Value |
Category |
(FAR) distance of the school to student's houses (Zone 4 & 5). |
-95 |
Absence of Multi Purpose Hall |
Absence of Water in School. |
Absence of covered multipurpose hall/ building |
Absence of potable water system. |
Books are already old |
Building |
Building need to construct |
Building rooms are a lot for day caretaker. |
Chairs, tables, feding para paraphernalia. |
Child labor |
Children tend to Prefer Working than Attending School. |
Computers for students/ most of the students are computer illiterate. |
Consumption for Students |
Decreasing number of enrollees due to poverty. |
Difficulties in transpo during rainy |
Dilapidated school building |
Distance of sch. from home. |
During rainy season, there are many absentees because of creek flooding. |
Facilities. ex. no computer. |
Far distance of Public High School - Students are being wet going to school during rainy seasons. |
Fence |
Fence & kisame ng day care center |
Fencing. |
Financial capability of parents to send their children to school |
Flooding during rainy season |
High numbers of out of school youth. |
In-accessibility of school (college) |
Inadequate food and nutritin of children(Malnourishment) |
Increase of Students/Pupil but Lack of Teachers. |
Lack funds for high school |
Lack of Classrooms |
Lack of books |
Lack of books & chains for the school children |
Lack of books and other facilities. |
Lack of chairs |
Lack of classrooms |
Lack of classrooms for elementary school due to financial problems some children are not sent to sch |
Lack of comfort rooms. |
Lack of facilities |
Lack of facilities & books |
Lack of financial resources for extracuricular activities like sports fest. During sports fest solic |
Lack of parents support to the Day Care teacher. |
Lack of personnel |
Lack of rooms (Building) |
Lack of school building/classrooms |
Lack of school buildings |
Lack of school buildings and classrooms |
Lack of school facilities |
Lack of school facilities and classrooms. |
Lack of school facilities such as chairs, etc. |
Lack of school facilities such as toilet. |
Lack of school supplies |
Lack of school supplies & uniforms. |
Lack of school supplies and equipments. |
Lack of school supplies, slippers, uniformfor indigest school children. |
Lack of school supplies/equipments - books, chairs. |
Lack of teacher, enrolies, facilities |
Lack of teachers |
Lack of teachers in Elementary School |
Lack of teachers, Lacks in teachers holding the 2nd level. |
Lack of teachers; lack of books and supplies |
Lack school building elementary. |
Lack school facilities |
Lacking courses in WPU; *open courses in education, fisheries and technical courses. |
Lacking of school facilities. |
Lacks School Facilities-TV, Electricity, Computers |
Lacks school facilities such as computers. |
Learning tools wala e.g. visual/sounds |
Limited School Building. |
Low Number of Enrollees |
Malnutrition of pupils. |
Muddy road during rainy season. |
Muddy road going to school. |
Nangato nga rate ti osy |
Need additional classrooms. |
No Building separated from brgy hall for Day Care Center. |
No Comfort rooms |
No Health center. |
No Play Ground for Students. |
No School Stage. |
No computers for the students to use. |
No electricity to use computer |
No elementary/highschool in the Brgy. |
No highschool in barangay |
No perimeter fence to protect the school properties |
No playground (Badly needed) |
No space for school bldg. |
No sufficient road going to school nearby. |
No teacher. |
Not Enough Teachers |
Not enough support of daycare parents to school activities |
Outdoor facilities. |
Perimeter fence of (school) |
Perimeter fence of elementary school |
Poor School Building/Dilapilated |
Prevalence/High rate of OSY (Out of School Youth) |
Problem in water facilities. |
Renovation of Sch. Bldg. |
Safe for drinking water. |
Scarce in Books and School Facilities |
School Center. |
School Facility. |
School Teachers(Grades 1-4) 2 teachers only |
School facilities. |
School supplies; books. |
Teacher always absent |
Teachers are always Abscent |
Teachers are late in coming to school. |
The School Needs Ripwrap |
The child stopped in studying because of poverty. |
They have to wait for water so subside |
They reach drop-out. |
Transportation. |
Unfinished school building. |
Unsecured school premises |
Very poor, parents are unable to send their children to school |
Water for the school and wash stand. |
Water supply of school |
Water supply. |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.