Urban Employment Unemployment Survey 2014
Name | Country code |
Ethiopia | ETH |
Labor Force Survey [hh/lfs]
The 2014 Urban Employment Unemployment Survey is the eighth survey in the series.
The Urban Employment and Unemployment Survey program was designed to provide statistical data on the size and characteristics of the economically active and the inactive population of the country on continuous basis. The variables collected in the survey: socio-demographic characteristics of household members; economic activity during the last seven days and six months; including characteristics of employed persons such as hours of work, occupation, industry, employment status, and earnings from paid employment; unemployment and characteristics of unemployed persons.
The general objective of the 2014 Urban Employment and Unemployment Survey is to provide statistical data on the characteristics and size of the economic activity status i.e. employed, unemployed population of the country at urban levels on annual basis. The specific objectives of the survey are to:
• collect statistical data on the potential manpower and those who are available to take part in various socio-economic activities;
• update the data and determine the size and distribution of the labour force participation and the status of economic activity for different sub-groups of the population at different levels of the country; and also to study the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of these groups;
• identify the size, distribution and characteristics of employed population i.e. working in the formal or informal employment sector of the economy and earnings from paid employees and its distribution by occupation and Industry...etc;
• provide data on the size, characteristics and distribution of unemployed population and rate of unemployment;
• provide data that can be used to assess the situation of women’s employment or the participation of women in the labour force; and
• generated time series data to trace changes over time;
Sample survey data [ssd]
The 2014 Ethiopia Urban Employment Unemployment Survey covered the following topics:
The survey covered all urban parts of the country except three zones of Afar and six zones of Somali, where the residents are pastoralists.
Name | Affiliation |
Central Statistical Agency (CSA) | Government of Ethiopia |
Name | Role |
Government of Ethiopia | Funded the survey |
The 2007 Population and Housing Census was used as frame to select 30 households from the sample enumeration areas.
The country was divided into two broad categories.
Major urban centers: All regional capitals and five other major urban centers were included in this category. This category had a total of 16 reporting levels. A stratified two-stage cluster sample design was implemented to select the samples. The primary sampling units were EAs, from each EA 30 households were selected as a second stage unit.
Other urban centers: In this category, all other urban centers were included. This category had a total of 8 reporting levels. A stratified three stage cluster sample design was adopted to select samples from this category. The primary sampling units were urban centers and the second stage sampling units were EAs. From each EA 30 households were selected at the third stage.
Response rate of the survey was 99.8%
The questionnaire that was used to collect the data had six sections:
Section - 1: Area identification of the selected household: this section dealt with area identification of the respondents such as region, zone, wereda, etc.
Section - 2: Socio- demographic characteristics of households: it consisted of the general socio-demographic characteristics of the population such as age, sex, education, status and type of migration, disability, literacy status, educational Attainment, types of training and marital status.
Section – 3: Economic activities during the last seven days: this section dealt with a range of questions which helps to see the status and characteristics of employed persons in a current status approach such as hours of work in productive activities, occupation, industry, status in employment, earnings from employment, job mobility, service year for paid employees employment in the formal and informal sector and time related under employment.
Section – 4: Unemployment and characteristics of unemployed persons: this section focused on the size, rate and characteristics of the unemployed population.
Section – 5: Economic activities during the last twelve months: this section consists of the usual economic activity status refereeing to the long reference period i.e. engaged in productive activities during most of the last twelve months, reason for not being active, status in employment, main occupation and industry with two digit codes.
Section – 6: Economic activities of children age 5-17 years: this section comprises information on the participation of children age 5-17 years in the economic activities, whether attending education, reason for not attending education, whether they were working during the last seven days, reason for working, for whom they are working, types of injury at work place, whether using protective wear while working and frequency of working periods, and orphan hood status.
Start | End |
2014-04-16 | 2014-05-03 |
Name | Affiliation |
Central Statistical Agency | Government of Ethiopia |
The 25 Branch Statistical Offices of the Agency were responsible to carry out the data collection operation. These offices have permanent and contract enumerators stationed in the selected enumeration areas. The data collection operation of the survey involved a total of about 696 enumerators and 220 supervisors with an average supervisor to enumerator ratio of 1: 3.
The interviews were done by canvassing from house-to-house. Information was collected directly from the head of the household or from other responsible household member. The enumerators were assigned to two sampled enumeration area, where he/she could easily converse with the respondent's dialect. However, in some cases whenever enumerator faces difficulty to converse with the respondent's dialect interpreters were used to facilitate the data collection.
Data collection from the field took place from April 16 to May 3, 2014. During the survey data collection operation, close and regular supervision was undertaken at various levels. Immediately after the commencement of the data collection exercise the supervisors had made spot checking, re-interviewing and a thorough scrutiny of filled-in questionnaires to ensure that the data collection activities are taking place according to the given instruction. The branch statistical office heads, coordinators and statisticians were also made supervision of the data collection operation. Moreover, senior staff members from the CSA head office made field supervision activities in seven branches for a week at different towns.
The filled-in questionnaires that were retrieved from the field were first subjected to manual editing and coding. During the fieldwork, field supervisors and statisticians of the head and branch statistical offices have checked the filled-in questionnaires and carried out some editing. However, the major editing and coding operation was carried out at the head office. All the edited questionnaires were again fully verified and checked for consistency before they were submitted to the data entry by the subject matter experts.
Using the computer edit specifications prepared earlier for this purpose, the entered data were checked for consistencies and then computer editing or data cleaning was made by referring back to the filled-in questionnaire. This is an important part of data processing operation to maintain the quality of the data. Consistency checks and rechecks were also made based on frequency and tabulation results. This was done by senior programmers using CSPro software in collaboration with the senior subject matter experts from Manpower Statistics Team of the CSA.
Estimation procedures, estimates, and CV's for selected tables are provided in the Annex II and III of the survey final report.
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.