Data file | Cases | Variables |
Matching Pairs
The file contains municipal-level data on the matched pair id number "pairnum" of each survey sample municipality (198). Before random assignment, municipalities were paired based on matching characteristics, each pair contains a control and treatment municipality. The unique brgy_psgc and mun_psgc ids can be used to merge "pairnum" with the household and barangay survey questionnaire datasets, especially when conducting balance tests.
198 | 4 |
B15_ History and Important Events
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 15 History and Important Events in the barangay survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 23 |
B16_ Health Facilities
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 16 Health Facilities in the barangay survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 36 |
B17_ Benefits from Social Programs
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 17 Benefits from Social Programs in the barangay survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 74 |
B18_ Barangay Welfare
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 18 Barangay Welfare in the barangay survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 17 |
B08_ Development Activities
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 08 Development Activities 2010-2011 in the barangay survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 435 |
B09_ Access to Services and Landmarks
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 09 Access to Services and Landmarks in the barangay survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 163 |
B10_ Education Facilities
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 10 Education Facilities in the barangay survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 21 |
B11_ Infrastracture 1
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 11 Infrastructure in the barangay survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 326 |
B12_ Community Participation
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 12 Community Participation in the barangay survey questionnaire. It includes information on barangay community/civic groups. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 221 |
B13_ Social Cohesion, Crime and Trust
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 13 Social Cohesion, Crime and Trust in the barangay survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 41 |
B14_ Information Media
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 14 Information Media in the barangay survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 13 |
B03_ Background Information
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 03 Background Information in the barangay survey questionnaire. It includes background information on the three barangay official respondents. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 81 |
B04_ Demographic Information
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 04 Demographic Information in the barangay survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 91 |
B05_ Barangay Government
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 05 Barangay Government in the barangay survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 33 |
B06_ Barangay Representative Body
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 06 Barangay Representative Body in the barangay survey questionnaire. It contains questions pertaining to barangay council, barangay development council-BDC and barangay assembly. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 47 |
B07_ Government Performance
The file contains barangay-level data from Module 07 Government Performance in the barangay survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique barangay identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "brgy_psgc". The unique barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from other barangay survey questionnaire data files or the household survey questionnaire dataset with this data file.
198 | 15 |
H13 Health
The file contains household-level data from Module 13 Health found in the household survey questionnaire. It includes data about the use of health facilities/practitioners by households. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 51 |
H14 Pregnancy-related Questions
The file contains household-level data from Module 14 Pregnancy-Related Questions found in the household survey questionnaire. It includes data about the household's most recent pregnancies. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 112 |
H15 Agricultural Crop Profile & Record of Palay Crop
The file contains household-level data from H15 Agricultural Crop Profile found in the household survey questionnaire. It includes information on palay harvested. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 37 |
H15 Other Crops Harvested
The file contains household-level data from Module 15 Agriculture Crop Profile found in the household survey questionnaire . It include information on other crops harvested. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 106 |
H16 Livestock & Poultry Inventory
The file contains household-level data from Module 16 Livestock and Poultry Inventory found in the household survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 180 |
The file contains household-level data from Module 17 Fishery and Aquaculture Profile found in the household survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 126 |
H17A Source Agri Information
The file contains household-level data from Module 17a Fishery and Aquaculture: Time, Travel and Cost found in the household survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 22 |
H18_Community Participation
The file contains household-level data from Module 18 Social Capital found in the household survey questionnaire. It includes data on the community/civic group and community activities participation of the household members of each household. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 571 |
The file contains household-level data from Module 19 Difficulties and Tragic Events from the household survey questionnaire. It includes data on the community/civic group and community activities participation of the household members of each household. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 165 |
The file contains household-level data from Module 20 Governance and Empowermentl found in the household survey questionnaire. It includes data on household participation in local government meetings. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 54 |
The file contains household-level data from Module 21 Information & Communication found in the household survey questionnaire. It includes data on the the household's access to information. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 21 |
The file contains household-level data from Module 22 Projects to Improve Barangay Welfare found in the household survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 20 |
The file contains household-level data from Module 23 Social Networks found in the household survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
81770 | 29 |
The file contains household-level data from Module 24 Social Cohesion, Crime and Trust in the household survey questionnaire. It includes information on the household's perception of crime and trust in the community. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 165 |
The file contains household-level data from Module 25 KALAHI-CIDSS in the household survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 130 |
H02 Basic Information about the HH Head
The file contains household-level data from Module 02 Basic Information About the Household Head found in the household survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 18 |
H03 Household Members_Long | 28308 | 24 |
H04 Education
The file contains household member-level data from Module 04 Education found in the household survey questionnaire. It includes data about the education background of all household members. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The household id "hh_psgc" can be used to merge variables from the household-level datasets with this dataset. The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
28308 | 31 |
H05 Labor Module
The file contains household member-level data from Module 05 Labor Module found in the household survey questionnaire. It includes data about household member labor force participation, primary work and other sources of income. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The household id "hh_psgc" can be used to merge variables from the household-level datasets with this dataset. The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
17546 | 37 |
H06 Self-rated Hunger & Poverty
The file contains household-level data from Module 06 Self-Rated Hunger and Poverty found in the household survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 14 |
H07 Social Benefits
The file contains household-level data from Module 07 Social Benefits found in the household survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 31 |
H08 Expenditure (Food)
The file contains household-level data from Module 08 Expenditure found in the household survey questionnaire. It contains information about the household's food expenditures.The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 36 |
H08 Expenditure
The file contains household-level data from Module 08 Expenditure found in the household survey questionnaire. It contains information about the household's expenditures.The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 63 |
H09 Housing Amenities
The file contains household-level data from Module 09 Housing and Amenities found in the household survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 20 |
H10 Household Assets
The file contains household-level data from H10 Household Assets found in the household survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 262 |
H11 Access to Services
The file contains household-level data from Module 11 Access to Services found in the household survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 88 |
H12 Water & Sanitation
The file contains household-level data from Module 12 Water found in the household survey questionnaire. The variable name is the question number from the questionnaire and the label is a description of the question. The unique household identifier variable is located at the beginning of the variable list "hh_id_psgc". The barangay id "brgy_psgc" and municipality id "mun_psgc" can be used to merge variables from barangay survey questionnaire datasets with this dataset.
5940 | 138 |