Data file |
Identification Data 2013
The file contains the Identification data for households
Main data of Socio-economic monitoring 2013
Questionnaire's serial number in sample
Governorate Housing unit location to the Barrier (WB)/buffer zone (GS) Result of the interview Total No of household members Total No of Males Total No of Females Kind of dwelling unit the family live in Type of tenure Main building material for external walls Current dwelling usage status Total number of rooms in the housing unit? (excluding kitchen & bathroom) Total number of bedrooms in the housing unit The main source of water in household The main source of drinking water in household Number of days of water availability to housing when the source is a national or public Israeli network The main source of electricity in the housing unit Availability of wastewater disposal system Way to get rid of household waste Availability of a Kitchen Availability of a Bathroom Availability of a toilet main source of energy for cooking main source of energy for heating main source of energy used for Conditioning main source of energy for baking main source of energy for water heating Number of private cars in household Number of electric refrigerators in the household Number of solar water heaters in the household Number of washing machines Number of gas/electric burner Number of dishwashers in the household Number of central heating in the household Number of power vacuum in the household Number of libraries in the household Number of televisions in the household Number of computers in the household Number of telephone lines in the household Number of Palestinian mobiles in the household Number of Israeli mobiles in the household Number of video devices / DVD in the household Number of satellite dishes in the household Number of Internet subscriptions in the household Number of radios / sterios in the household Number of printers in the household Number of microwaves in the household Dryers clothing in the household Number of ovens gas / electricity in the household Number of pitchers heating in the household Number of greenhouses in the household Number of water filters in the household land been confiscated/ isolated by Israel since the uprising of 2000? Area of confiscated/ isolated land Access to the confiscated/ isolated land family home demolishing (part / whole) or deported since the uprising of 2000 Possession of agricultural land Area of Open irrigated vegetables land Area of Protected vegetables land Area of rain fed vegetables land Area of Field crops land Area of Horticultural trees (not olive tree) land Area of Olive trees land Area of Arable land and not used land Area of Non Arable land Total area (m²) Using artisan well/spring for irrigating Using public network for irrigating Using tanks for irrigating Using Well-rain for irrigating Using Rain fed for irrigating Using other source for irrigating Possession of livestock Number of cows of milk Number of fattening calves Number of Sheep Number of goat Number of poultry Number of beehives Number of cattle Number of fish Number of other poultry Number of other Using of artisan well/spring for animal raising Using public network for animal raising Using tanks for animal raising Using of Well-rain for animal raising Using Other soure for animal raising Marketing of agricultural products by household consumption or gifts % Marketing of agricultural products by direct selling from the farmer to the consumer % Marketing of agricultural products by sales of associations, cooperatives food processing % Marketing of agricultural products by sales through brokers / Hisbah (wholesalers) % Marketing of agricultural products by direct sales stores (retailers) % Marketing of agricultural products by sell in special family store / Basta on the street % Marketing of agricultural products by other way % receiving any assistance in the field of agricultural production inputs (plant, animal) providing seeds / seedlings Supply of fertilizers Rehabilitation or construction Greenhouses Provide irrigation network Provide veterinary assistance (medicines) Provide fodder Provide Animals or poultry (sheep, poultry, birds, etc.. Create a home wells or agricultural wells Provide water purification units (water used) Establishment of home gardens Other/Specify Lack or limited availability of inputs (seeds, seedlings, fertilizers) Rising prices of inputs (seeds, seedlings, fertilizers) Lack or limited availability of water Higher water prices Difficult access to land Difficulty marketing Lower product prices Israeli actions Other Support production inputs Assistance in marketing Provision of agricultural extension services Improve agricultural technology Technical qualification and training Small or medium-sized loans Other The total number of male workers The number of male workers in full time The number of male workers part time The total number of female workers Number of female workers in full time Number of female workers in part time receive assistance by HH The first type of assistance The second type of assistance The third type of assistance The fourth type of assistance The fifth type of assistance The sixth type of assistance The seventh type of assistance Number of times for the first type of assiatance Number of times for the second type of assiatance Number of times for the third type of assiatance Number of times