Household Budget Survey 2015
Name | Country code |
Russian Federation | RUS |
Income/Expenditure/Household Survey [hh/ies]
Households Budget Survey (HBS) is a part of the general plan of statistical activity in Russia. It is conducted on regular basis by all State statistical authorities in all subdivisions of the Russian Federation. Rosstat administers the survey, prepares its design and methodology. The results of the survey are published at the level of Rosstat and at the level of territorial bodies of Rosstat.
HBS data provides the framework for describing and analyzing a wide range of economic, social and other issues including the following:
a) for determining the actual basket of goods and services, in order to update the weighting basis of the consumer price index, cost-of-living index for different income groups and other indices necessary for comparative evaluation of dynamic living cost;
b) for evaluating the level, structure and trends of housholds economic welfare development in the context of consumption expenditures distribution for different subgroups of interest; for relationships research between the level of welfare and different socio-economic characteristics of individuals and households;
c) data provision for compilation of household sector accounts in the national economic accounting and formation of its other separate elements; for verification and adjustment of national accounts evaluation with micro-level data;
d) for developing, pursuing, monitoring and evaluating the efficiency of social and economic policy, determining and updating the subsistence level consumer basket;
e) for consumer behavior research of different socio-economic groups.
Household Budget Survey is a continuous survey conducted quarterly within 12 months of calendar year in accordance with the established plan and program. The primary objective of the HBS is to obtain detailed and comparable data on households expenditures. The program is not aimed at receiving detailed information about incomes; income indicators it contains or indicators calculated on the basis of indirect accounting attributes are mostly used to characterize household consumption patterns.
The program of HBS provide a means for collecting and applying data on different related topics. For example, food consumption surveys and - since the fourth quarter of 1998 - consumer expectations surveys are conducted regularly on the basis of HBS. Coordination with other surveys is considered important in HBS program designing, as well as compatibility with concepts, definitions and classifications used in such surveys. This makes possible to use the received statistical data jointly and efficiently.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Version 01
The scope of the study includes:
Survey covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the Chechen Republic.
All private households and population in them living on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the Chechen Republic.
The survey doesn't cover people residing in collective living accommodations. Residents of special institutions with cooperative buying of foods and other basic consumer goods fall into this category. For example, people living in military barracks, camps, hospitals, homes for elderly, residential school, monasteries, children's homes, prisons, etc.
Name | Affiliation |
Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation | ROSSTAT |
Two-stage probability sampling with stratification and random sampling on each stage was considered the most adequate for household sample totality.
The base for sampling is:
On the first stage: aggregation of folders (enumeration districts) formed on the base of 1994 Microcensus dataset. Aggregation of folders is composed on regional level, for urban and rural population separately. Each folder (enumeration district) has a number assigned, where its belonging to certain administrative region (by region code) and locality (by locality code) is indicated.
On the second stage: totality of microcensus forms for a separate household within the enumeration district selected on the first stage.
Stratification is aimed at creating a representative household sample, reflecting territorial peculiarities of population distribution, its demographic and socio-economic structure.
During actual sampling for each subject of the Russian Federation were created tables, containing numbers of microcensus enumeration districts and microcensus forms included into the sampling. The selection of enumeration districts and forms was conducted on Federal level.
Four variants of selection were created within each enumeration district: the first is aimed at primary sampling per se; the second is aimed at replacing inaccessible households on this stage; third and fourth variants are aimed at replacing households withdrawed in the course of survey. The list of households addresses was created on regional level basing on information from the above mentioned tables.
To obtain a raised total statistical data weighting is used. Statistical weighting is performed by assigning statistical weight to each surveyed household. This weight characterizes total number of households represented by a part of sampled households.
Weighting of HBS data consists of two stages:
Weights for household individual budgets indicators are calculated quarterly.
HBS program represents a set of the following kinds of questionnaires differing by data collection period:
Household Diary is designated to record household's daily expenditures by certain types of expenditures and consumption within two consequent weeks of a quarter. Households are keeping diaries in accordance with a special rotation scheme. The procedure of households data collection using two-week diary records is organized on a rotation basis within one sample area. For this purpose the household sample totality surveyed by each interviewer is divided into 12 strata. The interviewer compiles rotation groups by lot.
Once the households have been divided into rotation groups, the interviewer enters households numbers into the household quarterly rotation scheme developed for these purposes. The rotation scheme is developed in such a way that each group is updated with 2 to 3 households weekly (depending on the sample area: urban or rural territory).
Household Register (Log Book) is designated to record household's expenditures on those days of the quarter when the household does not keep the Diary. Diary and Register is kept by the person administering all or part of total money, who is engaged in housekeeping most of all and is informed about other household's members expenditures, i.e. responsible person.
Questionnaire for Household Budget Survey (quarter) contains questions focused on collecting information for three months of the quarter prior to data collection.
Questionnaire for Household Budget Survey (annual) records information as at the end of forth quarter of the last (reporting) year. This information relates only to households surveyed within the fourth quarter.
Start | End | Cycle |
2015 | 2015 | Quarterly |
Name |
Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation |
Organizing data collection. Works order terms are regulated by regulatory acts and other documents of the Rosstat at all levels. Survey organization and implementation is conducted at three levels: federal level, regional level and field level.
Federal level units provide scientifical, methodological and organizational administration, develop working plans and proposals on allocation of financial and logistical support for Regional level. Quality analysis of collected data, preparation of summarized informational statistical materials for publication is also done on Federal level.
Relevant units of territorial bodies of state statistics implement the survey process on Regional level. Activities on Field level are organized and administered by these units following common organisational and methodological provisions. The staff of Regional level units has the following set of responsibilities: recruitment and training of personnel; public clarification of survey terms and procedures; support of activities related to the network of surveyed households; support of all kinds of activities related to information collection and processing; secure quality control over information quality and reliability, including inspection of interviewers' work.
Analytical and statistical materials, containing summarized survey results are also prepared and distributed on Regional level.
Field level provides direct activity for data collection from surveyed households. On the Field level the survey is conducted by specifically trained HBS experts (interviewers) - staff of territorial bodies of the Rosstat. Interviewer's responsibility is to collect information from 30 households in urban regions (25 households before the first half of 1998) and 25 households in rural regions.
Field level activities are based on corresponding survey regulations. Interviewer is forbidden to question a household not present in the sample, influence on respondent's answers, disclose respondent's answers and survey results, make corrections to completed survey forms unknown to members of surveyed household.
Personnel involved in HBS at every level is personally responsible for confidentiality of households' information.
Diary and Register records should be codified upon collection. Codes for different types of household's expenditures are assigned basing on Classifier of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP), the Classifier of household monetary expenditures (not related to consumption) and capital expenditures, and Classifier of household monetary expenditures related to business activity.
COICOP is a standardized tool for collecting, processing and presenting statistical information in accordance with the System of National Accounts of the Russian Federation methodology and HBS harmonization recommendations by the European Statistical Commission (Eurostat, 1997).
Computer input of HBS raw data from paper forms and its verification is performed on regional level using uniform software and the same scheme for all territorial bodies of State Statistics.
Name |
Poverty - GP |
The use of the datasets must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation. Russian Federation Household Budget Survey (HBS) 2015, Ref. RUS_2015_HBS_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [URL] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | |
Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation | ROSSTAT | |
ECA Team for Statistical Development | World Bank | |