Table of contents |
Form No. 1 Household Monetary Expenses
Section 0. General household data
Section 1. Household composition
Section 2. Labour monetary income and pensions
Section 3. Monetary incomes
Section 4. Purchase of food products
Section 5. Acquisition of clothes, hosiery, fabrics and shoes
Section 6. Acquisition of furniture and cultural and home items
Section 7. Purchase of soap, synthetical detergents, haberdashery, cosmetics, medications, sanitary and hygiene items, tobacco products, construction materials, fuel, fodder for lifestock and birdseeds for poultry and other goods according to the list for this section
Section 8. Monetary expenses on payment for personal and production services
Section 9. Marketing of food, fuel, fodder and other goods
Section 10. Acquisition of lifestock, poultry and bees
Section 11. Monetary expenses
Section 12. Incomes from individual labour activity relating to non-food goods and service delivery
Form No. 2 Household Supply and Consumption of Agricultural Produce, Fodder and Fuel
Section 0. General household data
section 1. Food products (in kg)
section 2. Supply and consumption of fuel and fodder
Form No. 3 Circulation of Cattle, Poultry and Their Productivity at Farms for
Section 1. Input and output of livestock, poultry and bees
Section 2. Livestock product yield
Form No. 6 Availability of Items of Durable Cultural and Domestic Purpose in Household
Form No. 5 Specifications of Household Living Conditions
Form No. 4 Specifications of Plot of Land Belonging to Household
Section 1. Land plot use
Section 2. Cropping
Form No. 7 Information on Each Family Member
Form No. 8 Report on Public Catering in a Canteen, Eatery or in Child-Care Institutions. |