Value |
Category |
1 |
Assistant Manager |
Assistant Managing Director |
Bank manager |
Chief accountant |
Contructs Manager |
Deport manager |
Directin manager |
Director |
Financial Conroller |
Financial Controller |
General manager |
Manaer |
Manager |
Managing Director |
Managing director |
Marketing Manager |
Operations Manager |
Supervisor |
The owner |
Vice Manager |
accountant |
accountant and adminstrator |
acting general manager |
assistant manager |
burch man |
chief accountant |
comecial manger |
director |
finance personal |
financial controller |
financial manager |
general manager |
general manger |
group chairman |
human resources manager |
managarial |
manage |
management accountant |
manager |
manageress |
managing |
managing director |
managing editor |
mananger |
marketing manager |
operational manager |
operations manager |
production director |
secretary |
senior manager |
supervisor |
vice manager |
vice mananger |
workshop manager |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.