Registry Systems Process Study 2013
Name | Country code |
Mongolia | MNG |
Independent Impact Evaluation
Evaluation design: Impact Evaluation
Evaluation question:
Did some of the institutional strengthening activities of PRP reduce time and cost of completing land-based transactions?
The institutional strengthening activities that can be evaluated are the installation of web-based electronic registry system (ePRS), the revision to law that govern access to property records law, and the digitization of paper archives.
Back Office Time Tracking survey - Tracked 9 land based transactions at General Authority of State Registry (GASR) - Shortest process, registering a collateral agreement took 6 work days. Longest process, registering land or structure on land took 12 days. Transactions took 3-6 days longer than official time posted by GASR.
Banking survey - Tracked time it takes to apply for a mortgage or land-based loan including time it takes to prepare document, to submit and wait for bank approval, and to visit GASR offices to register for the mortgage or loan. Mortgage - 25 days for loan process and 14 days to prepare paperwork for loan application, total cost 360 USD. For land based loan - took 13 days for the loan process and 7.5 days to prepare paperwork, total cost 130 USD.
Informational interviews - Mixed responses. All officers agree that there has been changes to the registration flow. However, lack of consensus on whether the changes have shortened the weight time for citizens. While opening of district offices have shortened travel distance for some citizens, multiple locations meant that documents had to travel to the main office for official signatures. All officers agreed that workload increased yet workforce did not. There was consensus that more people are registering due to increased awareness and growing construction sector. Officers also noted that government mandated 8% mortgage has increased demand for mortgages. Officers agree that technical upgrades provided by PRP have improved efficiency and that outreach activity had educated the public regarding property rights.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Banking - Individuals applying for a mortgage or loan using property as collateral at banks
Back office - application to process property-related transaction at GASR
Anonymized dataset for public distribution
Institutional Strengthening component of Property Rights Project was national wide in scope. While the physical upgrades to General Authority on State Registry (GASR) occurred in select project areas and electronic property rights sytem was first installed in project areas, legislative changes will be nationwide and adoption of ePRS is expected to roll out to rest of the country.
The Banking survey covered Loan Applicants at banks, men and women aged above 18.
The Back office time tracking survey covered people who engaged in land-based transactions at General Authority of State Registry (GASR).
The informational interview covered qualitative interviews with GASR workers - Registry Officers of three district GASR offices ( Chingeltei, Bayanzurkh, and Songinokhairkhan ).
Name |
Innovations for Poverty Action |
Name |
Millennium Challenge Corporation |
All questionnaires are available both in English and Mongolian, although administered in Mongolian.
The Potential survey was used to identify potential respondents during the early stages of the loan application process. If passed, then the enumerator would immediately administer the initial survey which collected information about the early stages of the respondents' loan process and time costs of GASR related activities. Those that completed these two surveys were provided 7,000 MNT as a promised incentive for participating in the study. After approx. two weeks, the enumerators would follow up with the respondent using the Follow-Up survey which was administered over the phone.
Back office time tracking survey - There was no questionnaire for this survey. The procedural times were tracked by attaching barcodes to documents associated with the key transactions and scanning the barcodes at specific stages to track the paperwork's progress through GASR offices.
Informational Interview - The questionnaire consisted of three main parts.
Start | End | Cycle |
2013-09-16 | 2013-10-20 | Banking Baseline |
2013-07-15 | 2013-08-12 | Back Office Baseline |
2013-07-20 | 2013-07-26 | Informational Interviews |
Name |
Banking Survey - Data collection by MEC LLC - team comprised of Survey Field Manager, 2 Staged Banking survey team ( initial and follow up). The role of the enumerators include pilot testing of the survey instruments, and conducting the interview among potential and main respondents.
Back Office Time Tracking Survey - Data collection by MEC LLC - team comprised of Project team leader, Expert on Registration of Transactions at GASR, Database Manager, and Field Survey teams. Tasks of the field team leader include familiarization with general and 8 transaction workflow diagrams, attach the barcodes to each application until it reaches the target number, attach the barcodes at required steps, scan the barcode information at required steps, print the information using barcode printer, transfer the data using WiFi and server. The heads were responsible for smooth implementation of the data collection at each GASR office by ensuring that all application and the required steps are controlled, all equipment are working properly and information transferred smoothly.
Informational Interviews - Data was collected by two IPA staff and one Millennium Challenge Account PRP staff. These three interviewers interviewed a total of nine registry officers, three each. They were responsible for retrieving as much information possible in accordance with the questionniare.
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Cost: None
This analysis uses publicly accessible data funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation for the independent evaluation of the Urban Property Rights Project by Innovations for Poverty Action.
Primary investigators: Erica Field, Leigh Linden, Daniel Rubenson, Shing-yi Wang
Name | Affiliation | |
Monitoring & Evaluation Division | Millennium Challenge Corporation | |
Name | Role |
Innovations for Poverty Action | Independent Evaluator |
Version 1.0 (December 2014): This is the first version.
Version 2.0 (April 2015). Edited version based on Version 01 (DDI-MCC-MNG-IPA-RSPS-2014-v1) that was done by Millennium Challenge Corporation.
The Banking survey covered Loan Applicants at banks, men and women aged above 18.
The Back office time tracking survey covered people who engaged in land-based transactions at General Authority of State Registry (GASR).
The informational interview covered qualitative interviews with GASR workers - Registry Officers of three district GASR offices ( Chingeltei, Bayanzurkh, and Songinokhairkhan ).