for the fourth type of assiatance Number of times for the fifth type of assiatance Number of times for the sixth type of assiatance Number of times for the seventh type of assiatance Total value for the first type of assistance Total value for the second type of assistance Total value for the third type of assistance Total value for the fourth type of assistance Total value for the fifth type of assistance Total value for the sixth type of assistance Total value for the seventh type of assistance Source of the first type of assistance Source of the second type of assistance Source of the third type of assistance Source of the fourth type of assistance Source of the fifth type of assistance Source of the sixth type of assistance Source of the seventh type of assistance The satisfaction on the first assistance The satisfaction on the second assistance The satisfaction on the third assistance The satisfaction on the fourth assistance The satisfaction on the fifth assistance The satisfaction on the sixth assistance The satisfaction on the seventh assistance Dissatisfaction with the first assistance due to quantity Dissatisfaction with the second assistance due to quantity Dissatisfaction with the third assistance due to quantity Dissatisfaction with the fourth assistance due to quantity Dissatisfaction with the fifth assistance due to quantity Dissatisfaction with the sixth assistance due to quantity Dissatisfaction with the seventh assistance due to quantity Dissatisfaction with the first assistance due to quality Dissatisfaction with the second assistance due to quality Dissatisfaction with the third assistance due to quality Dissatisfaction with the fourth assistance due to quality Dissatisfaction with the fifth assistance due to quality Dissatisfaction with the sixth assistance due to quality Dissatisfaction with the seventh assistance due to quality Dissatisfaction with the first assistance due to the number of times Dissatisfaction with the second assistance due to the number of times Dissatisfaction with the third assistance due to the number of times Dissatisfaction with the fourth assistance due to the number of times Dissatisfaction with the fifth assistance due to the number of times Dissatisfaction with the sixth assistance due to the number of times Dissatisfaction with the seventh assistance due to the number of times Dissatisfaction with the first assistance due to the type Dissatisfaction with the second assistance due to the type Dissatisfaction with the third assistance due to the type Dissatisfaction with the fourth assistance due to the type Dissatisfaction with the fifth assistance due to the type Dissatisfaction with the sixth assistance due to the type Dissatisfaction with the seventh assistance due to the type Dissatisfaction with the first assistance due to other reasons Dissatisfaction with the second assistance due to other reasons Dissatisfaction with the third assistance due to other reasons Dissatisfaction with the fourth assistance due to other reasons Dissatisfaction with the fifth assistance due to other reasons Dissatisfaction with the sixth assistance due to other reasons Dissatisfaction with the seventh assistance due to other reasons Family's dependence on aid to meet the daily needs of food Period of steadfast financially Sickness of the bread winner loss of any HH members job loss of HH business loss of HH property (house, land, agricultural, green house, etc) Difficulties in reaching work place, land, etc loss of assets (car, well, poultry, etc) loss of sources of aid loss of all or part of wage Delay in receiving wages lack of access to raw materials Family member got new job, inheritance, better job, new project Moving to a better services area Rising cost of living Reduce expenditure on smoking (use of electronic cigarette / change the type of smoke / quit or reduce smoking) Other Not pay bills/utilities Number of times not pay bills/utilities Using not pay bills/utilities in future Sell off assets jewelry, furniture, productive assets, etc Number of times sell off assets Using sell off assets in future Used life savings Number of times used life savings Using life savings in future Regrouping of family members to save money Number of times used Regrouping of family members to save money Using regrouping of family members to save money in future Reduce health and education expenses Number of times reduce health and education expenses to save money Using reduce health and education expenses in future Change place of residence Number of times change place of residence to save money Using change place of residence in future Eaten stored food_West Bank Number of times Eaten stored food_West Bank Possibility of using eaten stored food in future_West Bank Collected wild plants_West Bank Number of times collected wild plants_West Bank Possibility of using collected wild plants in future_West Bank Bought and consumed fewer types of food items_West Bank Number of times Bought and consumed fewer types of food items_West Bank Possibility of using Bought and consumed fewer types of food items in future_West Bank Bought and consumed fewer types of food items_West Bank Number of times bought and consumed fewer types of food items_West Bank Possibility of using bought and consumed fewer types of food items in future_West Bank Reduced portion of food for adults in favor of children's_West Bank Number of