Literal question
[Questions 22-23 were asked of those who lived in some other kampung/town in Malaysia previous to the current one.]
22. What is the name of the kampung/town where you lived previously?
(a) Name of kampung:
(i) Not in a town: ____ or
(ii) In a town: ____
(b) Name of town: ____
(c) Mukim: ____
(d) Administrative District/Jajahan: ____
(e) Residency (Sahah)/ Division (Sarawak): ____
(f) State: ____
Interviewer instructions
Question 22
You are to record here the name of the locality where the person previously lived. If the name of a kampung is given you are to find out whether the kampung is in a town or not and you are to record it under (i) if it is not in a town or under (ii) if it is in a town. If the respondent replies that the kampung is in a town, you are to record the name of the town, mukim, Administrative District and the State in which the kampung is located. If the respondent replies that the kampung is not in the town, then skip (b) and proceed to record the name of the Mukim, Administrative District and the State in which the kampung is located.
On the other hand, if the respondent replies that a certain town was his place of previous residence, then skip (a) and proceed to record the name of the Town, Administrative District and the State in which the town is located.