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. Land and the people 1
1.3. Politics and administration 1
1.4. Developments in the Zambian economy 1
1.5. Recent economic developments 2002-2006 2
1.6. Developments in the social sectors 3
Chapter 2: Survey Background and Sample Design Methodology
2.1. Survey background 4
2.2. Objectives of the Living Conditions Monitoring Survey V (LCMS V) 4
2.3. Sample design and coverage 5
2.3.1. Sample stratification and allocation 5
2.3.2. Coverage 6
2.3.3. Sample selection 7
2.3.4. Selection of Standard Enumeration Areas (SEAs) 7
2.3.5. Selection of households 7
2.4. Data collection 8
2.5. Estimation procedure 8
2.5.1. Sample weights 8
2.5.2. Estimation process 9
2.6. Data processing and analysis 9
Chapter 3: General Concepts and Definitions
3.1. Introduction 10
3.2. General concepts and definitions 10
Chapter 4: Demographic Characteristics of the Population
4.1. Introduction 14
4.2. Population size and distribution 14
4.2.1. Age and sex distribution of the population 15
4.2.2. Household distribution, size and headship 17
4.3. Marital status 19
4.4. Orphanhood 19
4.5. Deaths in the household 21
4.6. Cause of deaths 22
Chapter 5: Migration
5.1. Introduction 24
5.2. Individual migration 24
5.2.1. Levels of migration 24
5.2.2. Direction of individual migration 26
5.2.3. Reasons for migrating 28
5.3. Household migration 29
5.3.1. Household migration levels 29
5.3.2. Direction of household migration 30
Chapter 6: Education Characteristics
6.1. Introduction 32
6.2. School attendance 32
6.3. Gross attendance rates 34
6.4. Net attendance 36
6.5. Type of school attended 38
6.6. Level of education in the population 39
6.7. Changes in education indicators 41
Chapter 7: Health
7.1. Introduction 43
7.2. Prevalence of illness/injury 43
7.3. Common symptoms/illness 45
7.4. Health consultations 47
7.4.1. Medical institution visited 49
7.4.2. Personnel consulted 50
7.4.3. Mode of payment for consultation 51
7.4.4. Average amount paid for consultation and medication 52
Chapter 8: Economic Activities of the Population
8.1. Introduction 53
8.2. Concepts and definitions 53
8.2.1. The economically active population (or Labour Force) 53
8.2.2. Labour force participation rate 53
8.2.3. The employed population 53
8.2.4. Employment status 54
8.2.5. Unemployed population 54
8.2.6. Unemployment rate 54
8.2.7. Inactive population 54
8.3. Economic activity status 55
8.3.1. Labour force participation rates 56
8.3.2. Unemployment rates 58
8.4. Employment status, industry and occupation of employed persons 60
8.4.1. Distribution of employed persons by industry 60
8.4.2. Distribution of the employed persons by occupation 62
8.4.3. Distribution of the employed persons by employment status 62
8.5. Informal sector employment 63
8.6. Secondary jobs 67
8.7. Reason for changing jobs 69
8.8. Income generating activities among persons presently unemployed or inactive 69
Chapter 9: Household Food Production
9.1. Introduction 71
9.2. The extent of agricultural production 71
9.2.1. Agricultural households 71
9.2.2. Food crop-growing agricultural households 72
9.2.3. Other staple foods 73
9.2.4. Other food crops 74
9.3. Ownership of livestock 75
9.4. Ownership of poultry 77
9.5. Trends 79
Chapter 10: Household Income and Assets
10.1. Introduction 80
10.2. Concepts and definitions 80
10.3. Distribution of income 82
10.3.1. Income distribution by age and sex 82
10.3.2. Income distribution by highest level of education attained by household head 83
10.4. Per capita income 83
10.5. Income inequality 84
10.6. Income distribution 1996-2006 86
10.7. Ownership of household assets 86
Chapter 11: Household Expenditure
11.1. Introduction 89
11.2. Definitions 89
11.3. Average monthly household and per capita expenditure 90
11.4. Percentage share of household expenditure to food and non-food items 92
11.5. Percentage expenditure share to food 94
11.5.1. Percentage expenditure share on food by type of food and province 94
11.5.2. Percentage expenditure share on food by food type and residence 95
11.5.3. Percentage expenditure share on food by food type and stratum 95
11.6. Percentage share of expenditure on own produced food 96
11.7. Percentage share of expenditure on non-food 98
Chapter 12: Poverty Analysis
12.1. Introduction 101
12.2. Comparability of Living Conditions Monitoring Survey series 101
12.3. Concepts and definition used in poverty analysis 102
12.3.1. Absolute versus Relative Poverty 102
12.3.2. Construction of the food basket 102
12.4. Determination of the absolute poverty lines in Zambia 103
12.4.1. Extremely poor 104
12.4.2. Moderately poor 104
12.4.3. Non poor 104
12.5. Poverty measures 104
12.5.1. Concept of adult equivalent 105
12.6. Incidence of poverty in provinces, urban and rural areas 106
12.6.1. Incidence of poverty in strata 106
12.7. Poverty and characteristics of household head 107
12.7.1. Poverty and sex 107
12.7.2. Poverty and age 107
12.7.3. Poverty and education 107
12.7.4. Poverty and household size 108
12.8. Intensity and severity of poverty 108
12.9. Contribution to total poverty 108
12.9.1. Intensity of poverty 109
12.10. Poverty trends 110
12.10.1. Trends in incidence of extreme poverty 111
12.11. Percentage change in incidence of poverty between 2004 and 2006 111
Chapter 13: Self Assessed Poverty and Coping Strategies
13.1. Introduction 113
13.2. Self assessed poverty 113
13.3. Trends analysis 114
13.4. Reasons for household poverty 115
13.5. Trends analysis 115
13.6. Household welfare comparisons 116
13.7. Average number of meals in a day 117
13.8. Household coping strategies 119
13.9. Trends analysis 119
Chapter 14: Housing Characteristics, Household Amenities &
Access to Facilities
14.1. Introduction 121
14.2. Housing characteristics 121
14.2.1. Type of dwelling 121
14.2.2. Tenancy status of dwelling 122
14.3. Household amenities 123
14.3.1. Sources of drinking water during the wet season 123
14.3.2. Sources of drinking water during the dry season 125
14.3.3. Treatment/boiling of drinking water during the wet and dry season 126
14.3.4. Sources of lighting energy 127
14.3.5. Sources of cooking energy 129
14.3.6. Garbage disposal 131
14.3.7. Main toilet facility 133
14.3.8. Access to facilities 135
14.3.9. Use of various facilities 135
14.3.10. Proximity to facilities 136
Chapter 15: Child Health and Nutrition
15.1. Introduction 138
15.2. Child feeding practices 138
15.2.1 Breast feeding and supplements 138
15.3. Breast feeding status 140
15.4. Frequency of feeding on solid foods 141
15.5. National trends in the frequency of feeding on solids 141
15.6. Immunization 142
15.7. Child nutritional status 143
15.8. National trends in the distribution of malnutrition – stunting, under-nutrition & wasting 144
Chapter 16: Community Developmental Issues
16.1. Introduction 146
16.2. Extent to which projects or changes have helped the communities 146
16.3. Projects taking place in communities 146
16.4. Extent to which projects that have taken place in their communities have improved
their livelihood 147
References 149
Annex 1: Food Basket 151
Annex 2: List of personnel who took part in the Survey 152
Annex 3: List of Analysts 166
Annex 4: Main Questionnaire and Listing Form 167 |
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