times reduced portion of food for adults in favor of children's_West Bank Possibility of using reduced portion of food for adults in favor of children's in future_West Bank Reduced number of daily meals_West Bank Number of times reduced number of daily meals_West Bank Possibility of using reduced number of daily meals in future_West Bank Purchased food on credit_West Bank Number of times purchased food on credit_West Bank Possibility of using purchased food on credit in future_West Bank Reduced the portion of meals for all household members_West Bank Number of times reduced the portion of meals for all household members_West Bank Possibility of using reduced the portion of meals for all household members in future_West Bank Asked for and received assistance from friends and/or relatives_West Bank Number of times asked for and received assistance from friends and/or relatives_West Bank Possibility of using asked for and received assistance from friends and/or relatives in future_West Bank Sent women and / or children to work for food_West Bank Number of times sent women and / or children to work for food_West Bank Possibility of using sent women and / or children to work for food in future_West Bank Eaten stored food_Gaza Strip Number of times Eaten stored food_Gaza Strip Possibility of using eaten stored food in future_Gaza Strip Collected wild plants_Gaza Strip Number of times collected wild plants_Gaza Strip Possibility of using collected wild plants in future_Gaza Strip Bought and consumed fewer types of food items_Gaza Strip Number of times Bought and consumed fewer types of food items_Gaza Strip Possibility of using Bought and consumed fewer types of food items in future_Gaza Strip Bought and consumed fewer types of food items_Gaza Strip Number of times bought and consumed fewer types of food items_Gaza Strip Possibility of using bought and consumed fewer types of food items in future_Gaza Strip Reduced portion of food for adults in favor of children's_Gaza Strip Number of times reduced portion of food for adults in favor of children's_Gaza Strip Possibility of using reduced portion of food for adults in favor of children's in future_Gaza Strip Reduced number of daily meals_Gaza Strip Number of times reduced number of daily meals_Gaza Strip Possibility of using reduced number of daily meals in future_Gaza Strip Purchased food on credit_Gaza Strip Number of times purchased food on credit_Gaza Strip Possibility of using purchased food on credit in future_Gaza Strip Reduced the portion of meals for all household members_Gaza Strip Number of times reduced the portion of meals for all household members_Gaza Strip Possibility of using reduced the portion of meals for all household members in future_Gaza Strip Asked for and received assistance from friends and/or relatives_Gaza Strip Number of times asked for and received assistance from friends and/or relatives_Gaza Strip Possibility of using asked for and received assistance from friends and/or relatives in future_Gaza Strip Sent women and / or children to work for food_Gaza Strip Number of times sent women and / or children to work for food_Gaza Strip Possibility of using sent women and / or children to work for food in future_Gaza Strip Doing Business hazardous / spam to get the money to buy food, such as working in the tunnels, begging, collecting stones and gravel from the border areas_Gaza Strip number of times doing business hazardous / spam to get the money to buy food_Gaza Strip Possibility of using doing business hazardous / spam to get the money to buy food_Gaza Strip Send women and girls to work in domestic service_Gaza Strip number of times send women and girls to work in domestic service_Gaza Strip possibility of using send women and girls to work in domestic service_Gaza Strip Head of the family is the main breadwinner for the family No. of breadwinner in the roster Private sector regular wage work Private sector Irregular wage Private sector Self employment Private sector employer Government (Public Sector) UNRWA (regular staff) Job creation programs Israel and settlements Cash Aid in kind aid (food, clothes….) Social insurance, pensions and retirement Transfers from Friends and Relatives Properties, Rents Profits, Interests and dividends Agriculture including livestock Proceed of assets/Specify…. Last month icome from private sector regular wage work Last month icome from Private sector Irregular wage Last month icome from Private sector Self employment Last month icome from Private sector employer Last month icome from Government (Public Sector) Last month icome from UNRWA (regular staff) Last month icome from Job creation programs Last month icome from Israel and settlements Last month icome from Cash Aid Last month come from in kind aid (food, clothes….) Last month icome from Social insurance, pensions and retirement Last month income from transfers from Friends and Relatives Last month income from Properties, Rents Last month income Profits, Interests and dividends Last month from agriculture including livestock Last month income from proceed of assets/Specify…. Yearly average icome from private sector regular wage work Yearly average icome from Private sector Irregular wage Yearly average icome from Private sector Self employment Yearly average icome from Private sector employer Yearly average icome from Government (Public Sector) Yearly average icome from UNRWA (regular staff) Yearly average Icome from Job creation programs Yearly average icome from Israel and settlements Yearly average Icome from Cash Aid Yearly average income from in kind aid (food, clothes….) Yearly average icome from Social insurance, pensions and retirement Yearly average income from transfers from Friends and Relatives Yearly average income from Properties, Rents Yearly average income Profits, Interests and dividends Yearly average income from agriculture including livestock Yearly average income from proceed of assets/Specify…. Totral number of resources Last month from all resources_Total Yearly average income from all resources_Total percentage of annual household income from agriculture, including animal husbandry change of household sources of income Reason of the change of household sources of income Change of household average monthly income Reason of the change of household average monthly income Possession of animals for transport to generate income Possession of taxi to generate income Possession of handicrafts to generate income Possession of agribusinesses to generate income Possession of truk to generate income Possession of tractoor to generate income Possession of business to generate income Possession of water tank to generate income Possession of sewing, knitting to generate income Possession of other to generate income expenditures of the household changed on food expenditures of the household changed on education expenditures of the household changed on health expenditures of the household changed on transportation expenditures of the household changed on clothes expenditures of the household changed on housing needs expenditures of the household changed on travel /recreation expenditures of the household changed on utility bills expenditures of the household changed on total consumption expenditures of the household changed on quantity of food purchased /consumed expenditures of the household changed on quality of food purchased consumed expenditures of the household changed on quantity of meat purchased /consumed expenditures of the household changed on quantity of fruits purchased /consumed expenditures of the household changed on quantity of milk purchased /consumed other household average monthly consumption during the past 6 months household average monthly food consumption during the past 6 months household average monthly water bills consumption through the water network during the past 6 months household average monthly consumption on water tanks and other water sources (tanks/ springs…) during the past 6 months Cash expences on cereals and cereal products (wheat, flour, purghul, frekeh) Cash expences on rice Cash expences on bread (and products) Cash expences on fish Cash expences on eggs Cash expences on red Meat Cash expences on white meat Chicken Cash expences on tinned fish/meat Cash expences on milk and dairy products Cash expences on olive oil Cash expences on oils and fats Cash expences on pickles (olives, and other vegetables) Cash expences on fruits Cash expences on vegetables Cash expences on legumes Cash expences on tubers (potatoes etc) Cash expences on dried fruits Cash expences on sugar and confectionaries Cash expences on zaatar (thyme) Cash expences on other types of food (tea, coffee, coco, salt, pepper , drinks) In kind receipts of cereals and cereal products (wheat, flour, purghul, frekeh) In kind receipts of rice In kind receipts of bread (and products) In kind receipts of fish In kind receipts of eggs In kind receipts of red Meat In kind receipts of white meat Chicken In kind receipts of tinned fish/meat In kind receipts of milk and dairy products In kind receipts of olive oil In kind receipts of oils and fats In kind receipts of pickles (olives, and other vegetables) In kind receipts of fruits In kind receipts of vegetables In kind receipts of legumes In kind receipts of tubers (potatoes etc) In kind receipts of dried fruits In kind receipts of sugar and confectionaries In kind receipts of zaatar (thyme) In kind receipts of other types of food (tea, coffee, coco, salt, pepper , drinks) Own production of cereals and cereal products (wheat, flour, purghul, frekeh) Own production of rice Own production of bread (and products) Own production of fish Own production of eggs Own production of red Meat Own production of white meat Chicken Own production of tinned fish/meat Own production of milk and dairy products Own production of olive oil Own production of oils and fats Own production of pickles (olives, and other vegetables) Own production of fruits Own production of vegetables Own production of legumes Own production of tubers (potatoes etc) Own production of dried fruits Own production of sugar and confectionaries Own production of zaatar (thyme) Own production of other types of food (tea, coffee, coco, salt, pepper , drinks) Expenditures on ready meals and drinks outside home (eaten at home). Expenditures on ready meals and drinks at restaurants. Expenditures on tobacco, cigarettes and liquor. Expenditures on transportation and communications (including bus fare, taxi, telephone bills, mobile cards, etc..) Personal care (including for women and men, adults and children) The value of expenditures on Medical expenses/health care (in the country and abroad if applicable)? Transportation and communications (including spare parts, Gasoline, repair costs, etc..)? Housing (includes cost of rent, routine non capital forming maintenance, cleaning materials and appliances, Water, electricity, etc...)? The value of expenditures on clothing and shoes (including for women and men, adults and children? The value of expenditures on recreational and cultural activities? The value of expenditures on education, school and university fees for all household members (in the country and abroad if applicable)? Purchase food on credit The average monthly percentage of food purchased on credit of total monthly food purchase Purchase of food on credit level loans on any of the household members Home loan Personal loan Car loan Home improvement loan Agriculture / trade / industry Cash withdrawals through electronic card Other/Specify…. Number of days consuming cereal products (wheat, flour, purghul, frekeh) Number of days consuming rice Number of days consuming bread (and products) Number of days consuming fish Number of days consuming eggs Number of days consuming red meat Number of days consuming white meat chicken Number of days consuming tinned fish/meat Number of days consuming milk and dairy products Number of days consuming olive oil Number of days consuming oils and fats Number of days consuming pickles (olives, and other vegetables) Number of days consuming fruits Number of days consuming vegetables Number of days consuming legumes Number of days consuming tubers (potatoes etc) Number of days consuming dried fruits Number of days consuming sugar and confectionaries Number of days consuming zaatar (thyme) Number of days consuming other types of food (tea, coffee, coco, salt, pepper , drinks) Country of cereals and cereal products (wheat, flour, purghul, frekeh) Country of rice Country of bread (and products) Country of fish Country of eggs Country of red meat Country of white meat chicken Country of tinned fish/meat Country of milk and dairy products Country of olive oil Country of oils and fats Country of pickles (olives, and other vegetables) Country of fruits Country of vegetables Country of legumes Country of tubers (potatoes etc) Country of dried fruits Country of sugar and confectionaries Country of zaatar (thyme) Country of other types of food (tea, coffee, coco, salt, pepper , drinks) Source of cereal products (wheat, flour, purghul, frekeh) Source of rice Source of bread (and products) Source of fish Source of eggs Source of red meat Source of white meat chicken Source of tinned fish/meat Source of milk and dairy products Source of olive oil Source of oils and fats Source of pickles (olives, and other vegetables) Source of fruits Source of vegetables Source of legumes Source of tubers (potatoes etc) Source of dried fruits Source of sugar and confectionaries Source of zaatar (thyme) Source of other types of food (tea, coffee, coco, salt, pepper , drinks) Assess the situation through the inability of family members from eating favorite types of food because of a lack of resources Assess the situation through the inability of family members from not having enough food Assess the situation through family members were forced to deal with specific types of food due to lack of resources Assess the situation through family members were forced to eat unfavorite types of food due to the lack of resources Assess the situation through family members were forced to eat less food due to shortage Assess the situation through family members were forced to eat fewer meals due to shortage Assess the situation through lack of / and the presence of food in the house because due to the lack of sources to buy it Assess the situation that a family member sleeped without eating (hungry / hungry) due to shortage Assess the situation that a family member did not ate throughout the day due to shortage movement restrictions represented an obstacle to the family difficulty of reaching work place Restrictions on movement to reach work place Cost related reasons prevent to reach work place Other reasons prevent to reach work place difficulty of reaching the land Restrictions on movement to reach the land Cost related reasons prevent to reach the land Other reasons prevent to reach the land difficulty of reaching the school or collage Restrictions on movement to reach the school or collage Cost related reasons prevent to reach the school or collage Other reasons prevent to reach the school or collage difficulty of reaching a health facility Restrictions on movement to reach a health facility Cost related reasons prevent to reach a health facility Other reasons prevent to reach a health facility Distance of home from public transport The wall or the buffer zone Impeding reach public transport Distance of home from the nearest doctor's office The wall or the buffer zone Impeding reach to the nearest private doctor clinic Distance of home from the nearest health center The wall or the buffer zone Impeding reach the nearest health center Distance of home from the nearest hospital The wall or the buffer zone Impeding reach the nearest hospital Distance of home from the nearest maternity center The wall or the buffer zone Impeding reach the nearest maternity Distance of home from the nearest school The wall or the buffer zone Impeding reach the nearest school Distance of home from the nearest center to buy food The wall or the buffer zone Impeding reach the nearest center to buy food final household weight locality type region area c |